If you support allowing invaders to come here and stay, ask yourself this;
Do I support exploiting children for labor?
Do I support child pornography?
Do I support child abuse and pedophilia?
Do I support exploiting women for prostitution?
Do I support abusing women?
Do I support an underground market that causes me to pay higher taxes?
Do I support the diminished quality of healthcare for my family due to the non payment of services to hospitals?
The answer must be yes to all of the above.
Well read this carefully.
It is simple to abuse people who are afraid of reporting things to the authorities because they may be deported. Most crimes are unreported because of this simple fact. Some of these people are so intimidated that they can’t believe anyone but the people who abuse them, something akin to battered person syndrome.
In addition to this, the culture of some of these people are a mitigating factor and affects us directly, they live in abject poverty where crime is a way of life and the above things happen more often than not – remember they are not all Mexican but from El Salvador, Guatemala, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, etc.. When they are used to high crime rate and things like rape, torture, child abuse and pedophilia are the norm, they are more apt to allow or participate in crimes like these in your neighborhood, even if they don’t live there.
See it is more humane to use a system where they come here, be informed about the laws, the culture, and our language and be a part of the country - not invade to be abused, exploited or commit a crime. Many who are for legalizing the invasion of our country don’t have a clue what some of these people go though to get here or what happens to them when they are here and if the border is closed (a wall is a very good idea) than many would take the legal approach to enter into our country and a lot of this would stop.
Ahh... Money - the real motivating factor behind the immigration reform bill. The cost for legal immigration to our country is around $5K when you add everything up, a lot of people come here being smuggled in at $2K sometimes as high as $4K because they don’t know any better. Talking about money for a moment, when you talk about people making $10/hour under the table, they are actually making more like $20 an hour when you factor in the taxes.
Companies who support using invaders are to many like me are the same companies who support terrorism and are as unpatriotic as they come. They support tax evasion, they support avoiding hard won labor laws which only shows thier contempt for the very system that allows them to make a profit and live freely in our great country.
The last thing is people like McCain do a disservice to this country and I can’t see how Arizona even reelects him. He claims that no American is willing to do the work that the invaders do and says he will pay $50/hour to pick lettuce in Arizona. I am trying to find where I can sign up for his $50/hour picking lettuce jobs; this is one American that is willing to work one season in the high heat for $50/hour. How about you, want to make $50/hour?