10 biggest killers in the USA


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
That should be a very telling chart. It emphasizes the hypocrisy and ignorance of the Pelosi/Feinstein/Reid/Schumer/Obama trash and all their co-conspirators who care NOTHING about citizens and only about power and control over the population. Why else are they ignoring the Constitution and common sense to obsess on the tenth cause while ignoring the top nine? They want absolute control over their subjects, no longer citizens once those scum achieve their goal of subjugating them.


Retired Expediter
Wait NOW...them are numbers supplied by them big lairs the Gubermint....how can anyone believe them?....cause you know they lie...cause you guys said so MANY times....LOL


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yes they do and if they were to lie it would be to make guns look worse than they really are to make their illegal action against the Constitution and citizens more believable and reasonable. Yes, it's possible they lied and item 10 is really item 12 or 15 or lower.


Retired Expediter
Yes they do and if they were to lie it would be to make guns look worse than they really are to make their illegal action against the Constitution and citizens more believable and reasonable. Yes, it's possible they lied and item 10 is really item 12 or 15 or lower.
Well the you guys talk, that gun item should have been wiggled to be higher up the list....to suit the gubermints position...


Veteran Expediter
Wait NOW...them are numbers supplied by them big lairs the Gubermint....how can anyone believe them?....cause you know they lie...cause you guys said so MANY times....LOL

Of course we can believe because they say so, its gotta be true..Beside its on the internet so it must be true.
Doesn't appear to be a actual chart from the CDC as far as I can see. Maybe Just a chart someone made showing how ppl died. Maybe for F/book?? Still paints a preety good image tho.
With no link to chart a fast Google took me here.

The 10 Big “Killers” in the US | Vera Resnick, Classical Homoeopath


Retired Expediter
I truly believe firearms death numbers are low...it is not as mad a world the MSM tries to paint...considering the amount of guns and rifles out there, the crime and corruption...


Veteran Expediter
That should be a very telling chart. It emphasizes the hypocrisy and ignorance of the Pelosi/Feinstein/Reid/Schumer/Obama trash and all their co-conspirators who care NOTHING about citizens and only about power and control over the population. Why else are they ignoring the Constitution and common sense to obsess on the tenth cause while ignoring the top nine? They want absolute control over their subjects, no longer citizens once those scum achieve their goal of subjugating them.
They're going to have to keep doing that, because in a while, Obama-care will start climbing that list of killers. So they'll have to keep focusing on guns.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well the you guys talk, that gun item should have been wiggled to be higher up the list....to suit the gubermints position...

How do you know it wasn't already wiggled up from 17th to 10th to better suit the goobers position?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I truly believe firearms death numbers are low...it is not as mad a world the MSM tries to paint...considering the amount of guns and rifles out there, the crime and corruption...

Guns and rifles? I KNOW you were never in the military and it may be unlikely you understand what I mean by that, SO, what do you mean by "guns AND rifles"? Which guns are you talking about. All who went through US Army basic over the last 60 years ago, or even further back, know what I mean.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Wait NOW...them are numbers supplied by them big lairs the Gubermint....how can anyone believe them?....cause you know they lie...cause you guys said so MANY times....LOL
Because those numbers didn't come from the government. That chart is an amalgamation of cherry-picked numbers so as to present a very agenda-ized chart. Whoever did that chart assumes that all heart disease, lung cancers, lower respiratory disease, stroke are, all of them, are caused by tobacco.

In Japan, per capita more than twice as many people in Japan smoke as do Americans. And of the smokers, in Japan, they smoke just about twice as many cigarettes as do American smokers per year. Yet, Japan has a 20% lower rate of lung cancers, and a 54% lower rate of coronary heart disease.

In America, according to the American Cancer Society, 70% of all lung cancers are in people who do not smoke, never have, and are rarely around smokers so as to be killed by that incredibly dangerous second-hand smoke.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Leading Causes of Death


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Cherry picked? Very likely, which is really OK since Obama is going to lie and cherry pick his stats on his crusade to eliminate the Constitution.

Try this article. It's a CBS article so it's OK, it too is left wing. NOTICE murders, of any kind, don't even make the cut in the top 15.

  1. Heart disease (-3%)
  2. Cancer (-2.4%)
  3. Chronic lower respiratory diseases, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, and bronchitis (+1.2%)
  4. Stroke (-3.1%)
  5. Accidents or unintentional injuries (unchanged)
  6. Alzheimer’s disease (-2%)
  7. Diabetes (+3.4%)
  8. Influenza and pneumonia (+4%)
  9. Kidney-related diseases, including nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis (-12.4%)
  10. Suicide (-0.8%)
  11. Septicemia, an infection of the blood that affects the whole body (-0.9%)
  12. Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis (+3.2%)
  13. High blood pressure or hypertension (unchanged)
  14. Parkinson’s disease (+2.9%)
  15. Pneumonitis or inflammation of the lungs (+3.9%)

Death Rates Drop For 5 Top Causes Of Death « CBS New York