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  1. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    There is nothing that legally prohibits Donald Trump from releasing his tax returns. If you believe that to be otherwise, then please reference the specific law or statute that would apply. The fact is, Donald Trump promised to do so ... and hasn't done it. As we all know, making commitments...
  2. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    At this point - given the optics (yes, that's a thing) - any sane individual would decide that Dr. Ben Carson's role as a Trump spokesgoblin out to be kaput ... finished ... done ... But then we aren't talking about sane people are we ?
  3. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    Indeed there is ... much to The Donald's dismay apparently ...
  4. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    This just in: The Mex-sexicans done it !
  5. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    Note: first two links above are mislabeled - and are actually flipped of what they should be.
  6. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    No, I didn't know that ... probably because - again, like your statement about the birther movement - it isn't really an accurate statement. You might wanna check out the actual law: 18 U.S. Code § 208 - Acts affecting a personal financial interest - LII / Legal Information Institute and the...
  7. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    Have any verified facts or evidence to cite on that ?
  8. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    Fact of the matter is, Trump promised to release his returns ... and doing so has become a tradition for presidential candidates, at least within the last 50 or so years. Trump has not fulfilled that promise ... he has broken it. And to add insult to injury, his reasoning for doing so...
  9. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    In the interests of correcting the record, it appears that there is some conflicting information out there regarding the age of the girls that Trump was wistfully ogling, and dreaming about "dating" ... once they got a little older. What I initially read said they were 10 year-old girls and I...
  10. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    Nope, sure don't ... probably because that's not what actually happened. thoroughly details what is known and verified on the origins of the "birther movement" ... and they rate your claim above as FALSE. It appears that the actual birther movement first appeared out of the fever...
  11. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    Yeah, that's one take on it. Another might be that he's a self-absorbed, egotistical narcissist that craves the limelight and suffers from delusions of grandeur ... with inclinations towards authoritarianism.
  12. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    Is it possible that there might be something in those returns that people rightly ought to be outraged about ? Particularly given Mr. Trump's representations about his own financial condition and wealth ?
  13. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    Nah ... they're in "Let's-cover-the-continuous/perpetual-train wreck/dumpster-fire" mode ... They're doing what they do ... they covered him when he was making a spectacle of himself earlier in the race and probably found he was good for ratings. They continue to cover him now ... while he...
  14. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    Muttly, What do you figure the potential financial fallout could be from all this, for a guy whose wealth may well be in the form of value of his brand, his image ... as opposed to actual physical wealth ? I'm guessing that it could be pretty devastating ... demand falls or disappears for the...
  15. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    I dunno but rumor has it that The Donald is a big fan ...
  16. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    The Donald says that all these nasty allegations against him are totally untrue and utterly false and, and, and ... he has EVIDENCE ... Which, of course, will be released at the "appropriate time". What he didn't mention is that the appropriate time will be ... (wait for it) ... ... right...
  17. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    Already covered in the RedState article I linked earlier ... but without all the faux outrage ... and with much better humor.
  18. RLENT

    The Trump Card...

    Actually the question (agenda) was generally rather than politically ... but your answer covered it.