Guest Author - Carolyn Chambers Clark, RN, EdD
What is ALS ?
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that attacks nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord resulting in muscle weakness and atrophy. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig's disease, is a progressive, fatal neurological disease affecting as many as 20,000 Americans with 5,000 new cases occurring in the United States each year. ALS strikes in mid-life. Men are about one-and-a-half times more likely to have the disease as women. The disorder belongs to a class of disorders known as motor neuron diseases.
What causes ALS?
ALS occurs when specific nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that control voluntary movement gradually degenerate. The loss of these motor neurons causes
the muscles under their control to weaken and waste away, leading to paralysis. ALS manifests itself in different ways, depending on which muscles weaken first.
What are the symptoms of ALS?
The symptoms of ALS include...
*tripping and falling
*loss of control in hands and arms
*difficulty speaking, swallowing and/or breathing
*persistent fatigue
*and twitching and cramping, sometimes quite severely.
*hearing, taste and smell are not affected, and for many people, muscles of the eyes and bladder are generally not affected
For the vast majority of people, their mind and thoughts are not impaired and remain sharp despite the progressive degenerating condition of the body.
What self-care measures can you take to complement your doctor's advice?
1. Reduce the load of toxins in the body.
This means eliminating preservatives, additives, food colorings, artificial sweeteners, MSG and artificial flavorings. It also means reducing exposure to airborne chemicals, such as perfumes and tobacco smoke, household chemicals and cleaners and pesticides and insecticides. Drink only filtered water, and prepare and store food in inert containers only (not plastics).
2. Reduce heavy and toxic metals already present in the body.
Many health care professionals agree that toxic metals and chemicals are a foundational component in the development of a serious neurological disorder like ALS.Toxins may have been ingested or inhaled through smoking, being around heavy and toxic cleaners or pesticides, drinking water that contains toxic metals, or other environmental means. This is extremely important, and highly recommended.
Toxic elements include Aluminum, Antimony, Arsenic, Bismuth, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Tin. Read labels of all medications, injections, immunizations, food and drinks to make sure none of these toxic elements are present. Any drinks or canned foods that contain water can contain toxic elements in the drinking water and don't have to be included in the label. Although your local water company monitors these toxins, a certain amount is allowed and if you have a weakened system already, aim to eliminate it all.
Here's how...
*Drink and use distilled water only for cooking. You can purchase this at your supermarket in gallons.
*Avoid beauty aids, deodorants and cookingware that contains aluminum.
*It's imperative to use whole foods that have not been pre-prepared and why organic foods are best because they have no pesticide residues. When the body is loaded with toxic metals and chemicals, nutritional supplements are not easily absorbed. The toxic metals bind up the receptor sites in the nervous system. When the heavy metals are removed however, the body is able to begin the regeneration process.
*Clay baths can help remove the heavy metals and chemicals from the tissues and organs of the body. Even daily clay foot baths in a bucket or plastic container can help. You can get the clay at a health food store and possibly Online. One brand I know of is Aztec Indian Healing Clay. The clay has the ability to pull harmful toxins out from the skin surface. Clay has been used for thousands of years as a facial cleanser, but also works to draw out poisons and toxins from other areas of the skin. (If you use the clay in your bathtub, be sure to get a drain guard from your hardware store so the clay doesn't clog your drain.)
*Milk thistle (silymarin is a safe herb you can find at a health food store) can detoxify the liver of dangerous toxins. Follow directions on the bottle.
3. Go Organic.
As much as possible, buy organic foods, even organic meats. This will greatly reduce the pesticides on produce, and the hormones and antibiotics that are used in meat production. Larger health food stores carry organic produce and meats. It's more expensive, but consider food as your medicine. Your body is a temple. Put only the best inside you and you will feel better and have more energy.
4. Try Gluten and Casein Free Diets
Many ALS patients are known to have bowel problems. This may be related to food allergies and/or leaky gut syndrome. Gluten and casein free diets have helped many people with bowel problems, and digestive symptoms improve when these foods are eliminated from the diet. Here's how to do it...
*Eat no wheat, rye, barley or oat bread, cereals or pastas (try spelt bread and amaranth, polenta or corn meal, tapioca, potato starch, potato flour, quinoa flour, or wild rice for cereals and side dishes),
*Eliminate milk and milk products (cheese, yogurt, ice cream, etc.). Read all labels, even in the health food store.
*Focus on fresh organic fruits and vegetables (many large health food stores carry them), and soy milk and soy milk products. Soy cheese, tofu, tempeh, and soy meats can be found in your supermarket or health food store. Make sure you get the vegan type (no milk products) and read the label carefully for dyes, additives, and caseinates. Avoid butter. It is made from milk and contains casein.
*Use extra virgin olive oil for cooking and drizzle on toast or bread.
*Make sure you aren't using a vinegar derived from wheat. The following vinegar is not derived from wheat: corn vinegar, rice vinegar, potato vinegar, beet vinegar, apple/cider vinegar, Red wine vinegar, white wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar, distilled wood vinegar (wood-based vinegar is often the vinegar used in processed foods - verify with manufacturer). Do not use malt vinegar or flavored vinegars.
*READ LABELS AT ALL TIMES and when ordering check to make sure the manufacturer has not changed the ingredients.
5. Avoid sugar and sugary products.
Sugar gives you a high that can mess with your emotions, then a low that creates fatigue. Eat fruit (bananas, grapes and raisins are naturally sweet. If you must have a sweetener, use Stevia Powder, Wisdom Natural Brands - Home Page or at local health food store.
6. Acupressure is recommended by High Touch Accupressure instructor, Betsy Dayton, M.Ed, to heal leaky gut syndrome that interferes with digestion and absorption of nutrients and treat other ALS symptoms.
Here's how...
Find the pulses in your right hand (left if you're left-handed) by holding three fingers (index, middle and fourth) on your other forearm until you feel an equally strong pulse in all three fingers. This is the sensation of open channels that you will aim for with acupressure. The client can either sit, stand or lie down, depending on what's most comfortable. When lying, you will have to slide you arm underneath the person to reach the points to be held on the back.
Do not move to the next point until you feel an equally strong pulse in all three fingers. Hold your three fingers on the following points in this order.
Guest Author - Carolyn Chambers Clark, RN, EdD
What is ALS ?
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that attacks nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord resulting in muscle weakness and atrophy. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig's disease, is a progressive, fatal neurological disease affecting as many as 20,000 Americans with 5,000 new cases occurring in the United States each year. ALS strikes in mid-life. Men are about one-and-a-half times more likely to have the disease as women. The disorder belongs to a class of disorders known as motor neuron diseases.
What causes ALS?
ALS occurs when specific nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that control voluntary movement gradually degenerate. The loss of these motor neurons causes
the muscles under their control to weaken and waste away, leading to paralysis. ALS manifests itself in different ways, depending on which muscles weaken first.
What are the symptoms of ALS?
The symptoms of ALS include...
*tripping and falling
*loss of control in hands and arms
*difficulty speaking, swallowing and/or breathing
*persistent fatigue
*and twitching and cramping, sometimes quite severely.
*hearing, taste and smell are not affected, and for many people, muscles of the eyes and bladder are generally not affected
For the vast majority of people, their mind and thoughts are not impaired and remain sharp despite the progressive degenerating condition of the body.
What self-care measures can you take to complement your doctor's advice?
1. Reduce the load of toxins in the body.
This means eliminating preservatives, additives, food colorings, artificial sweeteners, MSG and artificial flavorings. It also means reducing exposure to airborne chemicals, such as perfumes and tobacco smoke, household chemicals and cleaners and pesticides and insecticides. Drink only filtered water, and prepare and store food in inert containers only (not plastics).
2. Reduce heavy and toxic metals already present in the body.
Many health care professionals agree that toxic metals and chemicals are a foundational component in the development of a serious neurological disorder like ALS.Toxins may have been ingested or inhaled through smoking, being around heavy and toxic cleaners or pesticides, drinking water that contains toxic metals, or other environmental means. This is extremely important, and highly recommended.
Toxic elements include Aluminum, Antimony, Arsenic, Bismuth, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Tin. Read labels of all medications, injections, immunizations, food and drinks to make sure none of these toxic elements are present. Any drinks or canned foods that contain water can contain toxic elements in the drinking water and don't have to be included in the label. Although your local water company monitors these toxins, a certain amount is allowed and if you have a weakened system already, aim to eliminate it all.
Here's how...
*Drink and use distilled water only for cooking. You can purchase this at your supermarket in gallons.
*Avoid beauty aids, deodorants and cookingware that contains aluminum.
*It's imperative to use whole foods that have not been pre-prepared and why organic foods are best because they have no pesticide residues. When the body is loaded with toxic metals and chemicals, nutritional supplements are not easily absorbed. The toxic metals bind up the receptor sites in the nervous system. When the heavy metals are removed however, the body is able to begin the regeneration process.
*Clay baths can help remove the heavy metals and chemicals from the tissues and organs of the body. Even daily clay foot baths in a bucket or plastic container can help. You can get the clay at a health food store and possibly Online. One brand I know of is Aztec Indian Healing Clay. The clay has the ability to pull harmful toxins out from the skin surface. Clay has been used for thousands of years as a facial cleanser, but also works to draw out poisons and toxins from other areas of the skin. (If you use the clay in your bathtub, be sure to get a drain guard from your hardware store so the clay doesn't clog your drain.)
*Milk thistle (silymarin is a safe herb you can find at a health food store) can detoxify the liver of dangerous toxins. Follow directions on the bottle.
3. Go Organic.
As much as possible, buy organic foods, even organic meats. This will greatly reduce the pesticides on produce, and the hormones and antibiotics that are used in meat production. Larger health food stores carry organic produce and meats. It's more expensive, but consider food as your medicine. Your body is a temple. Put only the best inside you and you will feel better and have more energy.
4. Try Gluten and Casein Free Diets
Many ALS patients are known to have bowel problems. This may be related to food allergies and/or leaky gut syndrome. Gluten and casein free diets have helped many people with bowel problems, and digestive symptoms improve when these foods are eliminated from the diet. Here's how to do it...
*Eat no wheat, rye, barley or oat bread, cereals or pastas (try spelt bread and amaranth, polenta or corn meal, tapioca, potato starch, potato flour, quinoa flour, or wild rice for cereals and side dishes),
*Eliminate milk and milk products (cheese, yogurt, ice cream, etc.). Read all labels, even in the health food store.
*Focus on fresh organic fruits and vegetables (many large health food stores carry them), and soy milk and soy milk products. Soy cheese, tofu, tempeh, and soy meats can be found in your supermarket or health food store. Make sure you get the vegan type (no milk products) and read the label carefully for dyes, additives, and caseinates. Avoid butter. It is made from milk and contains casein.
*Use extra virgin olive oil for cooking and drizzle on toast or bread.
*Make sure you aren't using a vinegar derived from wheat. The following vinegar is not derived from wheat: corn vinegar, rice vinegar, potato vinegar, beet vinegar, apple/cider vinegar, Red wine vinegar, white wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar, distilled wood vinegar (wood-based vinegar is often the vinegar used in processed foods - verify with manufacturer). Do not use malt vinegar or flavored vinegars.
*READ LABELS AT ALL TIMES and when ordering check to make sure the manufacturer has not changed the ingredients.
5. Avoid sugar and sugary products.
Sugar gives you a high that can mess with your emotions, then a low that creates fatigue. Eat fruit (bananas, grapes and raisins are naturally sweet. If you must have a sweetener, use Stevia Powder, Wisdom Natural Brands - Home Page or at local health food store.
6. Acupressure is recommended by High Touch Accupressure instructor, Betsy Dayton, M.Ed, to heal leaky gut syndrome that interferes with digestion and absorption of nutrients and treat other ALS symptoms.
Here's how...
Find the pulses in your right hand (left if you're left-handed) by holding three fingers (index, middle and fourth) on your other forearm until you feel an equally strong pulse in all three fingers. This is the sensation of open channels that you will aim for with acupressure. The client can either sit, stand or lie down, depending on what's most comfortable. When lying, you will have to slide you arm underneath the person to reach the points to be held on the back.
Do not move to the next point until you feel an equally strong pulse in all three fingers. Hold your three fingers on the following points in this order.