A Sign of Things To Come


Veteran Expediter
OVM... my mother was a Catholic and they are hardly a minority. They are hundreds of millions strong, making them the largest spoke in the Christian wheel.
Radical Islam is not a race, it's a religion. I am not aware of any example in history where Islam lived in peaceful co-existence with others who believed differently. You bring a Canadian point of view, and that's fine. God bless Canada.


Veteran Expediter
I wouldn't trust anything I read on Wikipedia. Any crackhead with a computer can post something on there as fact. Why do you think college instructors don't allow it to be used as an internet source in a paper?


Retired Expediter
I wouldn't trust anything I read on Wikipedia. Any crackhead with a computer can post something on there as fact. Why do you think college instructors don't allow it to be used as an internet source in a paper?

Joe...in this case wiki is correct...

Aristotle....when I said minority...i was referring to when they emmigrated over here....

Your other points are taken...


Veteran Expediter
The real problem is that we are quick, too quick to accommodate on the basis of discrimination.

In the past the Italians were looked down upon, for almost 140 years. The eastern Europeans and the Catholics until the 1950s.

Here we have a group of Somalis who, like in Minnesota have demanded to be accommodated due to religion. Minnesota and (Michigan for that matter) it is about foot baths that are installed with public money, which there seems to be a promotion of religion by the state. In the case of Tyson, well once it starts in one place, it will spread.


Veteran Expediter
Ok Moot...I see now...but I still stand by both....In the above article it states that the Original hoilday will stand and the new one will be an add on....they aren't eliminating anything and not changing anything..

The original holiday will not stand. They will labor on Labor Day and get a holiday in October. They won't lose a paid holiday, it will just be coming a month later.

SHELBYVILLE, Tenn. -- Some workers at a local plant will no longer to be able to take their Labor Day holiday because of religious reasons.
Workers at the Tyson Foods poultry processing plant in Shelbyville will no longer have a paid day off on Labor Day but will instead be granted the Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr.


Veteran Expediter
Instead of having the usual Labour Day Holiday which has been enjoyed for years, and having to give unpaid time off to 700 of the workers, they will give the paid holiday a month later, and give unpaid time off to a portion of the 500 other workers, the ones who specifically want their long weekend in September.
For those, will it work out the same? If they take the September holiday unpaid, will they also have to take the paid holiday in October? Or will they be able to work it at double time and a half, to make up for their September day off?

Black Sheep

Expert Expediter
The article doesn't address compensation for infidels that want to work on the Muslim holiday. I have to wonder if the Muslims would even allow anyone to work on that day, considering that it might violate their religious practices. Everyone knows how touchy they are about those kinds of things.

Notice also in the article that Tyson has built two prayer rooms to accomodate the Muslims. Before long, they'll want those things along with foot baths, etc. to be build in every plant in the country to especially accomodate their religion. This precedent has already been set with the ADA for people with disabilities, so it's not a stretch to see these Muslim lobbysts arguing for prayer rooms and foot baths the same as others do for wheelchair ramps and handicapped parking spaces. What's more, a lot of this stuff could happen under the radar in state and federal legislatures so no one knows about it until after the fact.

No other religion makes these kinds of demands, because no other religion cloaks itself as such to disguise it's political nature. We need to draw a definite line at making special religious accomodations for these Muslims before they infect our entire culture


Retired Expediter
I made a delivery in Alabama and the company had a Christian type chapel in the break room.....tit for tat I suppose...


Expert Expediter
This received from an unidentified correspondent in the Department of Defense.

"Towel Heads"

Recently I received a warning about the use of this
politically incorrect term.

Please try to pay attention.

We have been informed that the Islamic terrorists do not
like to be called "Towel Heads" since the item they wear on their heads is actually a small folded sheet.

Therefore, from this point forward, please refer to them as
"little sheet heads."

Thank you for your support on this delicate matter.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There is still hope for sanity - Tyson and the union REVERSED THEIR DECISION and have reinstated Labor Day as a paid holiday for their Shelbyville, TN plant. They will now have 9 paid holidays instead of 8 for only the one year. Evidently, once the locals found out about this atrocity the well-known stuff hit the proverbial fan. It certainly helped that this story was all over the internet and talk radio, so there was a flood of protest from all over the country. Even the Mayor of Shelbyville submitted a scathing letter to the local newspaper. Kudos to the Shelbyville Times-Gazette for bringing this story into the light of day.

Shelbyville Times-Gazette: Story: Tyson workers revote; Labor Day brought back

One other note - in their original statement, the Union claimed that of the 1200 employees at this plant 700 were Muslims. By Tuesday they had revised that figure on their website, reducing it to 400. Shortly thereafter, Tyson issued a statement saying the union totally misrepresented the number of Muslim employees and that the actual figure was about 250 - an obvious minority for which a major concession was being made.

Of course there's the usual whining from the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR) claiming that this decision is the result of Islamic hate groups and other Islamophobic sentiment within the general population. One would naturally expect this reaction from a support group of Hamas.

Hopefully, more communities will have the courage to say NO to these Muslim intrusions on our culture.
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Not a Member
When the Italians flooded into this country shoulda threw the back into the ocean eh??? Even maybe the catholics...
We wouldn't have organized crime and No Al Copone or Gotti family....
Your paranoia is not unnoticed...nor your prejudice

Heck for that matter I should go back to Canada for speaking my mind and actually having an opinion that isn't traditional...

Take off Eh? You hooser.....kalucka koo kalucka koo..Good day eh?