It won't stop states and really isn't a big deal for most of the world.
If it seems that the world hasn't stopped, maybe we need to consider just not bringing the 4000 people back and saving us some money. Maybe it will start a trend, a good trend.
One more example of the bumbling ineffective clowns that we elected to Congress.
If it ends up closing some scales for awhile it will make our lives a little easier. It will also make life easier for cargo thieves, drug runners, dangerous trucks, dangerous drivers, etc, etc,
Can’t help but wonder how much that could end up costing?
So a reduction in taxes are in order I assume??
Im with Greg the world will still revolve,But I bet the person in charge of that budget keeps his or her job..
Shut the entire government down except for defense. Shoot, we would most likely not even notice for a month or two!! Didn't miss them much the last time they shut down.