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  1. U

    How many alias's does one need and why????

    How come we haven't heard from "Bruno" on this topic? }>
  2. U

    Expediting Sucks

    Thanks for the analysis, Tennesseahawk, you're very perceptive. Unfortunately I didn't discover this forum until after I had taken the plunge. Even if I had I am not sure how much influence it would have had on my decision because I sense a very significant BS factor in a lot of the posts I...
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    Expediting Sucks

    Rich M. No. If I wanted to do that I would have done so in my original post. I don't want to put any particular recruiter on the spot. They are all on the same sheet of music. I have had an opportunity to talk to van drivers from several different companies during my extended waits: Panther...
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    Expediting Sucks

    Yes, that's what I said. I did my homework, I thought. I researched several companies online. I talked to a couple of recruiters. They said, "We are turning down as much freight as we are hauling." I told them I was thinking about getting a Sprinter van. Finally, one of them checked out...