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  1. RLENT

    Boycott the NFL

    Yes ... and while you're watching just remember that the individual that wrote the above said - IIRC - that Obama would be rounding up and interning his enemies in prison camps within a couple months after the election ... ... the 2008 election that is ...
  2. RLENT

    Boycott the NFL

    I understand what you are saying, but I don't think that's necessarily true. It's possible for something to generally reflect some aspect(s) or attribute(s) of (a) culture, and yet be a sound business principle. The success (or lack thereof) in implementation of the principles (and subsequent...
  3. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    And yet another lie of Netanyahu's exposed ... he recently claimed some time ago - after receiving almost immediate international condemnation (including the US) - that the plans for a proposed 20,000 settlement houses were "cancelled". Apparently however, the invitation for housing bids on new...
  4. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    More evidence on how Israel - a supposed "nation of laws" - can't follow Israeli, Palestinian, or International Law, when there is dispossession and ethnic cleansing of (Palestinian) Bedouins to be done: Full article: The Bedouin struggle for water in the Jordan Valley Israeli's aren't...
  5. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    More evidence of Israeli duplicitousness and lies: Israeli DM Approved 3,000 New Settlement Homes in West Bank BTW - the "annexation" of Jerusalem is a direct and complete violation (on multiple counts actually) of United Nations General Assembly Resolution 194 which states in part...
  6. RLENT

    Boycott the NFL

    True ... but it's just possible that business practices might be a reflection of broader cultural values.
  7. RLENT

    Boycott the NFL

    Oh yes ... which is undoubtedly why we adopted JIT ("just in time") inventory control/manufacturing ... which they honed to a fine art ... :rolleyes:
  8. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    Israel is a nation that loves its Palestinian neighbors so much that it's willing to provide them with air conditioning ... at no charge even ...
  9. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    Complete BS ... How many Americans do you think are aware of the fact that if you're Jewish in Israel and certain areas of Occupied Territories, it's a breeze to get permits to build ... and if you're anything other than Jewish it's next to impossible to get permits ... How many Americans do...
  10. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    Bedouin Arabs protest forced displacement plan in Negev, southern Israel - International Middle East Media Center
  11. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    BS ... if that were truly the case the Prawer Plan wouldn't be being condemned by both the Bedouin and International communities, and the Israeli government would have truly worked to establish a mutually agreeable solution. Apparently, what the Israeli government is doing is a thoroughly...
  12. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    BTW, I am rather curious - if Israel is really "all that" in your mind, then why are you here in the US and not there ?
  13. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    You can repeat it as many times as you would like - but doing so does not change the actuality of the matter. The actual fact of the matter is: Some (Palestinians) are (citizens of Israel), some are not. Your position is problematic from two standpoints: 1. If one looks to what constitutes...
  14. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    Well, leaving aside the rather gratuitous insertion of hasbara ("maybe this is why Israel have one of the worlds most layers per capita") - which seeks to somehow position Israel in a positive light (that would be the "We Rock" portion of the playlist), basic law at it's core is really pretty...
  15. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    You betcha - and I am not alone in it - in fact, some Jews share it - so I figure I am potentially in good company. Justice has everything to do with the case at hand. I would say the purpose of law, as a general matter, is to ensure equal justice - the idea being that all men are equal before...
  16. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    From the "Ya-Almost-Can't-Make-It-Up" department: Israel to forcibly evict 40,000 Bedouins from ancestral land
  17. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    Overview of the "Day of Rage" activities in Palestine, including an interesting tidbit at the end about Israeli police urgently summoning Bedouins and telling them they needed a permit for a 3rd day of protests, Israel being a nation of laws and all ... Apparently however, no permits are...
  18. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    An Auschwitz Survivor On Palestine:
  19. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    More coverage on the NYT's unethical and incestuous conflict-of-interests with Kershner/Goodman and some additional dirt on the NYT's former Jerusalem Bureau Chief Ethan Bronner's own scandalous, conflict-of-interest ridden conduct: Another major conflict of interest for the NY Times Jerusalem...
  20. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    Well, that certainly didn't take much time or effort: Rest of the dirt on the NYT's conflicts of interest with regards to biased pro-Israel coverage at the link below: New Conflict of Interest at NYT Jerusalem Bureau ? FAIR: Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting