72 hr shutdown???



Hi I have been hearing on the radio at least a half a dozen times on the cb and then looked on the net and found two places that are talking about a 72 hr shutdown truckerslobbyist. com and madtrucker.com have both talked about it and with what I am hearing on the radio I am beginning to think that maybe something really is getting organized usually it is nothing but B.S. but I have never heard it talked about this much and this often plus what I have been able to see on the net they have a real plan to adress a lot of issues not just shut em down and we will figure it out from there.I have been wandering when things would get bad enough that the drivers would finally unite in some kind of protest and am beginning to think this may be it. anyone else heard anything or got any thoughts???


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I would be surprised if it happens and if it does it will be a negative for us. It will get millions of citizens stirred up who already have a negative opinion of truckers and that opinion will lessen as a result of whatever inconveniences this causes.

Solutions will come either from our elected officials choosing to take care of the problem or being convinced to take care of the problem. We saw how they handled things when it was a choice. They chose to eliminate the fsc provision. They are going to have to be convinced. See my post OOIDA challenge. Join them today and use my namd and number or someone else's so you save $20. That is our best hope. OOIDA is FOR US. They aren't a sham mouthpiece looking out for big business interests. They are FOR every driver on the road whether an owner or an independent company driver. That's the best hope for a solution.

Leo Bricker
OOIDA 677319
truck 4958
73's K5LDB
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
"I would be surprised if it happens and if it does it will be a negative for us. It will get millions of citizens stirred up who already have a negative opinion of truckers and that opinion will lessen as a result of whatever inconveniences this causes.
Solutions will come either from our elected officials choosing to take care of the problem or being convinced to take care of the problem."

I don't think that it will happen either, but with that said "our" elected officials won't take care of the problem untill it inconveniences the general public. Most of us know that we truckers won't stand together for anything. Yes we want to, but well we just won't. It would take a group like the Teamsters to get it done. they are organized and have done it b-4. (Don't read anything into that, I am not a union type)


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Hi All For you who know me, Ya! its been a VERY long time since I last posted on EO. Sorry for being so selfish. If you don't know me, that's a good thing. You won't like me when or if you do know me.

I have been lerking for the last 6 months and bite my tong when I read some of the posts here. The one thing I don't like about most of the older members is the lack of compassion for the newbies. I believe the most important forum on the site is the newbies forum, but that is the one that gets the least attention. IE: a new member ask for advise and no one replied to him, in the newbies forum, until he reposted in the general forum. Ya we all get tired of telling the newbie to read the archives but are we above remembering what is was like when we were in their shoes? Enough bitchen for now!!! I too am as guilty as the rest for not answering him.

The reply to this post almost caused me to bite my tong off. Yes! most of the time when a driver tries to talk of something positive for our industry another driver always looks at the negative. In the yrs I've been doing this it has also been my experience of no two drivers can agree on anything. For this to be getting this much attention I too hope something positive will come of it. To think it will be a negative and cause Mr. Store owner getting his widgets delivered to form a negative opinion of us drivers, is to say "I'll deliver your widgets for free Mr. Store owner, please! I'm a nice driver, not like those others." Read Davekc's post about how ignorant the public really are. I look at this as a very positive, and well needed venture. It may be just the thing we need to happen as a means of enlightening the average Joe of what is really going on. If nothing else it will address the fuel surcharge and let the people know the drivers who are buying the fuel are not getting the surcharge Mr. Store owner or shipper is paying. Why do you think the drivers (not all) have this bitter taste in our mouths?

To wait on an elected a-ss-fical, he-ll will freeze over first. Joining OOIDA is not always a good thing. If you drive and own a van or a fleet of vans joining OOIDA is throwing your money out the window. OOIDA is not designed for the light weight vehicle operators. They don't even really help a one man O/O unless you are buying their bobtail insurance or something like that. OOIDA is good if you have a need, do your research first.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
>Joining OOIDA is not always a good thing. If you
>drive and own a van or a fleet of vans joining OOIDA is
>throwing your money out the window. OOIDA is not designed
>for the light weight vehicle operators. They don't even
>really help a one man O/O unless you are buying their
>bobtail insurance or something like that. OOIDA is good if
>you have a need, do your research first.

You couldn't be more wrong or giving any worse advice. OOIDA is important for everyone. I don't use their insurance. I don't use any of the services really. I do have a voice through them I wouldn't have otherwise. They do work for the good of drivers whether it's a guy who's driving a van for an owner or an owner of one vehicle or a fleet owner. They are putting together a challenge to the new HOS right now. EVERY PERSON WHO DRIVES FOR PAY SHOULD BE AN OOIDA MEMBER. It's as simple as that.

Leo Bricker
OOIDA 677319
truck 4958
73's K5LDB
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Expert Expediter
I was shocked the other day when I turned on my TV and saw another Truck wreck here in Jacksonville Florida...that closed the Highway down for 5 hours....The wreck itself wasnt suprising but what was,.

Was the Interview of the Florida State Police stating how the drivers of trucks are the most dangerous people on the road and that the majority of accidents are caused by the wreckless attitudes of truck drivers....I went to the OOIDA page and immediately joined even though I only drive part time now. I have since written the FSP regarding the unprofessional biased attitude of their officer on camera.

Just Last month The FSP was under the gun when they stated they only wrote 9000 aggressive driving tickets in the entire state for 2004 and were lobbying to purchase 50 Mercury Marrauder pursuit cars ( to be able to catch speeders).

I also slammed the local CBS 47 station for their broadcast and constant selective reporting regarding trucking issues making drivers out to be un-educated idiots that cant get any other jobs...

It is really quite hard to take that regular people think we are all worse than criminals in the eyes of the regular population.

"duke for mayor"!
25 yrs driving

highway star

Veteran Expediter
I am an OOIDA member. But, the reality is that since OOIDA began the trucking industry has taken an incredible downhill slide. Just compare rates and expenses in the early '70s to present day numbers. I'm a member because I think we need a voice, just like LDB said. But what have they done for us really? When you look at the numbers, how much worse could things be?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I don't disagree that things are bad and much worse than in years past. My point is that OOIDA is the only organization out there that gives a hoot about us. The ATA could care less as long as the CEO's are happy and shoveling money to them. There are no other organizations that care either. OOIDA is working hard for us. They need hundreds of thousands more members to have the real clout required to do the job as well as they could and want to.

Leo Bricker
OOIDA 677319
truck 4958
73's K5LDB
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Interesting from what I have been reading it looks like there are a lot of people very interested in this and are serious about putting this together and most of what I have read is very much in favor of it. I have been in the business for well over 20 yrs and expediting for the past 9 and have never seen so many people agree on something like this. It looks like people are tired of working themselves to death without a real rate increase for years and with expenses going thru the roof it looks like they are seeing the writing on the walls. I personally am going to honor this and see what happens, because if I don't I will be getting out of this as my bottom line is to the point that I can work in a local job and make a lot more money. I have stayed with this because I always thought that things would improve and I love what I do but things have gotten real bad the past year and everything is getting worst at a much faster pace fuel, maintenance,living expenses, burdensome unfair rules and regulations, and a host of other things are destroying the entire idea of being an owner/operator. the people that are organising this aren't just looking for a fuel surcharge altho the are using fuel are a flashpoint to bring everyone together but are interested in getting everyones attention so that real reform can take place. I have a feeling that if this doesn't work things are going to get so bad that within the next 6 months that there will be a lot of trucks up for sale and I am sure that expediting because of the nature of what we do will get slammed real heard. I would suggest that before you shrug this off that you read and learn what it is that they are trying to do. I look at it as banding together to save the lifestyle that I enjoy


intresing reading from another site; In a letter dated April 7, 2005 in opposition to Mandatory Fuel Surcharge Provisions in the Surface Transportation Reauthorization Bill, the following U.S. Senators were asked to oppose any provisions that would add a fuel surcharge provision to the surface transportation reauthorization bill:
The following are members to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation;

Honorable Ted Stevens (Chairman)
Honorable Daniel K. Inouye (Ranking Member)

and a member of the Senate committee on commerce, Science and Transportation, Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine:

Honorable Trent Lott (Chairman)

It was stated that Section 4139 of the House-approved bill (H.R. 3) would reverse 25 years of free-market transportation policy and would lead to economic re-regulation of the trucking indistry.

Before deregulation the trucking industry passed on a fuel surcharge to its customers to offset the increase in fuel prices. This was done not using a governing body and it worked well.

The problem that exist today is that when the trucking industry was deregulated and the shippers, carriers, and intermediaries were protected by the antitrust laws that followed, they seized the opportunity to take advantage of the independent owner/operator.

This was done by not giving the truckers a fuel surcharge, recieving a fuel surcharge but not passing it on to the truckers who actually pay for the fuel, or giving the trucker a portion of the fuel surcharge and keeping the rest, also, inflated charges were implemented to increase revenue.

They say that the freely-negotiated prices exists today and works well. Of course it does, for everyone except the independent owner/operator.

FMCSA Administrator Annette Sandberg testified before the Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Committee of the Senate Commerce Committee, Science and Transportation Committee on April 5, 2005, she stated:

The Nation has benefited enormously from our economic deregulation of the transportation industry. In the past 25 years, the free-market for motor carriers, service in particular has made important contributions to the growth and efficiency of our economy and helped sustain its remarkable ability to create new jobs.

This statement is so far from the truth. Deregulation has done nothing but put small trucking companys out of business due to the efforts of larger carriers who are able to stymie efforts to bring back collective bargaining, and a mandatory fuel surcharge so that they can be competitive.

Today, there is no such thing as a free-market in the trucking industry. By their campaign contributions and lobby efforts, the big trucking company's controll Washington, and some are positioning themselves to be on the side of the FMCSA, in regards to the new hours of service.

The bottom line is, that the independent owner/operator does not stand a chance, unless, we are able to acquire collective bargaining powers along with a mandatory fuel surcharge. We are dwindling in numbers every day. Washington knows it, the trucking associations know it, and especially the big boys of the trucking industry know it.

It is time for we (independent owner/operators) to exercise our constitutional rights under Article 1 of the U.S. Consitution and lobby our Washington representatives to exempt us from the antitrust laws and implement a mandatory fuel surcharge. Putting everyone on the same competitive page, otherwise, we are a dying breed and I predict within 10 years our numbers will be half of what they are today.

In closing:

What ever happened to "WE THE PEOPLEn


Expert Expediter



:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p


Veteran Expediter
I have been trying to add a post to this thread and the other FSC thread for a while and I am really frustrated because of all the interruptions I have here at home.

Look it is simple, any strike will hurt us. This is not the 1970’s and we ain’t the teamsters. Companies are unforgiving with some issues and outside of regular trucking; they depend on us to move things when they need to move them. Messing with any type of strike will simply kill it for us. I know, I fired enough companies for stupid stuff and they never worked for us again and I was forgiving at times. As I read in the other FSC thread that someone thinks that striking will not harm others down the line, look at $20K of a loss a minute on some of these automotive lines, do you think that the auto companies will tolerate any losses and have their people idle? No way. Believe me freight will move with or without us.

We lack solidarity within our own industry to have any collective bargaining, etc… joining OOIDA and other organizations will help you as an individual and as a group and is the closest that we will ever get to that badly needed solidarity. The problem is that a lot of people don’t view this as a profession and a business but rather a way to make money.

Stop depending on others to change things in Washington, we all know that they won’t unless you get involved and contact your representatives. Do it as an individual and/or get together with other who live in your area (for your congressman) or your state (for your senator) and meet with him or her and discuss the problem directly. If this does not work, remember you vote and there is a free speech clause. Don’t forget email and FAXes. Don’t bother writing a letter and sending via USPS, it will never get there.

Well I am too tired to finish, I will post this and hope you all read it.


Expert Expediter


:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p


Expert Expediter
WOLF Sorry but your wrong,If you and a few other O/O's strike your crazy if you think it will even affect them guys and gals in washington.They make more than enough money where they can out last any of us,Striking i feel is wrong,The only good strike would be if and only if everyone O/O's,Drivers,Large companys and small would band together and that way it would not that anytime at all.....P.S. This country would be on its knees in about 72-96 hours or less...Just my 2 cents worth...


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I agree with LBD a strike would hurt our image and would not help us in the long run.

I am a member of OOIDA and they are the only organization I know of that represents O/O intrests. The dues are not that much and you are becoming a member of a vocal organizattion with lobbyists.

The one thing we can all do is "JUST SAY NO TO CHEAP FREIGHT".


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
A strike would only be effective if it was the whole industry. That will not happen because of too many different objectives within trucking. Recent small strikes whether at shipping ports or in Canada, have had no real impact.
As mentioned, the best thing that can happen is prices go high enough that John Q Public starts to demand a responsive solution.
While OOIDA does many good things, they are not in a position to effectively change anything. Even if their membership doubled, 250,000 members will have little impact.
To implement change, politicians must be essentially bought. We see this everyday. At a membership of say 150,000, you are not going to get enough collective support to accomplish anything.
Solutions will likely be found in the supply and demand of freight. When companies can't simply afford to move freight at a certain price, then you will see change. Even with the larger truckload carriers, you starting to see it now.
This isn't just a transportation issue, there are many other parts of the economy experiencing the same issues.

21 years


from what I have read here most people are willing to let the goverment take care of us or are more worried about the public will think rather than if they can survive and support their families what the person that is organising this is wanting to do is have a 72 hr. shutdown to get the attention of the public as too the plight of the owner/operator, so as to effect change that is needed. This man is a registered lobbyiest and has an agenda to do exactly that. ata opposed the surcharge because it doesn't want the price of a bag of chips to go up a penny or two so as to pay a fair price for the shipping the could care less that you or I go broke delivering said chips that makes ata a piece of S*** as far as ooida goes I agree with a previous post they just aren't big enough to do it by themselves. thankfully from what I have been reading on some other sites a lot of independents and even company drivers disagree with what has been posted here and realize that something needs to be done and soon and it is going to be up to us to do it noone is going to do it for us. I have spent all weekend reading about this subject and am convinced that we need this to happen or we all will be S*** out of luck. oil hit $70.00 this morning and most analists project $100.00 oil by the end of the year if not sooner, fuel will hit $4.00 by then can you survive that on what you are making today, it will cost me $800.00 to fill my truck if it does and I fill my truck on average every third day thats 10 tanks a month [$8000.00} I average $2500.00 a week simple math says that leaves me $500.00 a week to pay for everything else without giong into a big breakdown of expenses that puts me into negative numbers do you really want to pay for the privlege of opreating your truck. people need to wake up to what is happening to us and do something about it BEFORE it is too late. That company you are leased onto doesn't care if you make a profit or go broke they are interested in THEIR bottom line not yours. Wait on the goverment to act,. first off when they do finally act name one thing that has been done by them that has helped us it is always about giving PATT CRASH or other special intrests groups what the want and they oppose everything that will help the trucking industry. everyone needs to wake up quickly or it will be too late,it may already bee too late!!!!! they count on keeping us fractured and fear us getting together they know that we have the power to make things better for ourselves but count on keeping us thinking like what I have seen in some of these posts This person is commited on getting us together for once to let everyone know what is going on there have been several shutdowns around the country and the do make some news but are not big enough to make change it will take a nationwide effort to effect real change.


Expert Expediter
The thing to look at also is that the big trucking companies,teamsters,and ATA don't relly have a problem.The drivers are paid with no money out of those drivers pockets.The large companies already have a FSC that they collect,and a fuel deal because of there size.And the ATA represents the big companies.

Where that leaves us is no where,we don't count.Has anyone else noticed that we are doing a lot of what would be LTL loads?Why? Because we are cheaper then the companies that do LTL but with a time limit. Seems latley as i delievr i get"we got 4 skids of that".

OOIDI is a good outfit,been a member for 10 yrs,stayed a member when was a company driver.But and they will tell you they are a class *8* company.Not a d or c or b .

LOL but we are the new OUTLAWS.OOIDA gathered together the big truck out laws etc[not saying it in the negitive here people" But we have no one.OOIDO does nothing,repeat nothing for under class 8 as far as the laws,washington etc are concerened.

Enough said dragonrider


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Several people have posted saying OOIDA is not large enough to have an impact. My question to each of you is ARE YOU A MEMBER? If you are not a member YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. OOIDA currently is not large enough to effect the changes that are needed. That is why in another post I challenged everyone to become a member. Once you do make it a point to recruit at least one more member or at the very least to talk to people and try to recruit.

A STRIKE WILL DO NO GOOD. There will not be enough participants. It will not go on long enough. It will not reach the correct people. It is a futile gesture. JOIN OOIDA. IT'S THE ONLY LONG TERM SOLUTION.

Leo Bricker
OOIDA 677319
truck 4958
73's K5LDB
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.