20,000 heat seaking missiles missing


Seasoned Expediter
yep it is true.there are 20,000 heat-seaking missiles missing in libya.

A recent secret White House meeting revealed that an estimated 20,000 portable, heat-seeking missiles appear to have vanished from an Army warehouse in Libya, ABCNews.com reported.

The new revelations stoke ongoing fears that such weapons, which are light, relatively easy to use and have the capacity to take down a commercial airplane, could end up in the wrong hands as the Libyan war that ousted Muammar Qaddafi winds down.

“Matching up a terrorist with a shoulder-fired missile, that's our worst nightmare,” Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., told ABCNews.com.

Earlier this month, a senior U.S. official told the Associated Press that weapon proliferation was the “key concern” for the U.S. as Libya emerges from six months of civil war. To be sure, Libya has been struggling to secure many weapon caches.

The U.S. has individuals working with Libya’s new rulers to help stanch the possible proliferation of a wide range of weaponry. Jeffery Feltman warned reporters of the potential proliferation of shoulder-fired missiles and mustard gas.

"This is certainly an issue we are concerned with, the Libyan officials are concerned with, because it poses potential risks not only to Libyans, but to the region as a whole," said Feltman earlier this month.

Last week, the U.N. chief weapons watchdog said Libya's remaining chemical weapon stockpiles are believed to be secure.

Meanwhile, Libya's transitional government delivered 20 million dinars ($16 million) Tuesday to Sabha, a remote southern city beset by fighters loyal to Qaddafi, hoping to bolster support for revolutionary forces. On the other side, Qaddafi's son was seen in a video for the first time since Tripoli fell, trying to rally the remnants of his father's regime.

Read more: 20,000 Heat-Seeking Missiles Reportedly Feared Missing From Libyan Warehouse | Fox News

Perhaps the best part of the article is this statement

Last week, the U.N. chief weapons watchdog said Libya's remaining chemical weapon stockpiles are believed to be secure.


Veteran Expediter
yep it is true. there are 20,000 heat-seaking missiles missing in libya.
No - it is not "true" - as evidenced by the following statement from a USG official:

"Though Libya had an estimated 20,000 man-portable surface-to-air missiles before the popular uprising began in February, Assistant Secretary of State Andrew Shapiro told ABC News today the government does not have a clear picture of how many missiles they're trying to track down.

"We're making great progress and we expect in the coming days and weeks we will have a much greater picture of how many are missing," Shapiro said."

Apparently, you are thoroughly unfamiliar with correct meaning of the word "estimated" .....

An estimate is simply a reasoned guess based on limited information - which may, or may not, in the end, be accurate.

An accurate statement would on your part would have been:

"yep it is true. there may be as many as 20,000 heat-seaking missiles missing in libya."

The fact is, no one really knows at this point - as apparently all the stockpile locations have not been checked, if they are even all known (which it appears they aren't)

For anyone who would like a little more details - beyond the American MSM's typical (and often vague) hysteria (which is largely designed to keep the public in a perpetual state of fear) - check with the Indians .... apparently they are a little more professionally capable and have a little better handle on what constitutes factual, in-depth reporting:

The Hindu: Missiles missing from Libyan stockpile

Several things to note:

Count 1: Fox seemingly perverts the truth of the matter:

In the original ABC story's headline, the missiles are referred to as being unaccounted for - not missing. There is potentially a huge difference - with "missing" missiles being ones that were actually known to be somewhere - say, a specific location ... and when that location was inspected, the missiles are actually missing (not there)

"Unaccounted for" missiles might be missiles which are known to have been delivered to Libya at some point, but the specific locations where they were kept are not known - therefore they cannot be accounted for (yet)

Given that the previous regime in Libya has collapsed, and many officials from that regime have either been killed or have fled ....... and given the likely fact that Muammar Qaddafi hiss bad self didn't leave a full accounting and specific instructions on where to find said missiles as part of his goodbye note, it ain't real surprising.

What is surprising is that you would come on here and post: ".... yep it is true ....." ........ as though you actually have a clue or really know ......

...... no, wait ..... I take that back ...... that really ain't surprising at all ..... :rolleyes:

Count 2: Fox seemingly perverts the truth of the matter:

Fox's headline appears to claim that the 20,000 missiles were missing from one warehouse (singular) In the ABC News report multiple warehouses are mentioned, and of course, the missiles are described as unaccounted for in the headline.

Interesting factoid: Apparently the person to raise this issue to public knowledge was Peter Bouckaert, a representative of that notoriously leftwing-pinko-commie organization, Human Rights Watch ..... which has been derided by some on here previously ... :rolleyes:

(Hint: if it were up to your government, you probably wouldn't be allowed any awareness of the specifics of this situation - as it undoubtedly related to "national security". IOW, they would withhold it from citizens, the flying public, etc. ..... after having failed to address having commercial airliners outfitted with countermeasures which could stop such missles ..... while instead ****ing trillions down the toilet for such things as having Grandma groped at the airport and overseas wars of aggression in the name of "national security", which, in fact, deliver the exact opposite)

Another interesting factoid: The only source I can find in the ABC News article for the figure of 20,000 missiles is a comment from Peter Bouckaert:

"In Libya we're talking about something on the order of 20,000 surface-to-air missiles," said Bouckaert. "This is one of the greatest stockpiles of these weapons that has ever gone on the loose."

While Mr. Bouckaert is a probably a great guy, I'm not sure how he would be privy to how many missiles Libya possesses and no other additional evidence is offered to support his statement (which may be based on reliable info that isn't otherwise mentioned)

Count 3: ABC News appears to portray that all of 20,000 "estimated" missiles were shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles or "manpads" That may, or may not, be the case.

The Hindu article linked above - which does offer some numbers on the models and types of missiles involved and mentions that one type, the SA-24, is a dual-use weapon: either shoulder-fired, or from a vehicle-mounted launcher.

The Hindu also reports that the Russian manufacturer who makes the SA-24 has stated that no grip stock devices (which are required for the missile to be shoulder-fired) were ever sold to Libya. It also reports that none have been found in the country.

Nevertheless, the Hindu reports that it has been documented that at least 7,592 SA-7b shoulder-fired missiles were shipped to Libya. It does also mention the 20,000 figure although I'm not entirely certain that it is in reference to the SA-7b's only.

While it certainly a bad situation, it does not serve the public interest to be inaccurate with details.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No - it is not "true" - as evidenced by the following statement from a USG official:
Geez Tbub - you're going to have to learn to be more specific to keep your posts from being nitpicked apart for lack of all-important details. The number of missiles might be 19,999 or 20,002 and your assertion is revealed as "not true".:( In the final analysis, does it really matter how many thousands of missiles are "missing" or "unaccounted for"? Ten is too many if they get into the possession of Hezbollah or some other terrorist organization.
"... Assistant Secretary of State Andrew Shapiro told ABC News today the government does not have a clear picture of how many missiles they're trying to track down.
That statement by itself sums up the whole situation and gets to the crux of the matter.The bottom line is there's a whole bunch of missiles missing, and other than that our govt. doesn't know squat.
"We're making great progress and we expect in the coming days and weeks we will have a much greater picture of how many are missing," Shapiro said."
But with that reassurance we can all sleep peacefully knowing our bureaucrats are on the case. Maybe they'll let us know if and when they find them - and who had them.


Seasoned Expediter
No - it is not "true" - as evidenced by the following statement from a USG official:

"Though Libya had an estimated 20,000 man-portable surface-to-air missiles before the popular uprising began in February, Assistant Secretary of State Andrew Shapiro told ABC News today the government does not have a clear picture of how many missiles they're trying to track down.

"We're making great progress and we expect in the coming days and weeks we will have a much greater picture of how many are missing," Shapiro said."

Apparently, you are thoroughly unfamiliar with correct meaning of the word "estimated" .....

An estimate is simply a reasoned guess based on limited information - which may, or may not, in the end, be accurate.

An accurate statement would on your part would have been:

"yep it is true. there may be as many as 20,000 heat-seaking missiles missing in libya."

The fact is, no one really knows at this point - as apparently all the stockpile locations have not been checked, if they are even all known (which it appears they aren't)

For anyone who would like a little more details - beyond the American MSM's typical (and often vague) hysteria (which is largely designed to keep the public in a perpetual state of fear) - check with the Indians .... apparently they are a little more professionally capable and have a little better handle on what constitutes factual, in-depth reporting:

The Hindu: Missiles missing from Libyan stockpile

yep did you not see the top of the hindu link.If these really were facts as you protray them why then are they in the op-ed section??????You know the OPION SECTION.Also if they INDIANS AS YOU CALL THEM are so much more CAPABLE OF HAVING A LITTLE BETTER HANDLE ON WHAT CONSTITUTES FACTUAL IN DEPTH REPORTING Then why did they get their info from the NY TIMES NEWS SERVICE???????

Several things to note:

Count 1: Fox seemingly perverts the truth of the matter:

In the original ABC story's headline, the missiles are referred to as being unaccounted for - not missing. There is potentially a huge difference - with "missing" missiles being ones that were actually known to be somewhere - say, a specific location ... and when that location was inspected, the missiles are actually missing (not there)

"Unaccounted for" missiles might be missiles which are known to have been delivered to Libya at some point, but the specific locations where they were kept are not known - therefore they cannot be accounted for (yet)Perhaps most interesting of all is what is no longer there, but until recent days apparently was: shoulder-fired heat-seeking missiles of the type that could be used by terrorists to shoot down civilian airliners. U.S. authorities have long been concerned that Libyan missiles could easily find their way onto the black market.And thats from your link:eek:

Given that the previous regime in Libya has collapsed, and many officials from that regime have either been killed or have fled ....... and given the likely fact that Muammar Qaddafi hiss bad self didn't leave a full accounting and specific instructions on where to find said missiles as part of his goodbye note, it ain't real surprising.These missiles, mostly SA-7b Grails, as NATO refers to them, have been spotted in Libya before and are well known to have been sold to the government of Muammar Qadhafi by former Eastern bloc countries. The evidence at the schoolbook warehouse confirms just how large those quantities were. It also raises questions about how many of them may have been purloined by rebels, criminals or smugglers.

Western governments and nongovernment organisations have repeatedly asked and prodded the rebel government, the National Transitional Council, to secure the vast stockpiles of arms that it has inherited, apparently to little avail.This also is from your link.IT seems a great many know where and how many stock piles there are.

What is surprising is that you would come on here and post: ".... yep it is true ....." ........ as though you actually have a clue or really know ......

...... no, wait ..... I take that back ...... that really ain't surprising at all ..... :rolleyes:No what is not surprising is how you pick and chose what parts of this article to write about and what you leave out.Then you call them facts.

Count 2: Fox seemingly perverts the truth of the matter:

Fox's headline appears to claim that the 20,000 missiles were missing from one warehouse (singular) In the ABC News report multiple warehouses are mentioned, and of course, the missiles are described as unaccounted for in the headline.

Interesting factoid: Apparently the person to raise this issue to public knowledge was Peter Bouckaert, a representative of that notoriously leftwing-pinko-commie organization, Human Rights Watch ..... which has been derided by some on here previously ... :rolleyes:Why is it so important to you who reported this when even the white house says this is a problem.In Washington, President Barack Obama's top counterterrorism official, John O. Brennan, said that the spread of shoulder-fired missiles and other weapons from Libya's arsenal posed “a lot of concerns,” and that the United States had pressed the rebel government to secure weapons stockpiles.That also is from your link.

(Hint: if it were up to your government, you probably wouldn't be allowed any awareness of the specifics of this situation - as it undoubtedly related to "national security". IOW, they would withhold it from citizens, the flying public, etc. ..... after having failed to address having commercial airliners outfitted with countermeasures which could stop such missles ..... while instead ****ing trillions down the toilet for such things as having Grandma groped at the airport and overseas wars of aggression in the name of "national security", which, in fact, deliver the exact opposite) Hint thats your government to there buddy.I sure did not vote for any of the powers that be got us into a third war.

Another interesting factoid: The only source I can find in the ABC News article for the figure of 20,000 missiles is a comment from Peter Bouckaert: Estimates of the true total run as high as 20,000 such missiles.WOW this is from your own link you posted as facts.

"In Libya we're talking about something on the order of 20,000 surface-to-air missiles," said Bouckaert. "This is one of the greatest stockpiles of these weapons that has ever gone on the loose."

While Mr. Bouckaert is a probably a great guy, I'm not sure how he would be privy to how many missiles Libya possesses and no other additional evidence is offered to support his statement (which may be based on reliable info that isn't otherwise mentioned)

Count 3: ABC News appears to portray that all of 20,000 "estimated" missiles were shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles or "manpads" That may, or may not, be the case.

The Hindu article linked above - which does offer some numbers on the models and types of missiles involved and mentions that one type, the SA-24, is a dual-use weapon: either shoulder-fired, or from a vehicle-mounted launcher.

The Hindu also reports that the Russian manufacturer who makes the SA-24 has stated that no grip stock devices (which are required for the missile to be shoulder-fired) were ever sold to Libya. It also reports that none have been found in the country.Here is what it really says.No grip stocks for SA-24s have yet been found in Libya, and the Russian manufacturer of the SA-24 has previously said that it did not sell any grip stocks to Qadhafi's military. The SA-24s, it said, were sold only with vehicle-mounted launchers. The SA-7, however, is a shoulder-fired missile. A Soviet-era weapon dating to the 1960s that remains in wide use and circulation, it has been implicated in several attacks on airliners over the years, including a failed attack on an Israeli charter plane
Also I did not relize that russia was the only country that made up the former eastern bloc nations.

Nevertheless, the Hindu reports that it has been documented that at least 7,592 SA-7b shoulder-fired missiles were shipped to Libya. It does also mention the 20,000 figure although I'm not entirely certain that it is in reference to the SA-7b's onlyWhile it certainly a bad situation, it does not serve the public interest to be inaccurate with details.
Gotta love how you say the Hindu reports.When what the link you posted says, The Times has previously documented.You know as in the New York TIMES!!!!!! Also love how you have said in this post the only place you could find the number 20,000 was ABC/FOX then you write It does also mention the 20,000 figure although I'm not entirely certain that it is in reference to the SA-7b's Never mind the FACT one can see that they are talking about missiles.Did you think they ment 7,592 SA-7b and and 12408 cans of peas??

Facts you say.Thats funny I dont care who you are thats funny right there.:D
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Veteran Expediter
Geez Tbub - you're going to have to learn to be more specific to keep your posts from being nitpicked apart for lack of all-important details.
!!! Strawman Alert !!!

I addressed one single aspect of his words (his "post" if you will)- and that was his assertion that it was "true" that 20,000 missiles were missing. Beyond that, almost everything else that I addressed had to do with the reporting of the issue.

Congrats on being unable - or unwilling - to differentiate between the two .... :rolleyes:

The number of missiles might be 19,999 or 20,002 and your assertion is revealed as "not true".
Yeah ..... leave it you to draw that as the relevant point (it wasn't) - it really says alot about your own personal regard for truth and accuracy.

But thanks for bringing it up - actually that's where I failed to really hammer on the exact point that needed to be addressed - which is:

It wouldn't really matter if it turned out to exactly 20,000 ..... since the statement that Boobala made is a claim that is not based on any particular facts or info which support his claim that he personally possessed .... unless mebbe Muammar emailed Boobala with a hot tip before his internet connection went down .....

In the final analysis, does it really matter how many thousands of missiles are "missing" or "unaccounted for"?
Thanks for asking.

Of course it does ..... and it absolutely matters whether they are actually "missing" or just "unaccounted for" ...... only a real twit would believe it otherwise.

Ten missiles missing = a possibility of actually tracking them down with a reasonable limited amount of expense and resources. Fairly limited, although still quite significant, potential for loss of human life due to their misuse.

Ten thousand missiles missing = look for the retards in our gooberment **** away untold hundreds of billions doing something like a ground invasion to recover them all, only to come up far short. Huge potential to cause major loss of human life for decades to come as a terrorist weapon, easily exceeding all US KIA thus far in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

Ten is too many if they get into the possession of Hezbollah or some other terrorist organization.
No kiddin ?

That statement by itself sums up the whole situation and gets to the crux of the matter.The bottom line is there's a whole bunch of missiles missing,
Apparently you don't understand the difference between "missing" and "unaccounted for" either ..... (facepalm)

It is certainly true that there are some missiles missing ..... "a whole bunch" is your characterization, it isn't real specific and could mean anything from five (5) to 10,000 ..... but hey, it pretty much dovetails right in with your own personal penchant for being precise and highly accurate ..... :rolleyes:

Facts do matter.

Truth does matter.

And so do lies ....
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Seasoned Expediter
quote by rlent Count 3: ABC News appears to portray that all of 20,000 "estimated" missiles were shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles or "manpads" That may, or may not, be the case.

From the ABC article link below
The missiles, four to six-feet long and Russian-made, can weigh just 55 pounds with launcher. They lock on to the heat generated by the engines of aircraft, can be fired from a vehicle or from a combatant's shoulder, and are accurate and deadly at a range of more than two miles.

Yep they apper to protray all of them as shoulder fired.What was that you said to pilgrim about facts being important??????????

Nightmare in Libya: Thousands of Surface-to-Air Missiles Unaccounted For - ABC News

Its funny how when you start getting that smackdown some of you love to use to claim victory you feel the need to start calling those that dont agree with you names and insult them.
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Veteran Expediter
yep did you not see the top of the hindu link.
Errr ..... actually, I did :D .... BTW, I also saw the reference to the NYTS ;)

If these really were facts as you protray them why then are they in the op-ed section??????
Who knows (shrug) ..... if it is something that you deem highly significant, write 'em and ask if ya really wanna know .....

Personally, I really can't speak for the cultural page layout & organizing practices of media entities on the Indian subcontinent ....

Ostensibly it could have been because ..... they were facts being talked about and commented on in an opinion piece .... although that does not appear to be the case here ....

Who knows ?

At best, it's an interesting oddity .... but it until you can show it's meaningful in some way, it's not really relevant or consequential .....

BTW Bubbie,

Just in case no one has broken the news to ya, the opinion section or editorial page vs the remainder of a newspaper or web media is not necessarily directly analogous to difference between the "Fiction" and "Non-fiction" sections of Barnes & Noble or your local library ....

Allow me to assure you: facts are quite frequently discussed in opinion pieces .....

I realize this may be an extremely difficult concept to grasp ..... and yes, it is ever so confusing being able to tell them facts from folks' opinions ..... but trust me on this: work with it a bit, give it your best effort and I'll bet you'll be able to just absolutely nail it one of these days.

At any rate, upon having discovered the original source (and the fact that it was a news story) that should have cleared it up for you.

You know the OPION SECTION.
Yeah .... I know the Opinion section ....

Because .... unlike yourself apparently ..... they knew better than to trust and use Fox News .....

You do understand that you have just made my point for me ...... right ?

Think about it :rolleyes:

Well .... apparently somewhat better than yourself ..... :rolleyes:

Beyond the above, there's really nothing else in your response that is worth me addressing ..... none of the remainder of your response detracts from anything I've said on the matter and I posted the link to entire article for anyone that was interested enough to read it. For this go-round we'll again be using the two-pronged evaluation and grading system:

A for effort (and degree of desperation)

F for substance.

...... next ......
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Seasoned Expediter
Errr ..... actually, I did :D .... BTW, I also saw the reference to the NYTS ;)

Who knows (shrug) ..... if it is something that you deem highly significant, write 'em and ask if ya really wanna know .....

Personally, I really can't speak for the cultural page layout & organizing practices of media entities on the Indian subcontinent ....

Ostensibly it could have been because ..... they were facts being talked about and commented on in an opinion piece .... although that does not appear to be the case here ....

Who knows ?

At best, it's an interesting oddity .... but it until you can show it's meaningful in some way, it's not really relevant or consequential .....

BTW Bubbie,

Just in case no one has broken the news to ya, the opinion section or editorial page vs the remainder of a newspaper or web media is not necessarily directly analogous to difference between the "Fiction" and "Non-fiction" sections of Barnes & Noble or your local library ....

Allow me to assure you: facts are quite frequently discussed in opinion pieces .....

I realize this may be an extremely difficult concept to grasp ..... and yes, it is ever so confusing being able to tell them facts from folks' opinions ..... but trust me on this: work with it a bit, give it your best effort and I'll bet you'll be able to just absolutely nail it one of these days.

At any rate, upon having discovered the original source (and the fact that it was a news story) that should have cleared it up for you.

Yeah .... I know the Opinion section ....

Because .... unlike yourself apparently ..... they knew better than to trust and use Fox News .....
I guess it had nothing to do with the fact that your link that you clam is fact based and not a MSM's trash even though it turns out almost word for word from one of the very MSM's you dispise, reported it two weeks befor fox and ABC reported it.
You do understand that you have just made my point for me ...... right ?

Think about it :rolleyes:

Well .... apparently somewhat better than yourself .....
Beyond the above, there's really nothing else in your response that is worth me addressing ..... none of the remainder of your response detracts from anything I've said on the matter and I posted the link to entire article for anyone that was interested enough to read it. For this go-round we'll again be using the two-pronged evaluation and grading system:

A for effort (and degree of desperation)

F for substance.

...... next ......

That is because you can not dispute them.They are all real news and facts as you pointed out from your own link.Yet you felt the need to leave out the parts that did not back your claims up,maybe it was because they backed up what FOX reported.After all fox did report it two weeks after you source did!!Spin it any way you want but when you know there is something there but can not find it where they should be then they are missing.Even your link pointed out the missiles were there and now they are missing.

Missiles missing from Libyan stockpile

That is the title of the artical of the link you posted yet you insult me for doing the very thing you did yourself.YEP IT IS TRUE THEY ARE MISSING:eek:
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Veteran Expediter
Yep they apper to protray all of them as shoulder fired.What was that you said to pilgrim about facts being important??????????

Read the exact thing from the ABC report that you quoted.

Do you see where it says "can be fired from a vehicle" ?

Now go back and read all the articles including the NYTS and/or Hindu.com article, paying particular attention to the part where they talk about some of the missiles being vehicle-launch only and not shoulder-fired MANPADs ..... and there being no evidence for shoulder stocks for them in-country, and the fact that the mfg. says they didn't supply them that way to Libya.

Then take a real long look at the nice purty picture up near the top of the page with that olive-drab device that looks like a pair of binoculars for the Jolly Green Giant .... and see if that clears anything up for ya ....

If, at that point, you still don't get it ..... the only thing I can suggest is to consider a remedial English course, with a strong focus on reading comprehension.

Its funny how when you start getting that smackdown ......
Do me a favor please if you would - drop me a PM and give me a little heads up on exactly when you expect this to start happening ..... so I can be fully prepared for your merciless onslaught .... :rolleyes:
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Seasoned Expediter

Read the exact thing from the ABC report that you quoted.

Do you see where it says "can be fired from a vehicle" ?

Now go back and read all the articles including the NYTS and/or Hindu.com article, paying particular attention to the part where they talk about some of the missiles being vehicle-launch only and not shoulder-fired MANPADs ..... and there being no evidence for shoulder stocks for them in-country, and the fact that the mfg. says they didn't supply them that way to Libya.
The SA-7, however, is a shoulder-fired missile. A Soviet-era weapon dating to the 1960s that remains in wide use and circulation,
Libyan rebels have occasionally been spotted carrying SA-7s,
Although only nine crates holding two SA-7s each were found in the schoolbook warehouse, those crates were a part of what evidently were nine different consignments.9 different shipments of sa-7s yet you belive what an arms dealer says.And we are the twits????

From your link they do have them.You are the one that implied ABC was saying they were all shoulder fired.Yet when one read the ABC article one see this is not the case.yet again you claim you source to say one thing when IN FACT IT says the exact opposite

Then take a real long look at the nice purty picture up near the top of the page with that olive-drab device that looks like a pair of binoculars for the Jolly Green Giant .... and see if that clears anything up for ya ....

If, at that point, you still don't get it ..... the only thing I can suggest is to consider a remedial English course, with a strong focus on reading comprehension.

Do me a favor please if you would - drop me a PM and give me a little heads up on exactly when you expect this to start happening ..... so I can be fully prepared for your merciless onslaught .... :rolleyes:

You are the one who came at me with insults because of my post yet you link backs mine up when you read the whole thing and not just what YOU WROTE AND IMPLIED IT TO MEAN
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Veteran Expediter
That is because you can not dispute them.
It's not that I "can't" dispute them ..... it's just that isn't anything there to dispute ....

At the point where you can actually structure a cogent and reasoned argument in a lucid fashion, using facts you quote in a logical manner to make a point, I might be willing to take a shot at it tho' ....

Just a thought.

They are all real news and facts as you pointed out from your own link.
Uh-huh ..... :rolleyes:

Yet you felt the need to leave out the parts that did not back your claims up, maybe it was because they backed up what FOX reported.
They don't back up what Fox (or you) said .... to wit:

"On Wednesday, a reporter for The New York Times, as well as a researcher for Human Rights Watch and other reporters who visited the scene, found 10 crates that had held two missiles each lying opened and empty."

Now, let me help ya with this .... it's very fancy-shmancy higher-order mathematics, so you have my permission to use your ten fingers and ten toes - you will need them all.

Here's how it works: 10 crates each contained 2 missiles

We'll work that up into a very fancy math-e-matical equation that looks like this:

10 X 2 = _______

Now using all your fingers and toes work that quation above and tell me the number you come up with to fill in the blank.

Was it it 20 ? ....

Good ! ..... you get a cookie !

Now, I'm going to jump in and do the next one myself and I want to you go off and contemplate it for however long you need to, to ascertain it's meaning (along with the ultimate truth of the universe) Here it is:

20 ≠ 20,000

Now ..... off with ya .... you little scamp you ! :D

(Hmmm .... maybe we should consider remedial math as well ... :rolleyes:)

After all fox did report it two weeks after you source did!!
Oh wow ..... double exclamation points .... I am suitably impressed ... :eek:

Significance of this factoid ?

Spin it any way you want but when you know there is something there but can not find it where they should be then they are missing.
And sometimes one knows there is nothing there .... and therefore any attempt at meaningful communication is largely a wasted effort .....

Even your link pointed out the missiles were there and now they are missing.

Missiles missing from Libyan stockpile

That is the title of the artical of the link you posted yet you insult me for doing the very thing you did yourself.
Uhhh .... not quite .....

For starters, I didn't come on here and claim that there were 20,000 missiles missing in Libya as an absolutely true fact, all based on something I read on Fox News - YOU however DID

Even Fox hedged on it (to allow for the possibility of error) - by saying "reportedly" in their headline ....

You, on the otherhand, decided to go for the Full Monty and, running dead, flat-out, headed directly for the edge of Angel Falls, did not pass GO or collect $200 ... and, without the least hesitation, (drum roll please) made The Great Leap ..... into an immediate vertical descent, with the expected belly-flop at the bottom.

Secondly, I'm not trying to twist various facts in other articles to support my ill-advised public proclamation - when they clearly do not.

I never stated that there weren't missiles missing.

But I suspect me and thee would differ on what is the known quantity of "THEY" ......


Veteran Expediter

I know that you know what you mean or intend when you write something ... however, in order to have a two-way communication, it is necessary for you to take some care and structure your written postings so that others too may decipher them.

When you intermingle your written thoughts with something you have quoted from elsewhere and fail to differentiate one from the other, it makes it more difficult to discern what you are saying and what you are quoting. It confuses the issue. It makes you less able of being understood.

It appears you are reaching the tipping point of critical mass in acquiring an age-old affliction of the EO Soapbox:

..... frothiness ....​

When one gets to the point that the frothiness is taking over, the eyes just generally glaze over then just sorta roll back in the head and spin around .... and the words start to spew out in sort of a totally non-coherent stream-of-consciousness fashion ....

Communication becomes pretty much impossible ....

And you are there my friend.

Take another stab.


Veteran Expediter
Earlier article from the NYT on the matter:

Antiaircraft Missiles on the Loose in Libya

I note the following in it:

"During more than four decades in power, Colonel Qaddafi’s often bellicose government is thought to have acquired as many as 20,000 of these missiles, known as Manpads, for Man-Portable Air-Defense Systems, in arms deals with the former Eastern bloc.

Many are assumed to remain in the Qaddafi military’s custody, American officials say, and others have been fired in the conflict, meaning that the number loose is most likely much smaller than the original stock."


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
!!! Strawman Alert !!!
I addressed one single aspect of his words (his "post" if you will)- and that was his assertion that it was "true" that 20,000 missiles were missing. Beyond that, almost everything else that I addressed had to do with the reporting of the issue.
Congrats on being unable - or unwilling - to differentiate between the two .... :rolleyes:
Strawman my ###. This post of yours is a fine example of nitpicking and splitting hairs with statements made by others in a lame effort to cast aspersions on their integrity. It makes no difference whether or not the number of missiles missing in Libya is EXACTLY 20,000 or 16,947 - any reasonable person reading that statement understands the 20,000 figure is an implied estimate as stated in the article itself. Everybody else that participates in this forum seems to understand that their posts are made on a casual basis that doesn't require perfect grammar or spelling, and - within reasonable parameters - don't have to meet some exacting standards of some self-proclaimed fact police.
Yeah ..... leave it you to draw that as the relevant point (it wasn't) - it really says alot about your own personal regard for truth and accuracy.
You made it a primary point by dedicating so much of your post to it - especially after setting yourself up as the "truth and accuracy" nazi. Here's a news flash - an individual's regard for truth and accuracy isn't measured by how close he comes to agreeing with your opinion or constructing his sentences to meet your approval.
Of course it does ..... and it absolutely matters whether they are actually "missing" or just "unaccounted for" ...... only a real twit would believe it otherwise.
Apparently you don't understand the difference between "missing" and "unaccounted for" either ..... (facepalm)
Apparently, you are ignorant of the fact that the two terms are synonymous.(Bold emphasis mine):eek:

MainEntry: missing
ofSpeech: adjective
Synonyms:AWOL, astray, away, disappeared, lacking, left behind, left out, lost, mislaid,misplaced, not present, nowhere to be found,omitted, removed, short, unaccounted for, wanting

Missing Synonyms, Missing Antonyms | Thesaurus.com
Facts do matter.

Truth does matter.

And so do lies ....
But your facts don't matter - and just because somebody disagrees with your opinions doesn't make them stupid, dishonest or a liar, which seems to be the basis of all your arguments.


Veteran Expediter
You guys are funny.

It don't matter, really because as I was saying since this idiotic idea of helping people win their country without knowing who they are all started, many of you were supporting it and now you have the result of what many have warned what would happen. You can't cry about it, you have to live with it no matter how bad it gets.

If there is a missile attack, blame Obama and those who supported the idea of ousting Qaddafi.