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  1. rollincoal

    Where Are Rates Really?

    Around my home area in TN truckload expedited options used to be plentiful and the money was good. In the past 2 or 3 years though I rarely if ever haul any real expedited freight. Granted, my expediting was always limited to the auto industry. Working spot and getting freight through...
  2. rollincoal

    retired from ceva

    Congratulations! Always amused by the time wasted at redlights.
  3. rollincoal

    Tolling on new Louisville bridges begins 12/30

    From Nashville and/or middle TN area I always opted to route myself up Pennyrile and the old US41 when going to Chicagoland or points Wisconsin. Or going back south from those midwest points. Been taking that route for almost 20 years. I remember last year I booked a trip from Alabama to...
  4. rollincoal

    Football for Thanksgiving

    Would like to see Bama lose the national championship that would be a real treat.
  5. rollincoal

    Football for Thanksgiving

    They weren't worthy of anything this year. I never understood the lack of discipline this season and that's a poor reflection on the coaching. Vanderbilt is a game they should never lose.
  6. rollincoal

    Please reply! OK... So if you could go back again...?

    I would have dove in head first and bought a brand new tractor way back then. What really happened was many years of saving and questioning whether I should get one before I finally did.
  7. rollincoal

    Football for Thanksgiving

    You may be right and Tennessee definitely has some big issues all year long and like I said Vanda always shows up to play UT. The thing that kills me is the east was down this year, very weak across the board. Tennessee really should have sewed up the east no problem it was theirs for the...
  8. rollincoal

    Football for Thanksgiving

    I would really like to see them put a complete game together and dominate Vandy so they'll be a shoe in for the Sugar Bowl.
  9. rollincoal

    Football for Thanksgiving

    UT/Vandy yeah, yeah not a big time nationally known rivalry but a good rivalry none-the-less. Vandy sucks as everyone knows. Tennessee, champions of life that they are, have had their own issues over the years. The Vols normally win and are always expected to. Vandy though, no matter how...
  10. rollincoal

    Why Carriers should be Concerned about the Food Safety Modernization Act STF Rule

    So some new job openings at the FDA that's just wonderful. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
  11. rollincoal

    Xpo sells part of Conway.

    If a Canadian company has US drivers that's probably all they need to not be in violation of US cabotage regulations. Although they might also be required to have physical bricks and mortar locations as well, I dunno, of course CFI has that covered.
  12. rollincoal

    Xpo sells part of Conway.

    That 3 billion payout included a lot more than just the TL division of Conway (CFI). There was talk even back then they were interested in unloading the TL part of it.
  13. rollincoal

    ELD's and personal vehicles

    I won't have one until it's mandatory. For me it will be aggravating in some scenarios but I don't buy into any of the earth shattering hype that it will cause major disruptions. Already moat of your shippers out here are forward thinking on this. I see a lot of loads running only 300 miles...
  14. rollincoal

    storm coming this week end

    I delivered a load of bottled water to Trader Joe's DC in Daytona Beach a day before the storm hit. They were taking trucks in until 14:00 that day then closing up shop. I wish I had brought it down in the reefer. They had their own reefer trailers loaded up to be out distributing but the o/o...
  15. rollincoal

    Anybody watch the debate?

    I missed the second one. We were more interested in other shows. The mud slinging is tiresome and totally expected because Hillary cannot win a debate on substantive issues. And the outright hypocrisy of her and that campaign's mud slinging is pure insanity. Shocking that anyone born before...
  16. rollincoal

    Anybody watch the debate?

    He was off the cuff, rough around the edges, and shooting from the hip. She was spouting off polished focus grouped talking points. Looks like she even had assists from Lester Holt to interrupt Trump so she could get in her phoney pre-planned zingers. Those rascally Clintons will do anything...
  17. rollincoal

    Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

    Tortugas Lie in Nags Head, NC. Truthfully there are a LOT of good eating one of a kind places in the Outer Banks. Fresh local seafood everywhere great place to vacation.
  18. rollincoal

    A LOT of Truckers may fall in these early recommendations for a Sleep Apnea Test

    Ahhhh just what we need. More bogus regulations. From a bunch of corrupt government/medical establishment quacks looking to cash in, no less. Isn't it funny, or sad, how they don't even try to hide corruption any more?
  19. rollincoal

    Colonel's Secret Recipe

    Thanks man. Turned out to be not such a bad thing after all. You live and learn make lemonade out lemons and such. Some guys came out of it much worse than me. I was relatively unscathed but still put in a financial crimp.
  20. rollincoal

    Colonel's Secret Recipe

    I was about to say they forgot the MSG until the end of the article. Gonna have to try this out.