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  1. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    The following article illustrates some of the mechanics of ethnic cleansing and dispossession: 1. Withhold municipal planning for years and years for an area that has an expanding population. 2. Withhold permitting for new building on the basis of No. 1 3. Leave the population - whose...
  2. RLENT

    Done Deal

    His comments were likely tempered by the fact of who he was speaking to - a very pro-Israel audience at the Saban_Center_for_Middle_East_Policy - and it was being televised in Israel as well ... The Lobby is still very much alive ... ;)
  3. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    If your choice was "very, very bad" ... versus "even worse" ... which one would you choose ? Or it could be that due to the "state" of Israel has made conditions so intolerable in the Occupied Territories that they know how bad it is in OT ... and that it will only get worse if Israel has its...
  4. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    I think I may have missed the following (it wasn't in red) Your call entirely as to what you want to answer or comment on. I reserve the same option in terms of responding to what you post here. It is officially defined as "public diplomacy" on behalf of Israel (singing Israel's good praises...
  5. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    I hardly think so - it is a formal UN body which is charged with addressing human rights in member states. It is not a static body, but has "classes" of representatives, which are elected - by the full UN General Assembly - from member nations on a rotating basis. The term of each class is for...
  6. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    I don't find it particularly comforting at all - given the fact that there is much greater injustice still existing. What I would find comforting is if you demanded that the Israeli government provided the right of return to those who were illegally ethnically cleansed, dispossessed/robbed of...
  7. RLENT

    Boycott the NFL

    Because she's winning ... or because you're losing ? Ad hominem by vague implication ? That comment could be a taken a number of ways ... I certainly hope it wasn't intended in the way I think that it might have been.
  8. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    The final segment of "Reality Asserts Itself" - which covers what actually constitutes real anti-semitism - as opposed to the distortion and utter perversion of the whole concept of "anti-semitism" for ethnocratic political ends - primarily the silencing of dissent and restraining any criticism...
  9. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    If that is so, then provide some verifiable, documentary evidence that this is so ... surely there must be a legal document to enshrine such an agreement ... rather than just your assertion that it is so ... Some news coverage reporting this "breakthrough" agreement by "most parties" ...
  10. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    And not only does it include these lesser Israeli politicians, it, in fact, includes the highest elected (non-ceremonial) official in your country - Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu: The so-called "peace process" is a complete lie and a total sham on Israel's part - with only one true purpose -...
  11. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    And not only does it include Leiberman who is pretty far right of center, it also apparently includes Tzipi Livni - who is considered to be a relatively moderate politician (in terms of Israeli politics) - at least compared to the more extreme right-wingers like Leiberman: Book bannings in a...
  12. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    Of course you disagree - because you know quite well that the very idea that some of your fellow countrymen would espouse the idea of expulsion of any (indigenous) Israeli citizen who is not Jewish is utterly repugnant to most folks in the civilized world outside of Israel ... However, this...
  13. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    It doesn't answer any of my concerns - because I understand that it is simply hasbara (propaganda) intended to cast Israel in a good light - all while denying and diverting attention the particular, specific facts of what is actually occurring: The dispossession and eviction of a (non-Jewish)...
  14. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    More land theft in an occupied "foreign" land and more Israeli lies: Original article: IOF confiscates 1500 dunums south of Nablus
  15. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    Again - more exercising of control by Israel in a "foreign land" and the denial of the rights of the inhabitants: Original article: Israeli forces issue stop-work orders to Palestinian farmers in Jenin A 95% percent rejection rate ? That just don't pass the sniff test buddy ...
  16. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    No, it's the need to expose the truth ... and fight against the unjust, discriminatory conduct that my tax dollars are subsidizing. As I stated previously: I have absolutely no problem with acknowledging any group of peoples' right to self-determination ... what I don't grant anyone however is...
  17. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    I suppose expecting a reply that contained some candor would have been asking too much ... Your evasive and non-responsive answer is noted however.
  18. RLENT

    International Day of Rage

    Crickets: American Jewish establishment stays silent on Israeli plan to forcibly displace Bedouins
  19. RLENT

    Rick Santorum compares Obamacare to apartheid

    Rick Santorum: American Taliban ...
  20. RLENT

    Boycott the NFL

    Refuting the point that no one made, in order to ignore yours ? ;)