Just curious if any one else is of the opinion that the anti idling laws are or could be in direct conflict of the "purpose" of the new DOT HOS.
What I mean is the "reasoning" for changing the HOS was to assure drivers were given the opportunity to get the proper rest needed in order to be safe and alert while driving, a response to the concerns of having fatigued drivers on the road. I realize the many o/o of expeditors have APU's, thus are not effected by the anti idling laws. My thoughts come from the days when I drove t/t as a company driver and for those who don't have APU's. I assure you that the major ftl companies out there (i.e. Swift, JB Hunt, Schneider) will not invest in APU's. These companies already have "idling standards" that are tracked by QC that drivers must stay within in order to recieve their bonuses. If it is 87F out and you are trying to sleep during the day without A/C, how rested are you going to be? From first hand experience let me tell you, not at all. What about when it's 20F out, I know you get better rest when it is "cool" out, but I don't think you will at these temps. I do understand the enviromental concerns of idling, but there has to be a compromise. Are the officers that enforce these laws going to take into consideration the situation the driver is in and forgo giving a ticket. If so, where will they draw the line for enforcing the law. In other words, if the anti idling laws continue to spread througout the states, how are drivers and companies going to deal with it. I know there is always Idle Aire, but then you have to find a TS with it and the hope there not full. Other than that what options are there for the driver??? Just my thoughts...