
Veteran Expediter

This will boggle your mind, I know it did mine!

The year is 1909. One hundred years ago.
What a difference a century makes!
Here are some statistics for the Year 1909:


The average life expectancy was 47 years.

Fuel for this car was sold in drug stores only

Only 14 percent of the homes had a bathtub.

Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone.

There were only 8,000 cars and only 144 miles
Of paved roads.

The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.

The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower!

The average wage in 1909 was 22 cents
per hour.

The average worker made between $200 and $400 per year ...

A competent accountant could expect to earn $2000 per year,
A dentist $2,500 per year, a veterinarian between $1,500 and $4,000 per year, and a mechanical engineer about $5,000 per year.

More than 95 percent of all births took place at HOME .

Ninety percent of all doctors had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION!

Instead, they attended so-called medical schools, many of which Were
condemned in the press AND the government as 'substandard.

Sugar cost four cents a pound.

Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen.

Coffee was fifteen cents a pound.

Most women only washed their hair once a
month, and used Borax or egg yolks for shampoo.

Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from
Entering into their country for any reason.

Five leading causes of death were:

1. Pneumonia and influenza
2. Tuberculosis
3. Diarrhea
4. Heart disease
5. Stroke

The American flag had 45 stars.

The population of Las Vegas, Nevada,
was only 30!!!!

Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and iced tea
Hadn't been invented yet.

There was no Mother's Day or Father's

Two out of every 10 adults couldn't read or write and
Only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated from high

Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over the counter at the local corner drugstores. Back then pharmacists said, 'Heroin clears the complexion, gives buoyancy to the mind,regulates the stomach and bowels, and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health'

(Shocking? DUH! )

Eighteen percent of
households had at least one full-time servant or domestic help.

There were about 230 reported murders in the ENTIRE ! U.S.A.! Plus
one more sad thought; 95 percent of the taxes we have now did not exist in 1909

I am now going to forward this to someone else without typing it myself.
From there, it will be sent to others all over
the WORLD - all in a matter of seconds!

Try to imagine what it may be like in another 100



Veteran Expediter
Funny , i got this Email about 3 years ago ,
same thing for 2006...

According to the "Back to the future"
the Ice tea was invented in 1855...


Veteran Expediter
There were only 8,000 cars and only 144 miles
Of paved roads.


There were about 230 reported murders in the ENTIRE ! U.S.A.!

Both very very wrong.


Veteran Expediter
Not at all.

The car and road thing is common knowledge.

The murder rate is common sense.


Veteran Expediter
Umm... 79,500 or so, which is still a lot more then 8000. But that was built during 1909 and that doesn't include the majority of manufacturers at that time just the majors and those were not all the vehicles on the road in 1909.


Veteran Expediter
Umm... 79,500 or so, which is still a lot more then 8000. But that was built during 1909 and that doesn't include the majority of manufacturers at that time just the majors and those were not all the vehicles on the road in 1909.

Kinda why I phrased it the way I did;)


Veteran Expediter
Maybe, I shoulda put this thread in the Soapbox, since this isn't really the place for debate


Staff member
Retired Expediter
All of the "boggle your mind" Internet postings and e-mails are chiefly fiction. Some include a few truths, but mostly they are just made up. Like, those "tests" that grade schoolers took in 1912 or whenever - all made up.

Walt Disney is being kept frozen in liquid nitrogen somewhere in one of the Disney parks. There is a company in the United States that sells human meat and even gives recipes for the best meals you can make out of people. The American government secretly attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon themselves with military planes, and four passenger planes simply vanished the same day for no reason. The Vatican has a computer containing the names of every Protestant in the world in preparation for a war they are planning 'very soon'.

A nationwide survey by the Markle Foundation released in July 2001 found that the leading metaphor in the public's mind for the Internet is "a library."

In a Pew Internet Survey on education and the Internet, 71% of online teens say that they used the Internet as the major source for their most recent major school project or report.

In a national poll commissioned by Streaming Media, 1232 respondents were asked about what sources they trust the most for news. Of the 550 regular Internet users in the poll, 76% said they could learn everything they need to know from the net; 51% said the Internet had the most accurate information.

If you eat Mentos and then drink Coca-Cola, you'll explode. Kentucky Fried Chicken no longer uses chicken in their chicken, they use a mutated organism that only resembles chicken. That's why the government made them change their name to KFC. Don't flash your headlights. Don't snort cremated remains of granny when you're robbing the place. Don't eat candy-flavored meth. If the bathtub is full of ice, don't get in there or you'll lose a kidney.

It's all true. I know that because I read it on the Internet.

Here's one to ponder... and it is true...
Wikipedia is Truth by Democracy. If there is a difference of opinion on certain facts in an article a vote will be called to determine the ‘truth’. Truth is what the majority thinks is true.
