2012 HINO 268 P073D


New Recruit
good morning i have a 2012 hino 268 with a allison 2200RDS tranmission, truck never had a single problem for the last 3 years
the truck was pulling of a dock and check engine light came on and the transmission gear selector showed E on display, truck was disconected from batteries and work again like nothing happened,
2 months pass and truck was working no problem until it happened again this time was after a shutdown, gear selector showed E on display and truck Wouldnt even try to start completely "dead".

-3 speed sensors for the outside of allison where replaced
parts# 29536408

batteries where pluged back and truck started no check engine light, a couple of seconds after the crank check engine light came on and the gear selector switched from P to E all this happened while the truck was still ON and engine working, truck was turned off and once again it wouldnt start "dead"

- NSBU switched replaced inside the tranmission by valve body
parts# 29542692
Once again truck turned on like nothing no check engine light, second after crank same problem check engine came on gear selector changed from P to E turned truck off and wouldnt crank again this time after a couple of tries the gear selector wont even show up E is completly blank.

-Tempeture sensor control module was replaced inside the transmission
parts# 29546972
same thing truck turned on seconds after check engine came back and E on dashboard.

-TCC solenoid replaced , Pressure control solenoid trim A,B , and SS1 soloneid
parts # 29541898 , 29541896 ,29541895 , 29536833
this is the pdf that shows the solenoids names and locations: 'EDIT' forum wont let me post the link

finally i took the Tcm out and took it to a place to get it 'tested' and was told lost comunication that the tcm was bad,
ordered a used TCM from a salvaged truck with same P/N assembly number etc installed it and the same problem continues, Gear selector on display is on Blank and truck wont even try to crank. tried looking for a electrical diagram to check the harnesses with voltmeter but no luck finding them or the correct volt n omh
All eletrical conections where cleaned with contact cleaner, oil replaced twice, and some basic fuse check not relays as i cant find if the transmission even has one in this truck thanks for your time for reading this post i completly ran out of ideas and my wallet is destroyed ill appreciate any suggestions or leads


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Staff member
Generally when E shows up on the shifter, the TCM has failed. They have a high failure rate. I can look at this a little deeper but until a known good TCM with the correct programming is installed, all bets are off.


Staff member
I guess you know by now, but no one should ever shotgun parts at one of these things. Get an actual diagnosis first.


Staff member
The replacement TCM might be good, but they use that computer on all the different Allison transmissions of that era, so there's no telling what programming is on it.


New Recruit
sorry about the late response and youre totally correct about that but i was pretty much forced to or pay a 1700 tow lol, im planning on taking the used TCM to hino and ask some questions about how the reprograming works.
the TCM i order has the same Assembly # and Customer P/N number it should have the same programming i will upload some pictures when i get to work on the truck this weekend ill update thanks!


Staff member
Update: water can get into the firewall junction box from a leaking windshield seal. If it gets into the CAN wiring, all sorts of weird things happen. The junction box needs to be opened up and inspected for water.


New Recruit
I have this problem on my hino transmission check a/t light show when it’s rain Who’s knows what’s that mean


New Recruit
Can someone tell me please how this issue was resolved from first post (p073d) I’ve got exactly same problem as described in the first post. What happened, how did it got fixed please???


Expert Expediter
Are you getting an “E” for the commanded gear in the cluster? Will the truck not start? Have you checked BOTH Allison fuses?


New Recruit
It used to not start, that was the first issue. It would refuse to start. I would take off the battery and put it back on and it would start like as if nothing happened. So I thought it was battery issue. So I added a third battery. But that wasn’t it. Then E sign started to come on and it would not go into gear, this would happen after 4 or 5 hours of driving once I turned off the truck, it won’t start and didn’t go into gear. Then I let it cool off for like half an hour or an hour, it would start again as if nothing was wrong. Now it start fine but it doesn’t go into gear and E and T sign comes on. It just comes and goes. I can’t drive it now because I don’t when it will act up. It’s exactly the same problem as posted in the first post.


New Recruit
I took it to a mechanic, they didn’t know what to do with it because check engine light wasn’t on. I haven’t replaced or changed any parts yet. I was wondering how chromepixels007 fixed it. I’m almost 100 positive I’ve got the same issue


Staff member
Moisture and corrosion forms on the CAN lines in the junction box if water gets in there. If the CAN is good, it most likely needs a TCM.

I've also seen Samsara elds cause communication errors and weird shifting.