When Ohio State gets beat by LSU they may not want to start a fight with them like they did Ill. The corn fed boys from Loseranna might put a hurt on yalls players when the fists start flying.
Noboby thought my Hogs were going to beat LSU either. It funny both teams in the championship game got beat by unranked teams while in the #1 spot. And if LSU doesn't beat OSU it will be a close game. Like Rich said SEC is some real smashmouth football.
Ark "a word to the wise" who ya talking to Ohio State Fans? Your kidd'n right.
Now people Ohio State Fans keep this in perspective this is just joking back and forth no bar room fights here its only a game. And we can jab at each other without taking seriously enough to throw the beer bottles.
At least someone got it. Word to the wise was the punch lne of the joke. I knew my Hogs didn't have a snow ball's chance in h$ll of winning a National Championship but it would be nice to see a SEC team win it though.
The truth of the matter is that OSU is 1-9 against SEC teams in bowl games. Having said that I think this the year we become 2-9....More importantly though, I would put the average IQ of an Ohioan up against the average IQ of a Louisiana resident anytime. We would win that contest everyday!
The IQ rating isn't the only thing people from Ohio would rank higher in than folks from Loseranna. The other is Ohio citizens are much ruder than the people from down on the bayou.J/K:+
Well since you are semi-retired.... I suppose I could spring for a frosty one or two. I'll take care of ya buddy! I know you're on a fixed income and all. LOL!!!