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  1. RLENT

    The wave of Muslim immigration at Europe's borders is getting ugly.

    LOL ... You should have kept right on quoting ... but I get that it would have exposed your agenda (religious bigotry) Here's what follows immediately after what you quoted above: " ... The Roman Catholics or Papists are excluded by reason of such doctrines as these, that princes...
  2. RLENT

    'See Something,Say Something.'

    Might wanna work on your reading comprehension ...
  3. RLENT

    'See Something,Say Something.'

    The poisonous paranoia of 'see something, say something'
  4. RLENT

    Trusting Iranians...

    IAEA chief visits Iran's controversial Parchin site
  5. RLENT

    Democrats, baby killers

    Another complete waste of time and effort on the part of the GOP leadership ... all while ignoring important things that they actually have a chance of doing something about ...
  6. RLENT

    The wave of Muslim immigration at Europe's borders is getting ugly.

    Perhaps a good question for the Docktor would be if he thinks there ought to any sort of a religious test for holding elective office ... and how he would square that with the Constitution's prohibition on such a test ... Additionally, it might instructive were Dr. Carson to provide a complete...
  7. RLENT

    The wave of Muslim immigration at Europe's borders is getting ugly.

    Looks like your didn't have to wait long for the answer. In fact, it appears the answer was available before you even posted the above: Kerry: US to accept 85,000 refugees in 2016, 100,000 in 2017
  8. RLENT

    The wave of Muslim immigration at Europe's borders is getting ugly.

    You're characterization of them as immigrants is a bit off. What they actually are, are refugees ... Here's an article giving a short comparison of the differences between the two: Immigrant vs. Refugee And clearly, given the fact that the Syrian Christian population numbers around 1.7...
  9. RLENT

    Never forget them!

  10. RLENT

    Voter fraud

    Spoken like someone who has never spent a moment in abject poverty ... Give us a holler when you have something other than straw men and logical fallacies ...
  11. RLENT

    'See Something,Say Something.'

    You're the one - in apparent desperation - making it out to be that this is possibly some dark, nefarious conspiracy and that this kid cunningly hatched a plot to induce mayhem and panic ... If that's the case, then it's not all that hard to argue that he - being the cunning tech wizard that he...
  12. RLENT

    Voter fraud

    I agree only to the extent that valid I.D. should be required. Having said that however, the State, having imposed such a requirement, bears a responsibility to ensure that anyone entitled to vote, be provided with such an I.D. ... for free if they can't afford it.
  13. RLENT

    'See Something,Say Something.'

    LOL ... yup, it might ... It might also be released that the kid has a big pile of HEU sitting in a closet at home ... because: TERRIST! Chances of either ? Probably pretty slim ... Seriously, how tough do you think it would have been for him to pick up some modeling clay or Play-Doh and...
  14. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    No, Donald Trump Did Not Tell That Dumb*** He’s Going To Kill All The Muslims
  15. RLENT

    Trusting Iranians...

    lol ...
  16. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    I watched the entire event on C-SPAN ... thought it would be interesting. It was. I'd say that generally speaking he was treated with courtesy and respect ... although I thought I heard something that sounded like booing at a couple of points. It was fairly muted ... which isn't at all...
  17. RLENT

    'See Something,Say Something.'

    I certainly don't believe that ... after all the young man in question is from Texas is he not ? However, I will say that some of the most ignorant backwoods, Islamophobic, gun-carrying idiot racists I have ever encountered do hail from Texas ... But don't worry ... Texas is by no means alone...
  18. RLENT

    'See Something,Say Something.'

    In case you're having trouble differentiating - something that seems to be a distinct possibility, given your history - it's a humor site ... Which is not to say that they don't mostly nail it, on a general basis ... depending on one's viewpoint on things ... In fact, I think they did this...
  19. RLENT

    'See Something,Say Something.'

    Ahmed Mohamed's School District Once Worried Its Curriculum Was 'Pro-Islam' Hmmmm ... chain email ... now where have I seen that recently ?
  20. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    As are most voters ... Yup ... and if anyone would ever like some real insight into just how uninformed the electorate actually is, tune into C-SPAN when they are taking calls and listen to what's being said or asked. Preferably on an issue about which you reasonably well-informed. For a...