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  1. xmudman

    Yet another bus crash

    This one happened on the PA turnpike near Donegal, about 45 miles east of Pittsburgh. Driver Killed In Turnpike Tour Bus Crash ID'd - News Story - WPXI Pittsburgh Once again, an early morning crash involving a driver who'd been rollin' all night. Only he was killed, but 23 passengers were...
  2. xmudman

    Gastric Bypass a possible cure for diabetes?

    As a diabetic, I find this article VERY interesting: Weight loss surgery may cure diabetes in many cases | Reuters This could have a significant effect on not only expediting, but trucking as a whole. What do y'all think?
  3. xmudman

    IMPORTANT INFO re: I-78 in New Jersey **UPDATED**

    UPDATE: The beginning of this project has been pushed back one week to the 4th of August. Local police departments complained that they weren't given sufficient time to prepare for the huge influx of traffic onto local roads. I am not sure whether the Westbound closures will start on the 4th as...
  4. xmudman

    Window van

    Hello all! I asked this question about a month ago in the Ask the Recruiter forum, but didn't get any replies, so I'll ask here. "I am considering getting into expediting. ... I have ... a 1999 Dodge B3500 van ... in very good shape. However, it has a couple minor problems: one is that the...
  5. xmudman

    First of many newbee posts

    I am considering getting into expediting. For a year I have been doing a dedicated run from PA to NYC 3 or 4 times a week, and am ready to expand my horizons. Several questions arise, particularly about my truck. It's a 1999 Dodge B3500 van with 208K on the clock, a fresh Jasper transmission...