Wait NOW...them are numbers supplied by them big lairs the Gubermint....how can anyone believe them?....cause you know they lie...cause you guys said so MANY times....LOL
Because those numbers didn't come from the government. That chart is an amalgamation of cherry-picked numbers so as to present a very agenda-ized chart. Whoever did that chart assumes that all heart disease, lung cancers, lower respiratory disease, stroke are, all of them, are caused by tobacco.
In Japan, per capita more than twice as many people in Japan smoke as do Americans. And of the smokers, in Japan, they smoke just about twice as many cigarettes as do American smokers per year. Yet, Japan has a 20% lower rate of lung cancers, and a 54% lower rate of coronary heart disease.
In America, according to the American Cancer Society, 70% of all lung cancers are in people who do not smoke, never have, and are rarely around smokers so as to be killed by that incredibly dangerous second-hand smoke.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Leading Causes of Death