2003 cat 3126


Seasoned Expediter
Howdy Folks,
I have a 2003 cat 3126, 230hp with 178,000 0n it but LOTS of hours, around 6,000. I drove it cross country from RI to Idaho. it ran okay till I got to Wyoming and it started smoking and blowing lots of oil out the blow by covering the truck I was towing with sludge. It also used quit a lot of oil. It smokes pretty good when started and continues smoking when warmed up. After reading this great forum I figured injector seals. Now, do I have to replace the injectors and is a seal replacement something I can do in my shop....Thanks, Mike


Not a Member
Sounds like the problem I had. If u can handle the sensors u should be able to handle the seal. Talk to CAT cause the one I went to did tell me there was something odd about replacing the original seal. Can't recall what it was....sorry.

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Could be a seal, but sounds like it is manufacturing oil. Could be a cracked injector tube as well with is dumping fuel into the oil.


Seasoned Expediter
if it was dumping fuel into the oil then I would have to much oil in the crank and thinned out as well, correct??


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It would take a lot to thin it. The tell tale sign is if you have excessive blow by (oil) coming out of the blow by filter or tube.
The crankcase on a Cat will only get so full before it starts dumping it.


Seasoned Expediter
Howdy Folks,
I have a 2003 cat 3126, 230hp with 178,000 0n it but LOTS of hours, around 6,000. I drove it cross country from RI to Idaho. it ran okay till I got to Wyoming and it started smoking and blowing lots of oil out the blow by covering the truck I was towing with sludge. It also used quit a lot of oil. It smokes pretty good when started and continues smoking when warmed up. After reading this great forum I figured injector seals. Now, do I have to replace the injectors and is a seal replacement something I can do in my shop....Thanks, Mike
yeah, there is lots of blow by, it's black sludgey stuff, so it might be a cracked tube?? I'm trying to get a break down of the engine where I can download it for less half a million $ so I can see where things are but no luck.


Senior Moderator
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The good news is that it isn't a high dollar repair. Parts and 5 hours labor should do it.


Veteran Expediter
I have searched for years for a manual or download for a 3126. All I can find is from CAT and cost big bucks. Like $500 something just for a manual.


Seasoned Expediter
I have searched for years for a manual or download for a 3126. All I can find is from CAT and cost big bucks. Like $500 something just for a manual.
I've been looking since I bought this rig in september. I plan on selling it in the spring but I want it to be working properly so nobody gets screwed and I have peice of mind. I realy appreciate the help. I'll poke around and find the info and answers I need before I tear into it....CHEERS....Mike