A-minus unit?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
While driving across 10 in Florida today I was passed by a placarded nuclear hazard Toyota Corolla. I wasn't sure what class that unit would fall in. Maybe it's a Z unit that hasn't even made it to the alphabet beginning yet?

Leo Bricker, owner trucks 3034, 4958
OOIDA 677319
73's K5LDB
EO Forum Moderator 1+ Years of Service
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Maybe that's why it went past so fast. Seriously though, it was placarded for transporting just like my truck would have been.

Leo Bricker, owner trucks 3034, 4958
OOIDA 677319
73's K5LDB
EO Forum Moderator 1+ Years of Service
Expediters Online.com - The Best is Getting Better!
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Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Nothing like having a Radioactive shipment in your back seat. I bet it was some kind of joke,did the Toyota have any type of DOT markings on it??


Veteran Expediter
Leo I may have an answer for you!

I was Talking to my wife who's a radiographer (xray tech) Turned truck driver and she said that it was more than likely a delivery vehicle for a nuclear medical lab. transporting radioactive isatopes used in diagnostic medical testing.

Most of the time they use van for this but I guess times are tough all over and using a rice burner saves some $bucks$.

Hope this helped!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I really don't know about markings. I was running about 61-62 and estimate it was running in the 75-80 range when it passed me. I saw a placard taped to the passenger side and one taped to the back window and they were nuclear. I figured they had a shielded box in the trunk with something small in it and didn't need a van or even a minivan so why not get the better mpg. I just found it funny thinking about an "expediter" in a Toyota Corolla. I sure wouldn't mind the cpm for fuel though.

Leo Bricker, owner trucks 3034, 4958
OOIDA 677319
73's K5LDB
EO Forum Moderator 1+ Years of Service
Expediters Online.com - The Best is Getting Better!
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