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  1. xxiv24

    April location's and other gossip

    I got one good week at the end of Jan. One excellent week at the beginning of Apr. Everything else was a strong bucket-o-crap. :-P Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using EO Forums mobile app
  2. xxiv24

    Nothing but time...

    Another done with one in progress..
  3. xxiv24

    April location's and other gossip

    Until then, Giggity Giggity Goo!
  4. xxiv24

    Nothing but time...

    And now the finish...
  5. xxiv24

    April location's and other gossip

    Yeh, right? :confused:
  6. xxiv24

    April location's and other gossip

    $$...what's that?
  7. xxiv24

    April location's and other gossip

    Spraying Jamesons through your nose after reading some of these guesses...:p
  8. xxiv24

    April location's and other gossip

    Standing behind a bush whispering into your phone, "Hello? It's me again Margaret...I betcha' can't guess what iiii'm doin."
  9. xxiv24

    April location's and other gossip

    Slinking behind a shelf in 7-11 slamming your face full of lil debbies snack cakes?
  10. xxiv24

    April location's and other gossip

    Well hurry up and step up to the plate...:p
  11. xxiv24

    April location's and other gossip

    Where's the fun in that?
  12. xxiv24

    April location's and other gossip

    Yep. Mine as well. Galaxy S-3
  13. xxiv24

    April location's and other gossip

    For Canadian Ken, Thanx for that insight. I do not, however, need any sage advice or self help guru garbage delivered to me. No amount of cheerleading, or the utterly ridiculous it is what it is statements are going to make this intolerant situation, somehow, seem more tolerant. Depression...
  14. xxiv24

    April location's and other gossip

    tp: sent using my Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator
  15. xxiv24

    April location's and other gossip

    Yeh that's the ticket. Put in a fan to waft around the phantom crappers Even better, a floor liner for that crosseyed putz! sent using my Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator
  16. xxiv24

    April location's and other gossip

    Nothing, goes great with lava lamps and orange shag the tune low rider for ambiance... sent using my Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator
  17. xxiv24

    April location's and other gossip

    We can get piles in the wash bay? I think I'll pass...thanx tho. :p sent using my Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator
  18. xxiv24

    House destroys 4th amendment

    Yeh, that'll teach 'em... sent using my Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator
  19. xxiv24

    April location's and other gossip

    And a disco ball... sent using my Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator
  20. xxiv24

    April location's and other gossip

    In Hayti, Mo. Listening to Bob Seger sing down on main street, painting miniatures. Ho-hum... sent using my Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator