about Flat rate Fsc


Retired Expediter
FSC is only on paid miles. OVM gets empty move pay with no FSC, a very good thing. I'm at the "standard" FSC. I have yet been paid for empty move, seems you are just hung out to dry, so I move when I have to on my own dime....

Here is the problem with the "standard" FSC.

The billed amount may be 32 cpm, I get .16 per mile. The rest is in the "pot" to be given out to those that need more? S/T and T/T.


Billed amount is at the "standard" FSC and helps in the bidding to get the load.

Some customers do not pay for any FSC but, the company will always pay the FSC, even at a lower rate, pulled from the "POT".

I want all loads to stand on their own. Pay me the billed FSC and I will come out ahead, always.

Exactly Edster....Turtle has numbers doing it both ways...always ahead getting the 100% of the billed amount.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I was thinking about Ford loads in my s/t paying 11-13cpm when the next lowest paid 18-19cpm and most were 2x cpm. I do very little automotive in my van and none for Ford so far.


Expert Expediter
They don't tell me that all the time as we don't really have a sprinter rate..I honestly would be guessing Jeff...

Without seeing the freight I couldn't tell either, but knowing how NLM works, I'd say that was a sprinter/12 ft straight load. Ford/NLM loads get considerably less FSC for actual van freight.


Veteran Expediter
At the end of the 1982 truck strike,the fsc agreement was,for ever nickel the fuel price jumped,we were to get a penny a loaded mile.They figured it that way,cause most trucks at that time got close to 5mpg.My fsc at TRI State depends on each customers contract.Whether I'm getting 100%,I don't really know,but I do know some loads the fsc was high enough it actually paid for all the fuel.
Contrary to belief,the FSC isn't suppose to pay for your fuel,but subsidize the higher cost of the fuel.I don't believe anyone can actually prove they are getting 100% of the FSC.When I was at FDCC,the FSC made the cost of fuel stay constant at 1.25 /gal.You could always figure whatyou were getting,but was it 100% of what the customer was charged,didn't matter as we also got it on M T miles.Do I like it the way I get it now,bottom line,it's not much different,but we do have some customers that their FSC isn't near what it should be,we also have customers that the rate is very very high
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Veteran Expediter
NLM loads are not all inclusive. There is a fuel surcharge on every NLM load. It is based on the tariff rate that your carrier bids on the load. The higher the spot bid, the higher the fuel surcharge. The lower the spot bid, the lower the fuel surcharge. If rates on NLM and automotive freight are going cheap with cheap fuel surcharges, your carrier is the one who is responsible for that.

OVM appears to have done some really high paying automotove loads because his carier seems to bid higher rates for the same loads that everyone else is doing, and his carrier still wins the bids. Why don't all carriers large and small alike bid a certain really good rate and if you get the load you get it, if you don't; well you don't. It's that simple. Don't lowball just because other people are doing it!


Veteran Expediter
Remember; load boards do not set the rates. The carriers who bid on the boards set the rates. NLM does not set the fuel surcharge, your carrier does that. Don't blame the 3pl's for the shortcomings of your own carriers!


Veteran Expediter
About 5 years ago the container outfit BB&T (I think) lost a class action law suit brought on by the owner operators of their company. They were keeping part of the FSC that the company was charging the customers. A friend of mine who was leased to them for years got about 4500k back after they lost. The court told them the FSC is for the operator not the company. Something to think about.:cool:


Seasoned Expediter
The FSC is a complication that should not exist. How many of us actually compare it to how much fuel we are going to use for that load? In the end it all breaks down to how much you get per mile verses how much you spend per mile. Deadhead and detention are completly different isuues and have to be negotiated. The FSC just confuses the bidding or accepting procecure. If I have to quote a fuel service charge I use 15% of the national average and I get it all. Just moving eggs around. I don't know how this would affect fuel taxes as I am a C unit and just pay a lump sum annually.


Veteran Expediter
Motor Carrier Executive
US Army
It is one of the few things I would not mind seeing the goverment regulate!


Veteran Expediter

I mean this sometimes prevents the Owner/Driver in actually making money, many are so concern with the FSC that they can't see it is the total revenue that counts.