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  1. M

    P016F abnormality on common rail pressure contol

    2014 Hino 338. What does this mean and how should I diagnose it? (I'm also getting P1405 in the BCU, high atomizer fuel pressure. Are they related?)
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    Diagnosing P206A Malfunction in urea quality sensor

    Is there a test that can be commanded to dispense DEF to check the spray pattern and volume of DEF dispensed? I do this on Cummins and Fords, but don't see a similar test for Hino.
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    Diagnosing P206A Malfunction in urea quality sensor

    Thanks for the reply. I will check the connector. ..."check th4 sensing unit".. You mean check the sending unit? What would I be looking for in the sending unit, a leak at the connector as well? Yes, I'll be replacing it because of the temperature sensor fault, but for future reference, what...
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    P0263 P0266

    How do I do an injection quantity test? So, I understand you command the RPM to 1500. What am I looking for when I monitor the injectors? Am I also commanding the injectors to do something, like adjust fuel quantity?
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    2012 Hino 338 P2436

    What conditions would trigger P2436? Is it an electrical measurement, like open/short circuit in the atomizer pump? Using a scanner, is there a test you can run or a reading you can monitor to confirm the atomizer is faulty? Thanks.
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    Burner combustion air

    I know the burner uses a CAV (combustion air valve) to turn air on and off to enter the burner. Where does that air come from? I thought it came from the air tank (for air brakes). But I read in another post that it comes from the turbo. Does the air get injected through the atomizer nozzle...
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    2012 Hino 268 P2047, 204F

    What conditions trigger P2047? Is it detecting an electrical problem with the injector coil or is it some mathematical equation involving NOx sensors?
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    DEF pump pressure

    I'm watching "DEF pump pressure". Once the "SCR Fore Exhaust Gas Temperature" gets above 300 deg F, "DEF Dosing Device Control Mode" changes to "Urea Dosing Enabled State" and the pump kicks on. Pressure goes to around 130 PSI (I was told 120-140 PSI is normal). At this time, "Pump Opening"...
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    Diagnosing NOx sensors

    2013 Hino 338 I'm trying to get good at diagnosing bad NOx sensors. Sometimes it's obvious, like it's completely dead. But often, one may be giving a bad reading. 1) Monitoring "NOx sensor request state". Under what conditions does the NOx sensor request state change from "Not requested" to...
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    Diagnosing P206A Malfunction in urea quality sensor

    2013 Hino 338. DCU shows P206A malfunction in urea quality sensor. Also has P2045 urea tank temperature sensor 2 (hi). I know I need to replace the tank temperature sensor, but there's no such thing as a urea quality sensor on these trucks is there? Is it just making a guess based on some bad...