let me start by saying that i'm a contract vehicle driver in wg. i've been with fxcc for about 5 years. i'm not looking to go to another carrier. i'm with a really great fleet owner that services other carriers, so i could easily swap if i wanted to, but i dont.
we all know that lately, there have been a significant number of owners who migrated over to Landstar. So, as a result, the referral fee was temporarily bumped up to $2500 if you referred a o/o team.
it just so happened that i did just that recently. a husband/wife team had been with the cat and werent happy. i put them in touch with contractor sourcing and they took the purple promise. the recruiter was very happy and took all my info so i could get the fee.
except that.....the very next day, in the weekly bulletin email, there was a clarification that only owners were eligible to get the fee. my phone rang a short time later, with a very apologetic recruiter telling me the same thing. to his credit, he tried to do an end run around this rule to get me paid, but it never happened.
i'm sure there's some corporate by-law somewhere justifying this, but ya know, it sure left a bitter taste in my mouth.
we all know that lately, there have been a significant number of owners who migrated over to Landstar. So, as a result, the referral fee was temporarily bumped up to $2500 if you referred a o/o team.
it just so happened that i did just that recently. a husband/wife team had been with the cat and werent happy. i put them in touch with contractor sourcing and they took the purple promise. the recruiter was very happy and took all my info so i could get the fee.
except that.....the very next day, in the weekly bulletin email, there was a clarification that only owners were eligible to get the fee. my phone rang a short time later, with a very apologetic recruiter telling me the same thing. to his credit, he tried to do an end run around this rule to get me paid, but it never happened.
i'm sure there's some corporate by-law somewhere justifying this, but ya know, it sure left a bitter taste in my mouth.