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  1. L

    2006 hino 185 with p0268 scv malfunction

    I have dealt with water in the box before and now its the first place I look. I did run an overlay finally and no dice. I couldn't find anything else so we took the pump off and low and behold the shaft spins freely, no resistance at all. The odd thing to me is that the 268 has a very similar...
  2. L

    2006 hino 185 with p0268 scv malfunction

    thanks greasy, old dog, new tricks for me.
  3. L

    2006 hino 185 with p0268 scv malfunction

    Howdy folks, i have had this happen in the past with these freaky little trucks and it's typically resolved with a new scv or a connector repair but this time not so lucky. It's a jo5 motor and i'm using hino dx. Iv'e got continuity to and from the connector but i'm not getting any voltage to...
  4. L

    Hino floppy hood fix

    I see a lot of posts on here about this problem so here is my fix. You can fix an otherwise destroyed hood like this without any fiberglass work.
  5. L

    1995 Mack CS200 Steering Issue

    I have been through many Mack cs's in our fleet and they are correct, turning radius is horrible and there's nothing you can do about it.