a cut above part 2


Veteran Expediter
I am sure that more accidents have been caused by drivers who were not on the phone at the time than by those who were, so should we ban that behavior?
Your logic is fuzzy, Broker.


Veteran Expediter
Both times i was hit was because the other person changed into my lane as far as i know they weren’t on the phone either. So if i don't believe in what you believe I’m unprofessional ok I can live with that because the more I read of your posts the more I don’t really care what you think you start out by insulting me then call me “my friend” I pick my friends very carefully and sir you would not be one of them. I made my point there already is a law against distracted driving just how many other laws saying the same thing do you need before it sinks in? Panther doesn’t pick who is on the Drivers Council the truckers both owners and drivers voted for me. I guess they thought I did a good job since this is my 2nd term. I have my own ideas as well as I listen to others I look for them to talk about the issues facing us here at Panther. I believe that the fewer laws those idiots in Washington pass the safer we are. People like Teddy Kennedy who can’t drive across a bridge shouldn’t be passing laws on how anyone else drives.
You say “ Stop looking at this like a I'm better than you post.” You are the one pointing out how you are the one true professional and that I “you show very poor driving habits and should not be a professional truck driver.” I do not need your approval nor do I ask for it you know nothing about me except that I won’t be your sheep so it is to late for you to pretend that you weren’t taking swipes at me making it personal you took it to that level now live with it. Notice the quots they are your words.


Seasoned Expediter
so what is fuzzy about this.
You have something fairly new come onto the market.
After a few years you find that it "alone" is causing added DEATHS on our roads.
What do you do?
Igonore it and watch more and more innocent people die or do something that will reduce the number of DEATHS.
Pretty simple to me.

I see it as fuzzy, how some try to say we shouldn't do anything to reduce the number of drivers being killed on our roads.
The only thing they can back it up with is, well people get killed by being distracted by this or that also.
OK, don't have any traffic laws that were put in place to save lives.
Where are you folks coming from?


Expert Expediter
Preventing deaths on the road.

1. Set all speed limits on all roads to 10 mph.

2. Require each driver and passenger of a vehicle to wear a fire-proof, padded jumpsuit that covers the entire body, with the exception of the head, which will be covered by a full helmet that has a face shield. Each driver and passenger should also be restrained in a 5 point safety harness.

3. Remove all distractions such as radios, CB's, GPS devices, gauges such as speedomoters and tachometers etc, cigarette lighters and ashtrays, and rear-view mirrors. The driver should be separated from the rest of the passengers by a sound-proof enclosure so no communication can cause a distraction. Billboards and road signs should also be removed as they can lead to a distraction while driving.

4. No passing should be allowed on any roadway.

5. No driving should be allowed if roadways are not completely clear and dry and winds are calm.

6. Forget about all the above, ban all motorized vehicles and return to horse and buggy. On second thought, make everyone walk, just don't allow anyone to chew gum at the same time.


Veteran Expediter
Got to love the truly stupid they are the ones that do not read all of the poest before calling someone else stupid. There isn't any post promoting the use of the cell phone or a computer again all i said is i am against banning them. But the NAZI'S were all for banning for the public good and we all know how well that worked out. They also claimed it was for the best intrest of the people


Seasoned Expediter
This has turned into someones personal podium for protesting our form of government.
Should have realized this before.
It really has nothing to do with introducing a law to save lives on our hiways.

Carry on, I'm done with this topic.
Not interested in politics.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
So turtle, if what you say is true, we should not have laws that deal with speeding? ...going through a stop sign... not having chains [in a snow storm]...
These laws are made to protect us from the STUPID ones, as one member states.

No, actually they're not. Those laws deal with having everyone on the same page so as to know what everyone else is doing and is expected to do, in order to promotes the smooth, safe flow of traffic.

You go from distracted driving to, uhm, speeding laws and then try to equate them somehow with an if/then argument? Wow. You're logic ain't fuzzy, it's just plain not there.

You equate not wanting a redundant cell phone law as being the same as not wanting any and all traffic laws. Again... wow.

No one here is promoting the use of a cell phone while driving.

Read that again and think about it for while. Eventually, maybe, it will sink in.

Are you going to tell me you have never had to take defensive actions because of a driver on a cell phone?
I certainly have. I have also had to take defensive actions because of a driver who was not on a cell phone, so there. Now what are we gonna ban?


Veteran Expediter
Some people can multi task, but many cant.To me useing the cell phone doesnt distract me any more than the CB radio.For years I've been waiting to have the CB taken out of trucks,just as radar detectors were,and scanners arent permited either,but that law is for an intirely different reason.Get this,can't use a scanner cause it's against the law to rebroadcast anything heard on the scanner,and everyone knows,truck drivers would be holding their mics up to the scanner speakers,so you could hear police reports.You people in the state up north,sorry dad,Michigan,check out what happens if you get cought with a scanner,truck or car,it's a law from prohibition.


Not a Member
Yeah, I talk on the phone, while driving. Sometimes I talk on the CB. I carry 2 cells, 1 is a Nextel with the push to talk,yeah I talk on that too. My Sirius isn't directly wired so I use the FM modulater. I have to change the radio station lots then hit menu, freguency change, roll the dial to the new setting and hit select. If it don't help I do it all again. Trying to quit now, but I smoke while driving. Sometimes I lose my lighter and I go crazy feeling around the floor, between the seats, sometimes the hots fall off, 1 time between my sock and shoe and like Earl (from a song) set my sock on fire. I eat while driving, if Subway I make sure they wrap each half separately. Sometimes I set my laptop on my console to look at streets and trips. I take an aspirin and a prilosec once a day, quite often while driving. Sometimes while moving, I'll remember that I forgot to log something. A mile down the road my logbook will be right, and no I didn't stop.

I remember my last accident like it was yesterday, me and Eddie Webber were racing back to Lincoln High from RCTC in Ypsi. On Huron over I-94 almost to the State Cop shop. I had him beat and missed my 2nd to 3rd shift was gonna weave in front of him. It left me with no way out, I smacked Randy Struble's car in the rear. My brand new 1979 Ford Fiesta would never drive straight again.

Maybe, I've just been lucky, Or maybe I'm a good multi tasker.

If I scare you, and you see me a coming, It would probably be safest to exit the highway and let the danger roll by.

My truck pic is below.
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Not a Member
Oh yeah, Am I still a cut above?

Wait don't tell me, cause if I'm not, I'm afraid the strain might be more than I could bear. (yeah, I do love Tombstone)


Veteran Expediter
Another thing: why isn't anyone banning the QC? That thing is a MAJOR distraction, ya know? :rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
WOW Doug if im unprofessional for not wanting a ban on cell phones broker must want your lic pulled and to have you thrown in jail lmao