Search results

  1. rollincoal


    Wow... and I thought many of the numbers I meticulously keep tabs on were overkill... Minutes at redlights and stopsigns is a new one - I am impressed!! I don't have the time to keep tabs on that though... LoL
  2. rollincoal

    Percentage Based or Flat Rate?

    Turtle, with percentage it is important, at least to my operation, to get a profitable rate on every load I haul. This means every load out and back in or all around or whatever I choose is going to a market I am familiar with KNOWING what I can get as a possible reload option before I even go...
  3. rollincoal

    Percentage Based or Flat Rate?

    There is NO profit in a flat rate based situation. You'll be pulling in break even numbers if you run a tight ship at best on a flat rate. Percentage of the linehaul is the only way for a one truck operation to make a profit and you need the ability to negotiate price on EVERY potential load...
  4. rollincoal

    Let's kick some butt! Get EXPEDITED CARRIERS listed here....

    Word just in from Bill Hood Farm2Fleet Trucking was nominated by 4 different drivers and we are finalists for this award. It's a little odd cause as far as I know I'm the only F2F driver who visits this forum, Bill sometimes does as well. I guess some of those other drivers found the link to...
  5. rollincoal

    highest percentage of the line haul

    A company that allows you to pick off whatever spot market freight from wherever you can find it for the lowest possible percentage is the best one. One that allows you to book and negotiate rates on your own loads. Also getting access to freight bills, which they are required by law to show...
  6. rollincoal

    Interesting article on expedite trucking.

    I've made a few contacts via general freight loadboards of this kind of expedite. Not auto parts but consumer goods that must be moved in a hurry. The shipments I am running come in as air freight are loaded on my truck at 2am and delivered straight thru at 5:30am a 110 miles away. There are...
  7. rollincoal

    Question for Bolt drivers

    They really have that in the contract? Wow... It'd never fly legally but someone would have to hold their feet to the fire...
  8. rollincoal

    Question for Bolt drivers

    Really doesn't matter what their contract says. If it says a contractor paid on percentage cannot see the freight bills it's illegal. The law is what it is. If you're being paid on percentage as a contractor you have a right to see what the freight actually paid.
  9. rollincoal

    pay rate ALL Miles

    I'd like to see some examples of this cause it sounds more like risk averse wishful thinking. You make it sound as if a successful rewarding business with 40 hour work weeks is easy and everyone else, outside of the trucking industry, is doing it. Not happening. Anyone with a passion for what...
  10. rollincoal

    Interesting poll on Overdrive website about Expediting

    Not with a class 8 pulling a 53' dry van there isn't. My rate to the truck on loaded miles only after the company I am leased to gets their percentage is $3.70 a mile. Deadhead pulls it down and that varies month to month or one quarter to the next depending on how busy freight is or not, year...
  11. rollincoal

    Interesting poll on Overdrive website about Expediting

    "Long wait times in odd locations" is something attractive about expediting? LoL
  12. rollincoal

    That Laredo sitting thingie

    Spot truckload expedite to Laredo is a no go for me at the rates I see offered. And some of the ones offering low ball rates $2-25-$2.50 a mile on 800/1000 miles act like it's great money and I'm the crazy one for needing more to go into a bad market. It's a cheap joke is what it is unless one...
  13. rollincoal

    Let's kick some butt! Get EXPEDITED CARRIERS listed here....

    No doubt Dynamite, thanks! I just browsed over how the nominated companies will be evaluated. We've only been in business for 2 years, I was the first truck to lease on and I've only been here a year. Got a good laugh out of the "how many terminals does your company have?" etc, etc.. That's...
  14. rollincoal

    Let's kick some butt! Get EXPEDITED CARRIERS listed here....

    This is for that phony "best carrier to drive for" list in the industry magazines. Was looking at the carriers listed they all seem pretty much the same cookie cutter mega-carrier nothing really special at all about any of them. Nominated the carrier I'm leased to just for fun. Doubt we will...
  15. rollincoal

    Feedback: What do you think of National Truck Driver Week?

    Always seemed cheesy and phoney to me - like gradeschool or something. Pulling off a hot load when the customer is worried and then landing more business because of it - that makes me feel appreciated.
  16. rollincoal

    Costs of Leaving Panther?

    If you're "not getting enough miles" in a class 8 you're at the wrong carrier period. Can already see from a recent reply above about documenting pay for "dry runs", "deadhead" etc. If you get paid a flat rate to deadhead, you're at the wrong carrier. Just some personal red flags to me, flat...
  17. rollincoal

    Can You Quantify EOBR $$$ Benefits?

    That's not the point. Point is EOBR's are an anti-competive measure. The mega carriers and mid sized carriers can handle this no sweat. Anything that takes upstarts out of the picture or eliminates existing small carriers is good for them. Competition is a sin. Regulations like this are...
  18. rollincoal

    Can You Quantify EOBR $$$ Benefits?

    Whether one agrees with it or not, being able to fudge logs is a fact of life and does give small carriers an edge competing. And then there are just some loads like livestock, where EOBR's will just outrageously increase costs and NEVER work, and produce where the same might be said in some...
  19. rollincoal

    Can You Quantify EOBR $$$ Benefits?

    Maybe in a few very rare circumstances EOBR helps someone make a little more money. For the most part I think a blanket statement that everyone will is a fantasy. As far as EOBR's are concerned it won't change much about the way I operate seeing as my average length of haul is only 430 miles...
  20. rollincoal

    16,000 Members - Thank You!

    I only found this website a couple of months ago but have found it to be a real gem. One drawback from my perspective not as many regular posters doing tractor trailer. Smaller truck operators seem to be the prevailing "average poster" here, which is fine. Honestly, I wouldn't know how to...