LOL, healthy and stable one in any part of the world...LOL...really....
But lets give it a shot..imprison and kill all liberals to start with, then we could do away with all of their "we can take care of you better then you can yourself feel good fix everything for the poor programs. Then kill all the welfare entitlement crowd that feel the need to drain the working people class of their money for their support...then just for giggles start a few more wars where ever we feel like it just to do it...
Oh and internment camps yea that worked once before in our history, we could do those again...i mean we all ready have those FEMA camps and railcars ready to go...
Makes about as much sense as what this "shared sacrifice" and spread the wealth and tax the rich and give to the needy , greedy corporations need to be piliaged and their excess profits returned to the people robin hood crap does....
My "feeling of superiority" !?!? Phew thats a joke.. i am one of the most "Inferior" people around... there are soo many here that run rings around me as being just plain good people..and doing what capable and needed...I take no superior position to anyone here..well maybe a few..but then we all do that now don't we....Now if you think that i think i am superior to those that won't or don't work and continue to live off of the working class of society, yea well that you would probably be right about..since i believe in taking responsibilty for mine and myself and not taking a hand out from the government to live on..yea you'd be right....that being said, yes some are victims of current job loss, and by current i mean within the last 18-24 months, and helping them is fine to a limited extent, but beyond that..nope sorry...oh that help shouldn't be coming from the FEDERAL government...
As for how to get there, if its not provided for in the US Constitution and or voted on on the state level..then do away with it...its really that simple.....and notice i said state level, because thats where most help if not provided by family, charity and the church should be handled....that way the people have more control over what for job creation, get the governement out of the way, remove 90% of the Federal govermental agencies that oversee business and get rid of most if not all regulations on the Federal level and reduce the Federal Corp taxes that are paid by the people, since corporations don't pay taxes...Any regulations of business that isnt covered my the Constitution and ammendments should be on the state level...
Totally revamp the tax system, with most of what is collected going to the states..and the states control what the budget of the fed gov will be the the tax dollars that go to pay for that budget....
Limit ALL goverment elected positions to no more then 4 yrs...and no chance of coming back at all ever...get rid of government pensions for all elected officials, i mean they do what they do out of the goodness of their hearts and for the unions for government workers. Limited power for states workers unions...private sector can deal with the unions as they see fit...
Thats a good start, a pipe dream but a good start And as for dialogue or conversation, where did you get the idea i was after??? Iam sure you read my response in another thread where i said as long as it fuels the discourse, i am fine with it....fact or fiction, doesn't mean a thing as long as it serves the agenda....kind like the politics of today...
Oh and please notice that no where did i take a single shot at you personally...and for what it is worth, most politicians including liberals from both parties and the one that occupies the WH are scum...but then we get what we deserve don't we...
PS: lol i know this just goes against the conversation deal i just posted about, but oh..don't take this as a shot at you, but since you asked me a question, ill ask you, have the people given barry a long enough chance and time as we were told we needed to do and how is that hope and change working for you ??? And if you don't care to answer thats ok, because i am sur id use it at a later date...
Paul, while i am not posting this for your benefit, I have often and in past post here referred to myself as a Conservative with Libertarian leanings...i am not registered to either party but as a independent, and i have voted for both parties including bill clinton both times....