
Veteran Expediter
KW Express
o/o till i die

just had a new compressor and dryer put on truck my question is how many cans should be put back in the system and what should my temp be coming out of the vents ?

mine is 69 just dont seem to cool down the cab that much of course the cab been sitting in the sun all day and it was in the 90s


Veteran Expediter
It depends. My vans took 2 lbs, the truck takes 3 lbs but my former 65 vette took 4 lbs for some reason. I would get one of those inexpensive low side gauge and use that to determine the charge, I think $15 for the entire unit with Freon. you may have a problem with the O-Tube - which I have to replace on my wifes truck tomorrow and flush the system or the system may be over charged.


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
Assuming as Gregg mentioned, that there isn't a o-ring failure, call your dealer with your serial number. They can tell you what it is suppose to have (how many pounds) according to specs. It should blow around 60 degrees at the vent.
Make sure also that your heater control valve has shut off all hot water to the heater and is working properly.
Test inlet hoses into the heater core to ensure they aren't hot. FL had alot of problems with these on certain models.
The old ones are silver and the new retrofits are brass or gold looking.
Hope that helps.

22 years
EO moderator


Expert Expediter
sixwheeler 826 hey kwexpress,i also have a t300,we had ac problems last week.went to kw dealer,found expansion valve bad.replaced it and it is working fine now.also replaced o tube.good luck let me know.six wheeler44 out.;)


Expert Expediter
I've had a few goes at the AC system on my 99 int 4900, I changed the compressor, and flushed the system, changed one of the two expansion valves. Problem was I didn't do some things in the proper order so it was a lot of discharging and recharging the system. My truck holds 4.5lbs with the sleeper, per the manual, but no one would tell me how many cans that was. So I bought a case of charge and added until the compressor shut down, then I changed the hoses to the high side and released enough back into the can until the compressor worked again. It worked fine for a week or two then started grinding when I would first start it for the day, that's when I added an extra can of OIL to the system, never made another sound afterwards. Good Luck


Veteran Expediter
>sixwheeler 826
> hey kwexpress,i also have a
>t300,we had ac problems last week.went to kw dealer,found
>expansion valve bad.replaced it and it is working fine
>now.also replaced o tube.good luck let me know.six wheeler44

Ahhh.... OK..... an expansion valve and an orifice tube, someone explain that one to me?