2 Questions: Streets and Trips and Wirless Interne


Expert Expediter
I picked up Microsoft Streets and Trips 2006 at a local school auction, but it didn't come with the GPS. Are there any decent cheap GPS that I could get that will work with Streets and Trips?

I have a laptop with built in 802.11b wirless. Is it possible to use a cell phone as a modem or some other way to get internet on the road?
What would I need to buy and ruffly how much per month would it cost?
My brother who will be teaming with me uses Centennial for his cell phone, but is unsure if they offer internet and I couldn't find any info on their website.

thanks for any info.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: 2 Questions: Streets and Trips and Wirless Int

My co-driver had Centenial and could not use a cell phone modem. They kept saying it was coming but after 3 years she gave up,and switched to Cingular.

My own service is with Verizon and is satisactory. I use a Motorola phone/Modem.Speed is painully slow,but most of the time we are connected by WiFi at the truckstop.

Cant help much on the GPS question as ours came in the package from MS.I do note it says in the directions to be sure a unit from another vender is compatable.Maybe a Goggle search would help.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: 2 Questions: Streets and Trips and Wirless Int

If you write or call MS Streets and inform them of your problem, they may replace the GPS part for you. It's worth the phone call!


Veteran Expediter
RE: 2 Questions: Streets and Trips and Wirless Int

Any gps reciever should work with it. Check out the sapphire gps reciever. It's the size of a quarter, and doesn't stand out on the dash. It runs around $100 after shipping on ebay.


Expert Expediter
RE: 2 Questions: Streets and Trips and Wirless Int

! have a ? about which wireless internet provider to go with. I've talked with sprint and aol, was told if I can't get droadband at home I would not be able to get service on the road. Also talked with a Pantherii driver who had a sprint wireless card for laptop and said he could get internet service just about anywhere along freeways. I am confused!!!!!!1


Veteran Expediter
RE: 2 Questions: Streets and Trips and Wirless Int

>I've talked with sprint and aol, was told if I can't
>get droadband at home I would not be able to get service on
>the road.

What? Sorry but who ever told you that is full of it, two separate issues. Broadband has nothing to do with wireless on the road. It sounds like the WOW people who called my dad last week and told him that he needs to use them because his browser isn’t made for Comcast. they all want you to be confused because that is how them sell things. Believe me there is a lot to the subject but research everything before putting any money down.

I don’t care what anyone thinks of AOL, I would stay far away from them. They are the biggest rip off right now and unless you need services they offer, it is not a worth while investment per month. As far as sprint or t mobile, many like both. I am cheap and may end up with t mobile but I am with flyingJ right now.

If you get a wireless card for one of the mobile services, please get the card that you can connect an external antenna to. the antenna helps with the conection on the road.


Veteran Expediter
RE: 2 Questions: Streets and Trips and Wirless Int

I had Wifi through TA, when it was "pay for one month, get one free", and it worked ok - as long as there's a TA where you are. When it expired, I switched to SBC Freedomlink, which costs $20 per month, & while it might not be the best choice for drivers of t/ts, it works well for me. The hotspots are usually at a McDonald's, or a Barnes & Noble in a mall, but what I like is the phone number you can call 24/7 to ask where to get online nearby. I also like the fact that I can stay out in the parking lot & get online. I've been using it for a couple months & have no problems. (Well, none that are SBC's fault, lol) They do require a one year contract, but I don't see $20 per month as a huge risk, and so far it's working well.


Veteran Expediter
RE: 2 Questions: Streets and Trips and Wirless Int

I forgot to mention - I checked with Verizon first, they charge $200 for a wireless card, AND $80 a month - no thanks. SBC Freedomlink is primarily for businesspeople, but there are hotspots everywhere I've gone so far, and I think that by the time my one year contract expires, WiFi will be available at no cost everywhere. It already is at so many places (& there are more all the time) that not offerring it will put businesses at a disadvantage. Well, that's my theory, anyway - but I have no problem paying $5 a week. The phone access to a live person 24/7 is worth that much these days!


Expert Expediter
RE: 2 Questions: Streets and Trips and Wirless Int

I have tried all WIFI services and all had some problem or another..mostly finding the spots not near truck related areas. I can't believe I missed out all the time I have Verizon for normal cell phone service. I use the verizon software and hardware (tried radio shack stuff and had lots of problems) I try to wait untill after 9 so no airtime is used faster service than when I get on at home. No extra charges per month or Data services.Just buy kit for phone around $30. WORKS GREAT !!
Fast Jimmy