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  1. asjssl

    The State of Hate

    Where do we stop this non sense??
  2. asjssl

    The State of Hate

    How ever you want to spin it...just proves they all pic n choose what "sins" they feel warrant there ignorance. .and this whole religious freedom is BS. .which is no surprise. . Not hard to argue that the vast majority of bible belt is the biggest group of hypocrites. .they track porn...
  3. asjssl

    The State of Hate

    As we figured these bigots pick and choose what "sins" are good and bad to justify there is a very good example.. Here is the best chooses to cheat on there spouse...that's does NOT choose to be gay..not ok..hmmmm...sounds like good Ole southern bigotry at its...
  4. asjssl

    The State of Hate

    Furthermore. .the ones judging people are the ones when you do a little digging..are up to all sorts of goes right back to the hypocrisy of it all.
  5. asjssl

    The State of Hate

    It's the picking and choosing of what they feel is there religious freedom.... Guaranteed there baking cakes for adulterers. .people on there 4th marriage...would be more understanding if they stuck to there principles. ..just another way to be a bigot.....typical
  6. asjssl

    The State of Hate

    So true!! just a bunch of hypocrites. .
  7. asjssl

    The State of Hate

  8. asjssl

    The State of Hate

    Mayor of Indianapolis defies the govenor
  9. asjssl

    The State of Hate

  10. asjssl

    2015 RAM Promaster Upfit from A to Z

    I get all my "RV" accessories like that door from a place in my town...his brother has a place basically @ 131 & 80/90 White Pigeon Mi. They are "A up fitters wal mart" :) This guy is right of I 94 exit 66 1/2 way between Detroit & go by it all the time...
  11. asjssl

    The State of Hate

    Good move: The Church of Cannabis.
  12. asjssl

    Pets In Trucks!!!

    I buddy and I have a whole thing worked out...I like to use the RV islands @ flying j so he can run around while I am fueling...they learn how things go real quick... NOW tying my dog up and leaving him ...will NEVER happen..I guess they don't get the freight then...wouldn't tie my...
  13. asjssl

    The State of Hate

    Wait till someone denies making him a cheeseburger because HE is against there religion. ..guaranteed he will sing a diffrent tune...
  14. asjssl

    The State of Hate

  15. asjssl

    Pets In Trucks!!!

    My Co-driver has been with me out here for 6 yrs. He loves it...and so do I.
  16. asjssl

    Conservatives will have a candidate in 2016.

  17. asjssl

    Conservatives will have a candidate in 2016.

    your joking right??
  18. asjssl

    22 Maps That Show How Americans Speak English Totally Differently From One Another

    Re: 22 Maps That Show How Americans Speak English Totally Differently From One Anothe ..................
  19. asjssl

    Hello March, where ya at

    They got me a 1,600 miler out of Nola a few weeks ago..
  20. asjssl

    Mississippi allows NON CDL to drive church buses.."Jesus takes the wheel act"

    That's great...can people other than church organizations parents from the local scout troop??