2003 International A/C


Veteran Expediter
The trucks A/C was working fine one minute....shut down the engine and within 20 minutes restarted it but no A/C

cleared fault codes ( I should have written the 3 fault codes down but didn't)
checked all the fuses the best I could
the clutch on the compressor engages when placed on Max or A/C and the rear bunk A/C seems to work.
the blower doesn't work and the sound of heater doors opening and closing isn't present.

I'll be checking for loose connections in the morning and I'll check to see if there's power at the blower motor....I'm thinking it's the switch assembly because the heater doors are not working but the A/C selector does make the clutch engage.

Has anyone else had this problem and if so what was the cure?...suggestions welcome

Thanks a lot!


Veteran Expediter
Assuming the Ac in the sleeper is cold air I think your on track to finding something wrong in the cab. Possibly with the fan,,blend doors,,temp control??

On my M2 if I leave the switches in any one postion for any long periord of time, (meaning half a season) One of the blend doors seems to get stuck. Not sure which one it is at this time, but Ill take the kick panel off and work the servo with a pair of pleirs and it will swith to new postion. I have 2 servos under there. (located near the blower motor)
G/Luck Hope ya fix it yourself and some some $.
Let us know what ya find or the fix for it.


Veteran Expediter
There are two door actuators Doorman makes them mine is a Dorman # 604-5101 the plastic socket tends to get weak and snap off. Dealer will probably slam you with $90.00 pluss Napa or Carquest should be able to get one in for you shouldnt be more than $40.00. I bought a pair off e bay for about twenty five bucks each.
Toughest part is getting to them you will need a couple hours if doing it alone pluss the parts run. Pull the center dash bezel and cover off the lower right dash to get to the servos and run the AC controller in each setting and look for movement. LOTS OF PLASTIC DONT BE HEAVY HANDED.

Should look like this.

Google Image Result for http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41yhbwkovpL._SX300_.jpg


Veteran Expediter
well as it stands...still no A/C...pulled the breaker for the heater/AC blower and took it to a International dealer and it was tested and it's good....the blend doors are/were working...I just couldn't hear them opening and closing so I placed my hand on them while moving the controls....put a volt meter to the blower power plug and it had zero voltage so tomorrow I'll test the breaker sockets and see if there's any power at that point...if not I'll be thinking the fan switch is shot...don't really know how it would be tested....

thanks for the think tank!


Veteran Expediter
well I reinstalled the switch assembly and reinstalled the breaker and just for the sake of keeping things together I reinstalled the blower assembly...plugged in the power connector and the darn thing started working....Go Figure!....I don't know if my Zinging the fan control switch back and forth did it but I'm really grateful for the outcome....sometimes luck is better than knowledge..I'm thinking!