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  1. RLENT

    US Army POW is released in swap for 5 Gitmo detainees.

    Complete BS ... To some degree your statement - at least the portion that is at issue - is based on your own personal values, and what you consider to "right" and "wrong" ... It's a value judgement, and you can say that those accounts informed your opinion, but nonetheless it's a value...
  2. RLENT

    US Army POW is released in swap for 5 Gitmo detainees.

    Had to figure this was coming ... it was only a matter of time: Dear Soldier: We Need Some Information In Case You're Captured
  3. RLENT

    US Army POW is released in swap for 5 Gitmo detainees.

    From yesterday's NYT: Bowe Bergdahl’s Vanishing Before Capture Angered His Unit -
  4. RLENT

    Why we don't need liberals ideas

    Generally speaking, for the most part, as a personal matter, I don't find someone open carrying a properly holstered side arm at all disturbing ... That's my initial reaction - which is, of course, subject to change ... based on my continuing observation of their conduct, demeanor, and anything...
  5. RLENT

    US Army POW is released in swap for 5 Gitmo detainees.

    LOL ... well ok then ... ;) Accounts, accounts, accounts ... Has nothing to with "the accounts" - which you seem to want to really, really focus on - even though that isn't what my comment referenced or was focused on ... I'll state it again (sans typo): The assumption is that having an...
  6. RLENT

    US Army POW is released in swap for 5 Gitmo detainees.

    What is that "'something else' going on there" that you are claiming I was referring to ? Please elaborate ... shouldn't take you more than a sentence or two ...
  7. RLENT

    US Army POW is released in swap for 5 Gitmo detainees.

    Yup ... That's certainly what some extreme partisans would want ... anything to get at Obama ... regardless of whether the facts actually support it or not ...
  8. RLENT

    US Army POW is released in swap for 5 Gitmo detainees.

    lol ... post it - with the full headers (with specific identifying info redacted) ... I dare ya ...
  9. RLENT

    Sprinter butchery.

    If the controller is internally fused for each individual glowplug (and it is), how would that "wipe out the controller" ?
  10. RLENT

    US Army POW is released in swap for 5 Gitmo detainees.

    Expect it to continue until Bergdahl himself answers up. That would seem to assume to several things: 1. That no one among his "troop members" had any reason to vilify Bergdahl ... perhaps in order to discredit him unjustly, and divert attention off of their own conduct. 2. People are not...
  11. RLENT

    US Army POW is released in swap for 5 Gitmo detainees.

    After having seen enough of the Idiot Brigade on Fox News in the last 24 - 36 hours to last me a lifetime, I'm left to wonder what's really behind the incessant, rabid frothing at the mouth: Hating on Bowe Bergdahl by Justin Raimondo --
  12. RLENT

    Why we don't need liberals ideas

    Yup ... but it don't represent the viewpoint of the extremist, fanatical gun fondlers ... you know: ... the folks who believe that they, somehow - probably by Holy and Divine appointment - have been elected, along with their AR (at least in their own minds) to be the new sheriff in town ...
  13. RLENT

    US Army POW is released in swap for 5 Gitmo detainees.

    Speaking of enragement and the loud collective hysteria of the hacks and sycophants, here's some by the Big Daddy Neocon Chickenhawk himself:
  14. RLENT

    Why we don't need liberals ideas

    I heartily recommend the Corona unit pictured below - which I personally own - it's truly great piece of kit. In fact, I used it on a young oak last night that has been repeatedly threatening and attacking me during mowing operations. The Razor teeth make for very rapid delimbing: Their...
  15. RLENT

    US Army POW is released in swap for 5 Gitmo detainees.

    We'll have to agree to disagree then ... since it appears to me that it does. None ... I just recognize that your use of those words in a sentence do not preclude or rule out that you are drawing a conclusion based on something you assume is (perhaps fundamentally) true - as seemingly...
  16. RLENT

    US Army POW is released in swap for 5 Gitmo detainees.

    Captured ... while taking a dump ? Taliban intercept traffic courtesy of USG and Wikileaks War Diaries: (CRIMINAL EVENT) KIDNAPPING RPT B CO 1-501 PIR : 0 INJ/DAM -- WikiLeaks War Diaries Unarmed ... while squeezing out a dookie ? Well, I say: "... off with this cowardly traitor's head...
  17. RLENT

    US Army POW is released in swap for 5 Gitmo detainees.

    Evidently "rumor control" is some thing that exists in the Right Wing-Nut-O-Sphere: Bowe Bergdahl's Dad on Why He Grew That Beard - TIME A devout Presbyterian Muslim ... My goodness ... what will they think of next ?
  18. RLENT

    US Army POW is released in swap for 5 Gitmo detainees.

    Freedom fighters ... seeking to liberate their homeland from an occupying foreign invader ... Pssst: freedom fighters ... Get out of their country and it probably won't be a problem ... Funny how when The Shrub was doing his 1200 or so signing statements, asserting how he would interpret and...
  19. RLENT

    US Army POW is released in swap for 5 Gitmo detainees.

    We'll see ... Of course "appropriate" is a matter of opinion, all according to the values one holds. Of course it does ... You would have been good if you had just stopped after saying this: And skipped this: The assumption is that having an epiphany of conscience, morals or ethics, would...
  20. RLENT

    US Army POW is released in swap for 5 Gitmo detainees.

    What's really interesting is I wasn't asserting it as a fact or a certainty ... only a possibility ... That was covered in the little bit you conveniently left out while wearing your editing hat apparently: "... he sure might have become ..." Better luck next time ... ;)