Very interesting for me, this topic as it combines many of the elements that are attracting me to join in on this Expediter thing not the least of which are the conversations and interesting thoughts that I have been exposed to here in the culture that has been created by all of you, I also am one who uses a CPAP. Didn't know anything about it until my daughter suggested I get tested because a friend of her's dad was going blind because of not being diagnosed for it until his VISION started to fail!
I was tested. Me got it. Felt terrible thinking I needed to use a MACHINE to just sleep properly. Ugh... difference in my attitude of feeling bad about using one was caused by the guy who gave it to me and instructed me how to use it. My simple question to him was how soon would it make a difference? His reply was 1 night.
He was dead on right in my case. One night. Wow! Faithful user now for more than five years. I know longer had the case of just not enough energy some days for who knows why. Well I am grateful for having the machine. I am 22, going on into my later 60's, 5'11" ~190 lbs +/-, shouldn't I be in those regs too?
all five members of the FMCSA's Medical Review Board were doctors heavily and directly involved in the sleep industry in one way or another. Three of them ran sleep clinics, even. They change out the membership regularly, but over the years there has always been at least two members of the Board who are sleep specialists. Currently, 4 of the 5 board members are involved in the sleep industry. It should come as no surprise that they want to set the criteria for testing so as to get as many people as possible into the program with annual testing and on CPAP machines.
The survey, I think is asking: "Just how much Big Brother?"
Point. Falling asleep at the wheel. Folks getting killed... okay but individuals are responsible for their own health. A law or reg is only a "feel good" action in my view. The tragedy of some innocent being killed shall continue, not cynical or uncaring, just a fact, me thinks.
Exactly. It is all about following the money.
Being new to this arena, I do not know anything about its boards or regulators. Seems kinda smelly that the makeup of the board has an easily thought of motive for profiting off a troubling situation.
I personally am not shocked at the smell. I also believe that the docs motives primarily began with their efforts with a good will target, but secondarily $ also played a role. The $ ended up never being enough, in regards to profiting, so the "good will" aspect gets corrupted to the point it nearly disappears altogether, hence barely a thick enough facade to keep the $ motive hidden any longer.
Wrong place perhaps, but this sure seems to mirror the fact that corruption is legal, as is the corruption within how our Republic has been corrupted over time by the Courts. ( got out my hard hat so when the rocks start flying for posting what follows I can find some safety as I learn the culture here)
It seems that when individuals are preempted by groups, be that for personal health responsibilities, or ethical/moral accountability, an inherent thing like the healthy human desire for good will gets cloaked as in the proposed regs here. $ gained by individuals simply because they are shielded by their "grouping" or now "corporate" persona as a governing entity. Our Republic started out as being a government, board/regulators accountable ONLY to the people. However, beginning with The Rev John Bracken v. The Visitors of Wm & Mary College (7 Va. 573; 1790
Supreme Court of Virginia), that has been evolving so that today, it is the de facto case that the $ of the Corporate world rule us, not the other way around. This is absolutely legal, in fact, if the Corporation does not act in a way to increase the bottom line, regardless of hurting anything or anybody in the process it just doesn't matter, the law requires them to make profit for the stockholders or it shall be breaking the Law and can be taken to Court and sued by its stockholders. They are designed only to make a profit, not to be good/moral/ethical entities.
Please don't get me wrong. I do not hate corporations. I am a stock holder in some of them. We as a nation have the best there is in this regard. They are wonderful, powerful institutions that have created such wealth that they are often envied around the world. They are great, but only an experiment. Just as is our democracy. They just need to be tweaked a bit perhaps? Looking closely at the data/history over their lifetime of a mere ~210 years, We started'em & we ought to be able to make them conform to a model that keeps their exemplary strengths for profiting but make them accountable to humans, not the other way around.
The Trump, Bernie, Hillary and the rest of the current circus performance seems to be just another symptom of the same $ corruption. All of it legal, or at least obfuscated, actions which steal from the “commons”; us. Again, we started out as a Republic. It appears we may in fact just be a Plutocracy by evolution. It didn’t start that way, doesn’t have to stay that way. I have spoken to folks from the extreme left, right and middle of the road and this seems to be an issue they all seem to be concerned about.
Whew… get off the damned soap box dude...