There was one nutcase senator that went on CNN saying that some of the problems is our law's.
she explained how mental doctors cannot act to protect the public when they encounter a patient they believed is about to comet a crime. all doctors can do is find a Judge that will agree with them.
she think doctors should have same power as the judicial and enforcement system.
this crazy Senator said that she think more legislation needs to be introduced to allow doctors to restrain mentally ill's, in a closed secured environment.
And we reelect those peoples ?
this goe's back to post # 18, [thanks for sharing!]. what did we expect that doctors to do? to take almost all of his brother freedom away ? to punish him for a crime he is yet to comet ? dose 'the minority report' ring a bell ?
What dose "Meaningful actions to ensure this will never happen again" mean ? (Obama!)
is that include limiting our freedom base on a (Gov. sponsored) mental doctor opinion ?
with one forth(or so) of our society on behavioral drugs, is that one of the needed keys to a FEMA camps ?
are we really willing to give so much of our freedom away, because we need the Gov. to protect us ?
funny how in less then 8 hours, we went from "cutting spending & entitlement programs" to "spending more on mental services" (be it by budget or by ObamaCare).
anyone else noted how we just lost a week of 'fiscal cliff" negotiation ?
no other news to report ?.
this is not media obsessives, this is Gov. directed.
(got to find conspiracy somewhere, LoL)