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  1. jhead64

    Road Test Required for FDCC?

    Hi, quick question, I'm trying to figure out what is required to be approved Fed Ex Custom Critical. I am pasting the following from their website: All straight truck drivers (C & D units) must have: Six months minimum, verifiable commercial driving experience in same size vehicle intended...
  2. jhead64

    Need a Reality Check

    Thank you. One thing I do know is that truckers love to complain! It really helps us out having sons in the business, however, they don't know anything about expediting which is why I am here on this site to try and get some answers. I completely understand your warning about rushing into...
  3. jhead64

    Need a Reality Check

    Thank you, this is the kind of info that I am looking for....honestly, I wouldn't mind waiting till Feb or March before jumping in. Really dont want to start driving right at the beginning of winter, as well as some other personal reasons.
  4. jhead64

    Need a Reality Check

    I don't know of any company that will put a newbie in a tractor/trailer without 3 to 6 weeks of driving with a trainer. Most companies who hire student drivers also require that you start with them within a certain time period after graduating and receiving your cdl. So even though we have a...
  5. jhead64

    Need a Reality Check

    Wow, I don't even know where to start with a response to this message...first of all, yes we will make approx $35,000 for the year, that is our COMBINED GROSS annual income which comes from $9/hour for hubby and $7.70/hour for me, nothing to get excited about, yes it is a job and believe me, we...
  6. jhead64

    Need a Reality Check

    I have no problem with being ""self employed" and paying my own taxes and the other responsibilities that go along with that. I guess I forgot to post that we want to drive a straight truck, not a tractor trailer. We prefer the smaller truck as a way to be able to go to places we couldn't go...
  7. jhead64

    Need a Reality Check

    First, since I'm new to this site, I would like to say hello to everyone! I appreciate all the helpful advice that is given here. Now for the reason for my post. My husband and I have been wanting to drive a truck for about 8 years now. Done countless hours of research, but always waiting...