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  1. RLENT

    DUTY - by Robert Gates, confirms what most have suspected

    So ... do you have a revised time frame for when they will begin rounding up all the political opponents and interring them in camps ? I only ask because it appears that we are about 5 years past your initial estimate at this point and I'm trying to make plans.
  2. RLENT

    Goliath: Life and Loathing In Greater Israel

    Whoa ... this just in: BREAKING NEWS:"Obama calls Max Blumenthal an anti-Semite"!
  3. RLENT

    Time quiz to predict your political leanings

    Here's the sort of mental derangement that occurs when you pass that 90% threshold of conservatism: #protectyourasparagus
  4. RLENT

    Goliath: Life and Loathing In Greater Israel

    Why Rosie Gray might have an axe to grind to when comes to Max Blumenthal (4 page article, where Blumenthal exposes what Gray has done and is complicit in): Exposing the Dark Forces Behind the Snowden Smears
  5. RLENT

    Time quiz to predict your political leanings

    Ahh ... sadly, no ... something that seems more apparent to me with each passing day ...
  6. RLENT

    Goliath: Life and Loathing In Greater Israel

    Make sure ya read the comments to the article ;) Doesn't look it was all that well received ... Basically just more attempted smearage by another Ziobot hack ... Oh ... you didn't know that above piece was written by an Israeli national (Rosie Gray) ? ... who, interestingly enough, is/was a...
  7. RLENT

    Colorado dope dispensaries preparing to accept food stamps

    It seems to me that one could recall what those particular issues or matters were and then simply search to find them. I would think that discovering this "obvious bias" would have left quite an impression ... in fact, it seems that it did. If the bias is so obvious it ought to be easy to...
  8. RLENT

    Time quiz to predict your political leanings

    Allow me to relieve your burden: 7/93 ;)
  9. RLENT

    Colorado dope dispensaries preparing to accept food stamps

    LOL ... now you've went and boxed yourself into a corner ... Nice move Ace ... ;) First you made the claim that "the first few times I read their crap" you found it "obviously slanted" ... but you don't seem to be able to provide any actual examples of this - you know, like the specific ones...
  10. RLENT

    DUTY - by Robert Gates, confirms what most have suspected

    You say this in apparently complete self-unawareness ... not realizing that it is exactly people like yourself that promote and enable it. #unintendedconsequences
  11. RLENT

    Colorado dope dispensaries preparing to accept food stamps

    Hmmm ... yeah ... I don't think so ... The only one I see here that might be taking leave of their senses is you ... Since you seem to be unwilling to substantiate your claim, let me see if I can provide some evidence that might tend to falsify it: Snopes 'Exposed' - Is Biased? -...
  12. RLENT

    Homeschooling a "straight jacket" on children

    You ain't missing anything ... it's basically just a rehash of an article Leo already posted awhile back ...
  13. RLENT

    Goliath: Life and Loathing In Greater Israel

    And this might help you out a bit: "... technically, factually accurate ..." Now, which of the three words above are you actually having trouble understanding ? (It actually seems like quite the endorsement) You were done in this one before you even started ... you just didn't have the...
  14. RLENT

    Israel Is Not A Real Partner For Peace

    An amusing and humorous (albeit sad) look at the pickle Bibi has gotten himself into: Even if he truly wanted to deliver peace - and I do not believe that he does yet - he probably couldn't deliver it. His radical compadres are totally oblivious that they are whistling past the graveyard at...
  15. RLENT

    Israel Is Not A Real Partner For Peace

    Netanyahu appears to be throwing up roadblocks to peace in the peace process - apparently while talking out of both sides of his mouth: Netanyahu rejects inclusion of Jerusalem in Kerry's framework deal - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz Under the original proposed 1947 UN partition...
  16. RLENT

    Rejecting The "Gatekeepers" That Seek to Limit The Discussion ...

    Transformation: Partnership with AIPAC solidifies Hillel's shift from pluralist space to arm of Israel lobby
  17. RLENT

    Israel Is Not A Real Partner For Peace

    And a real problem in terms of the "optics" of the US being an unbiased, honest broker for a fair and just peace: Are there any Arab-Americans on State's Israel/Palestine team?
  18. RLENT

    Israel Is Not A Real Partner For Peace

    Yup ... and it is being candidly acknowledged - at least by some - within Israel itself: Haaretz op-ed cuts to the chase: "Israel does have a solution: do nothing"
  19. RLENT

    Rejecting The "Gatekeepers" That Seek to Limit The Discussion ...

    Hilarity: DC Jewish Comm'y Center to stage panel on Nakba -- without Palestinians!