>>Problems with this tranny aren't new.
>> It REALLY sucks!
>>It's very small and weakly
>>constructed. They blow apart,
>>and even if repaired it
>>will quite likely blow apart
>>again. See if you can
>>get it replaced with the
>>much more reliable Eaton/Fuller 6
>>speed or better yet a
>>9 speed Roadranger unit if
>>it's no longer under warranty.
>> The extra money spent
>>will be well worth it
>>down the road, although the
>>CAT 3126 engine sort of
>>sucks in FL70's along with
>>the Spicer tranny. (I
>>don't mean to make anyone
>>feel bad
what is it about the cat engine that sucks, this is a broad statement, could you be more specific. I have also heard comments regarding the cat engine being responsible for the tranny failures. If you have heard this also perhaps you could enlighten me on this as well.