I also found certain wire connectors on the M2 to be quite small and succeptible to intermitent contact at times. Regarding the turn signals/wipers and the headlights off and on, I took an eye glass repair kit regular head screw driver, because it is about the same width as the female wire connectors, pressed it inbetween the back side of each female connector and the plastic housing and bend the tool over slightly so that the tip of the tool collapses the female connector about half way down leaving the opening intact for each pin insert. This tightens up the contact with each pin.
Do this to both plugs going to the turn signal stock (smaller plug less noticible behind the switch) and both plugs at each headlite bucket. This solved these issues on my M2 so far. I did have to replace one of the headlite bulb sockets due to installing a higher wattage bulb that melted the socket. My right side low beam will still blink for an almost inperceivable split second maybe twice in a week, but does not bother me.
The more I learn about big trucks, the more I realize it really is easy to do self repairs/adjustments if one wants to save some real money. Lots of info online. I also do my own overheads on an Cat Acert C9, takes about 45 minutes, dealer charges $350! Why so much??? i mean, if an ameture can do it in 45 minutes, and I mean double and triple checking lash after adjusted, why does it cost so much on an electronic engine? I can understand it somewhat if a mechanical motor and injectors need adjusting also, but on an electronic motor, to turn crank to TDC, loosen 6 lash adjusters, adjust, tighten, check and triple check, turn crank 360 degrees and repeat, I don't get it......I can't stand it and I'm not going to take it anymore! Who's with me??