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  1. RLENT

    The American National Religion

    jj, I'm not sure which post "this post" above refers to ? The original article ? My comments on the original article ? My comments in response to cheri ? FWIW, I'd say the article is probably about both - and how a nation can misplace it priorities and become fanatical on militarism nearly...
  2. RLENT

    Extreme Cowardice

    Always a good idea and point to remember wrt I/P ... simply because one of the main ploys of Zionist hasbarats and Israel-Firsters is to bemoan how terribly complicated it all is ... Which, of course, is nothing more than a device which is used to stymie understanding of the simplicity of the...
  3. RLENT

    The American National Religion

    It's often unaddressed or not considered by many ... at least publicly. tends to have some decent ongoing coverage of the issue. Here at EO, I think LOS has addressed it in a general manner, based on the experiences of some close to him. I can understand that it might well be a...
  4. RLENT

    Watch that freedom of speech

    Here, I'll fix it for ya: "Here is tons of hasbara on Israel and the Palestinians if you have time to read all of it ." Ahhh ... no, no ... not really ... Why do I say that ? Well, because of what the forum publishes about itself on it's own website: From the "About Us" page: From the...
  5. RLENT


    That's certainly true ... but it's also apparently the case that some people will run across something that they don't agree with - say an opinion or an idea perhaps - and rather than actually addressing that opinion, idea, or whatever itself, they attempt to denigrate the holder or espouser of...
  6. RLENT

    A little sanity, at long last!

    Well I see the babysitter has arrived ...
  7. RLENT

    The American National Religion

    Some observations from Laurence Vance on some of what constitutes our present national insanity: The American National Religion -
  8. RLENT

    How liberals argue

    They're more likely worried about bad American entertainment - maybe Duck Dynasty, Real Housewives, or Honey Boo-Boo ...
  9. RLENT

    Daniel,Randy,Peter,Omar,Terry,Joshua,Jesse,Matthew ,and James

    #probablyshouldhavestayedhome #orchosenadifferentprofession
  10. RLENT

    About 2 weeks ago

    Likely just more crusaders for Jeebus, goin' to kill the little brown infidels ...
  11. RLENT

    How liberals argue

    With religious fanatics/wingnuts it usually boils down to a simple "My-faith-is-right-and-everyone-else's-is-wrong" - which of course gives rise to extreme religious bigotry ... The ones you have to really keep an eye on are the ones that appear relatively normal and fairly quiet ... they're...
  12. RLENT

    How liberals argue

    skyraider, Hmmm ... failing to link your source ... instead choosing to intentionally obscure it ... Way to step up and be upright, not deceptive, and honest ... not ... Sounds like the false god Jeebus (who is totally unrelated to Jesus BTW) at work to me ... Very "manly" too ... This one...
  13. RLENT

    How liberals argue

    ... or swallowed whole ... after being fed to the bigger fish in the aquarium for dinner ... ;)
  14. RLENT

    Extreme Cowardice

    If you're going to participate in the conversation then you should at least attempt to educate yourself, so you won't look quite so foolish by saying things that are obviously untrue. Here's a list some (but perhaps not all) of the people in Northern Ireland that have been killed by such...
  15. RLENT

    Extreme Cowardice

    Assertions in the form of "everybody knows" are not terribly persuasive or effective ... at least not with me ... Having said that, I don't doubt that some faking or fabrication occurs - on both sides - like when Israel ginned up the whole PR lie of how the people in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla...
  16. RLENT

    Extreme Cowardice

    UNGA Resolution 2649, which references UNGA Res 1514 which itself contains within it the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples: IMEU: UNGA Resolution 2649 on the right of populations to resist occupation Let me know if you need some tutoring on what the...
  17. RLENT

    Hasbara: An Overview & Quick Primer

    Nah - you give the Pals a break ... after all, they are the indigenous people who are being illegally dispossessed and ethnically cleansed from their own land ... LOL ... In Israel's case, quite a lot ... usually because it backfires and blows up in their faces ... This is becoming ever more...
  18. RLENT

    Hasbara: An Overview & Quick Primer

    In some respects it is, but as Ragman notes at times it's played at a whole different level ... the stakes are a lot higher there than they are here ... at least at present.
  19. RLENT

    Extreme Cowardice

    Illegal occupations in a foreign land - which Israel's actions with respect to the OPT have been determined to be by a number of international bodies - come with a cost. Further, the right to resist occupation - even with armed resistance - is a right recognized under international law. Long...
  20. RLENT

    Extreme Cowardice

    He shot her with a rubber-coated steel bullet (maybe you should try reading, rather spewing - it may help you look at least somewhat less clueless) ... which can be lethal ... a bean bag projectile is irrelevant - - since it wasn't what was used - and is simply an fallacious attempt to deflect...