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  1. muttly

    EPA considering banning wood stoves.

    The EPA environment wackos are at it again. EPA Wood Stove Bans Include 80 Percent Of Burners Now On The Market
  2. muttly

    A cowardly murderer is released from jail.

    What do you get for cowardly murdering a young couple in cold blood? 15 years in jail for each victim, a hero's celebration and plenty of money for your deed to live comfortably for the rest of your life when you get out. This scumbag shouldn't have seen freedom ever again. A stupid thing to let...
  3. muttly

    Suzy Orman: Stay the course.

    So I'm working out at the gym and I see 'Financial Guru' Suzy Orman on a tv so I put my ear set on and listen to what she has to say about our 'fiscal crisis'. I thought this would be interesting considering some in here think we need to 'right the ship' and 'turn this country around'. I figured...
  4. muttly

    A.G. Holder's witch hunt

    Is this guy the the most disgraceful attorney general ever? From the fast and furious debacle to countless other excursions into lawlwssness and coverups, he now is continuing an open investigation on George Zimmerman for civil rights violations and NOW has opened up a hot line for all to call...
  5. muttly

    V.P. Joe Biden's home defense tip of the day.

    Biden : You don't need an 'assault weapon'. Just get yourself a double barrel shotgun and fire two shots through the door.
  6. muttly

    Walmart's worst start to a month in seven years.

    Obama's economy is wrecking havoc on businesses. One of those is Walmart,which according to an email from one their execs obtained by Bloomberg, is having their worst start to their February in seven years. From article: (Walmart U.S. CEO Bill Simon) Simon cited negative economic growth...
  7. muttly

    The New Party of Drones?

    Interesting article about a Pew research poll's finding regarding our Drone program. Looks like the Dem's are also embracing Dick Cheney's position more and more every day. Are they becoming The Party of Drones? From article: I’m trying to be charitable and assume that a lot of this is...
  8. muttly

    Obama's highest gas prices ever.

    Gas prices have reached an all time high for this time of year under the Obama regime From article: Meanwhile, the U.S. Energy Information Administration reported Monday that gasoline expenditures in 2012 for the average U.S. household reached $2,912, or just under 4 percent of income before...
  9. muttly

    Obama's regulatory war on the economy.

    Obama's new regulations that his department's had on hold until after the election are coming soon and expecting to hit everyone's pocket book. Including middle income people and the poor. From article: The still-unwritten industry overhaul that ObamaCare is attempting to orchestrate, the...
  10. muttly

    Obama surrigate O'malley's uh oh moment.

    When asked a question are people better off than they were four years ago. Gov.O'malley's response: "NO" Busted!:D O?Malley: We?re Not Better Off Now -
  11. muttly

    Texas Tea.....Party

    The tea party strikes again as tea party favorite and constitutional conservative Ted Cruz beats the establishment candidate David Dewhurst in the senate primary in Texas. For those who say the tea party is dead, do it at your own peril. The death of the tea party has been greatly exaggerated.:D...
  12. muttly

    AG Holder's Nixonian paranoia.

    Who is more like Nixon? Is it it AG Eric Holder,Obama, or is it a tie between the two? AG Holder believes the request for Fast And Furious documents are nothing more than a witch hunt during an election year,yet his continued delays and stonewalling in this investigation has resulted in a...
  13. muttly

    AG Holder held in contempt for witholding Fast and Furious documents.

    This guy should resign immediately. He actually claimed the republicans are doing this because of his opposition to voter ID laws. What a joke. House holds Holder in contempt over 'Fast and Furious' documents - Washington Times
  14. muttly

    Obama exerts executive priveledge in Fast and Furious documents.

    Instead of allowing the documents to be released so congress can get to the bottom of this, he exerts executive priveledge. Another blatant example of Obama's lack of transparency that he had promised. Obama asserts executive privilege on Fast and Furious documents - And another show...
  15. muttly

    MSNBC edits clip of Romney to paint him as "out of touch".

    MSNBC is at it again. They just can't help themselves. Whether it is editing the Zimmerman 911 call, Ed Shultz's racially tinged "black cloud "comment taken out of context about Rick Perry, MSNBC is compelled to manipulate the news to fit their left wing agenda. NOW they edited a clip to fit...
  16. muttly

    MSNBC's Al 'not so sharp" Sharpton does it again.

    How does this race baiter stay on the air? Oh that's right he's on MSNBC, where they have no standards. I guess also if there is someone on cable news,that has no ratings, and nobody is watching is he actually on the air?:rolleyes: I agree with Mark Levin. This idiot should be fired. Keeping...
  17. muttly

    Obama's one percenters

    Obama's one percenters are the ones that give that tiny $35,800 donation so that they can get access in the whitehouse. Unlike the other 99% who don't usually have that money to throw around. He's busy afterall so the only way to get his attention is to drop that little envelope at the donors...
  18. muttly

    Bumbling MSNBC's Bashir bungles Santorum's charity givings

    MSNBC's hack Martin Bashir calls out Rick Santorum because he gave so little to charity on this years tax return. At the same time he trumpets how much Obama gave to charity and laments that a so called christian like Santorum could be such a hypocrite. The only thing, if Bashir CHECKED HIS...
  19. muttly

    Romney leads Obama in new polls.

    C'mon all you RP supporters get on the Romney train. RP and Romney are buddies and they are in kahoots too.:DHe's beating Obama in a new poll. I mean Obama's over three years in his presidency and he's only getting 44% of the vote. That's lame so might as well vote for Romney. He'll turn this...
  20. muttly

    Dems War On Women

    Hillary Rosen is a democrat strategist(um I think this is the wrong strategy) and Obama friend. Her take on Ann Romney,wife of Mitt Romney is that since she stayed home and raised her children that she hasn't "worked a day in her life" and basically said that she can't relate to women's issues...