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  1. asjssl

    Dodge Promaster

    I only buy last truck was $17,200 w/ 40,000 on was $33,000 that's .39 p/m you are loosing ..and would only take 4 + months to burn up those miles Sent from my DROID RAZR using EO Forums mobile app
  2. asjssl

    Phones Straight Talk

    You get what you pay this business being able to make/receive calls is the lifeblood of your operation.. Sent from my DROID RAZR using EO Forums mobile app
  3. asjssl

    Vegas or phoenix?

    El Paso Tx Sent from my DROID RAZR using EO Forums mobile app
  4. asjssl

    Gay discrimination

    but who are the asking..who is going to tell the truth..are you gay..NO!................people do lie about this all the time..:confused:
  5. asjssl

    Gay discrimination

    sorry I stand up for family ..guilty.. his nutty parents sure wont because of who he is.. stand up for something you truly believe in... and get called a homosexual yourself
  6. asjssl

    Gay discrimination

    this is why you will never get a accurate # you said.." you don't ever have to have read the Bible to know that homosexuality is wrong" ..gees if i was gay i would be scared shizless to come out..I seen what my nephew is going through...why I cant see how anybody can put a number on it...i...
  7. asjssl

    Chevy Express 2500

    My experience and with oil goes down...way down when there going out.. Sent from my DROID RAZR using EO Forums mobile app
  8. asjssl

    Gay discrimination

    how do they know that its a guess not everybody is forthcoming with the information...jesus has them scared to admit it..
  9. asjssl

    Gay discrimination

    My guess 20%+ who knows...society/religion made it such a bad thing ...people are terrified to admit who they are... Still Dont get why anybody would care... Sent from my DROID RAZR using EO Forums mobile app
  10. asjssl

    March 2014

    Finishing Brads van...pick him up tomorrow... then its Gr- San Antonio Sent from my DROID RAZR using EO Forums mobile app
  11. asjssl

    Gay discrimination

    Well sticking up for family 1st !!! and I'm sure its WAY above 2-3 % Sorry it offends you... Sent from my DROID RAZR using EO Forums mobile app
  12. asjssl

    Gay discrimination

    Nope . ..just standing up for a nephew who's Waco religious parents disowned him because of WHO HE IS...though the article does prove my theory... Sent from my DROID RAZR using EO Forums mobile app
  13. asjssl

    Gay discrimination

    No surprise...those who yell the loudest are the most guilty..Homophobic southern states watch the most gay porn Sent from my DROID RAZR using EO Forums mobile app
  14. asjssl

    Gay discrimination

    Sent from my DROID RAZR using EO Forums mobile app
  15. asjssl

    Question for new GM Van owners.

    You can set up left is coolant..then rpm...oil temp....trans temp...was 299 on auto Sent from my DROID RAZR using EO Forums mobile app
  16. asjssl

    Question for new GM Van owners.

    1-1.5 per gal bump... Sent from my DROID RAZR using EO Forums mobile app
  17. asjssl

    Question for new GM Van owners.

    Will it be under 10,000..I would go 6.0 ..4.8 too small for that...6.0 also comes w/ 6 spd I have 1 like it alot..I can get 17 ...I run a bully dog tuner too Sent from my DROID RAZR using EO Forums mobile app
  18. asjssl

    March 2014

    Get to Little Rock 1.5 hrs early this morning....WELL... Charlotte office screwed up..this load is going to a job site...nobody here till tomorrow to unload me ...well,......... very very nice rate to sit for 24 hrs. :thumbup:So now off to hotel to sleep the rest of the day... Sent from my...
  19. asjssl

    Dodge Promaster

    Yahhh...I'm not going to be a test bunny for a totally new vehicle...2 words...Ford Escort..let's see after the 1 st 300,000+ Sent from my DROID RAZR using EO Forums mobile app
  20. asjssl

    Gay discrimination

    Gee...sounds like religion. Forcing there ideas on us..making laws according to THERE faith & pushing it on us/me...does not feel good does it.. all they want is equality . Not to legislate your bedroom/body..:) Sent from my DROID RAZR using EO Forums mobile app