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  1. xxiv24


    I am truly sorry for your loss. I want to share this with you as it was sent to me when my buddy Snaps was taken from me. Grieve not, nor speak of me with tears, but laugh and talk of me as though i were beside you. I loved you so...'Twas heaven here with you...
  2. xxiv24

    March Banter and Location

    I think, therefor....crap what was I thinking? Sent from my SPH-D710 using EO Forums
  3. xxiv24

    March Banter and Location

    Fuel goes up, freight goes down. What a shocker. Sent from my SPH-D710 using EO Forums
  4. xxiv24

    Suggestion Box Thread

    Not at all. i errored and assumed that a suggestion in a suggestion box thread was simply that. I sometimes forget i am on an open forum in this instance as i was reminded by a friend. Hence if i appeared hostile, my apologies to all concerned.
  5. xxiv24

    Suggestion Box Thread

    Understood. :)
  6. xxiv24

    Suggestion Box Thread

  7. xxiv24

    Suggestion Box Thread

  8. xxiv24

    Suggestion Box Thread

    Evidently, I have overcomplicated the simple. Allow my to try again. When we put in a macro to go out of service, we are presented with a list of numbers to choose from each one denoting the reason for going out of service. I suggest that an option gets put in the going into service macro...
  9. xxiv24

    Suggestion Box Thread

    Why? I am not complaining....great googly moogly, i give up.
  10. xxiv24

    Suggestion Box Thread

    I am sure that they do a follow up if the message is not read by a certain time. My point here is that dispatch can and does get very busy at times. It is a possibility that say a fella gets busy at the time with a myriad of calls/ problems that need solved...all part of thier job. So you have...
  11. xxiv24

    Suggestion Box Thread

    Sent you a pm jen Sent from my SPH-D710 using EO Forums
  12. xxiv24

    Suggestion Box Thread

    Ty. I thought I made a suggestion, not grounds for a debate. Thanx Jen. Sent from my SPH-D710 using EO Forums
  13. xxiv24

    Suggestion Box Thread

    Confused, is this an answer to my query or something that you do? Sent from my SPH-D710 using EO Forums
  14. xxiv24

    Suggestion Box Thread

    Good morn all! It has been awhile but i have something worth posting. This weekend i received a load from dispatch over the qc w/o a call first. This is not a problem as i happened to be in the truck at the time. I wonder what would have happened if i were in a movie theater or some other...
  15. xxiv24

    March Banter and Location

    You realize that you are asking for the discovery and growth cycle of a carrot expose? Sent from my SPH-D710 using EO Forums
  16. xxiv24

    March Banter and Location

    Sent you a pm. Sent from my SPH-D710 using EO Forums
  17. xxiv24

    Davey Jones Dead at 66

    We each have our heroes. For Scott,and others including myself, Davy and The Monkees provided us with a bit of fun when we were children. Entertainers, some more than others, often give is something to aspire to. You talk about no recogntion for real war heroes? Well consider that the...
  18. xxiv24

    happy news i want to share

    Gratz mate!!! Sent from my SPH-D710 using EO Forums
  19. xxiv24

    January Banter and Location

    You're asking how you post as you post....luv it. :) Sent from my SPH-D710 using EO Forums
  20. xxiv24

    January Banter and Location

    Well crap! Now I am changing my name to Bill the cat. Aaaaaaaaackkkkkkkk! Errrm, in reference to the twofer post. Lol Sent from my SPH-D710 using EO Forums