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  1. B

    Great EATS

    They even accomidate the 53ft trailers with tractors attatched. They thought I was one of the Harley Tractors when I came in. Motorcycle vest give it away? Anyone who stops there must post here and give us an update.
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    Elite Expediting

    Elite Elite Elite Elite Elite Elite dont think I will forget that name hope others dont either. Hate a crooked company to many facts for some of this not to be true.
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    I 95 from NH

    Please can the expierenced tell me the best route from I95 in NH or MA down to say Raliegh and points further South. Or is that the best way, Friday, ice, construction and those three wonderfull cities NY, BLT & D.C..
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    Snowing Again

    Enjoy your time off now, I wish you the very best for the North around the annual St. Pattys day snow storm oh just say Syracuse.
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    Navigation system?

    One other comment this system does have another down side as I have already broken 2 of them on my 3rd. I paid a little more for mine $1,100.00 but when ever it goes down (computer you know) I box it back up credit my visa and I go right back and purchase another. The one I have now works much...
  6. B

    The care and maintenance of box floors............

    RE: The care and maintenance of box floors........ 22ft
  7. B

    Working intrastate

    Find out for sure join OOIDA and ask. Cheap investment considering the consequences if we are all wrong RIGHT?
  8. B

    The care and maintenance of box floors............

    RE: The care and maintenance of box floors........ Now I remember who told me, just last week I decided enough was enough. Fork lift driver dropped a 20K computer stacked 4 high, then he ran the FL with the broken light mounted on the side into the side of my wall. I have delivered and PU...
  9. B

    Is there something for expeditors like getloaded?

    RE: Is there something for expeditors like getload A very good friend of mine went thru training at the X with him now has his own Authority. He is doing quite well and also is able to post his location and other companies call him now. Need lots of insurance, and the paperwork is daunting...
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    Response to U live U learn

    Tom is exactly right, the large corps. avoid this because so many fingers in the pot. Small corps need tons of insurance, if you have assets C or S if its big enough (suite) your gona be exposed if the attorney is determined enough. As for free attorney nope aint gona work maybee in your...
  11. B

    Fuel Mileage

    Just came off short week, bitter cold New England. Mileage improved to 8.4 go figure. Even got a ticket (warning) for 60 in 65. Cop really wanted to check registration as IRP plates do not have year sticker on them, and also he wanted to see my camera system not kidding even called two other...
  12. B

    Great EATS

    Name of the restaurant is BLUE SPRINGS Cafe sorry about forgetting to put the name in the post
  13. B

    Response to U live U learn

    Amount was way to large for small claims 35K but you know sometimes you are better putting things behind you. And yes I have looked into removing it but this wonderfull state NC has it set up that it takes a lawyer to get it exsponged if thats how its spelled from your record chances are...
  14. B

    Great EATS

    Bavarian Style where everything but the main course is put in bowls and just keeps comming. Looks like it was once a Stuckeys but has been remodeled over and it was wonderfull (you know those little suprises you find). Menue Included Fried Chicken (my favorite) Baked Scrod (2nd) Lasagna Fried...
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    Response to U live U learn

    Let me go right to the point, I posted regarding this a long time ago. I was arrested three years ago, person was a wacko. Went to trial judge got angry with Prosicution for bringing this into his court room. (I cannot sue, the party is married with joint assests). So unless I want to spend...
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    My Pro Heat is Sick

    Yes they do work on them. Stopped in Hurricaine WV to buy filters and they do work on them. Now they do not stock the belts non Kabota part so any outside parts will need to come from Pro-Heat or Napa. Please send me a msg on what went wrong and the cost of repair just for my info thnx
  17. B

    Rear rubber bumper pads on straight trucks....

    I am going to have some installed on my truck along with new tail lights. Trailer shops (the two I have spoken to) are very reasonable $ and seem to be happier with what they do than repair shops. (nicer people) East Coast Trailer in Charlotte, NC is one.
  18. B

    Response to U live U learn

    Says any criminal record, what if you have a record with no conviction (NOT GUILTY)??? just wondering.
  19. B

    Navigation system?

    Megellan 770 wonderfull small system. Downside does not know its in a truck NJ etc.... Upside, banks, hotels, restaurants if you want them or if you do not. Saves past inputs distance to distance traveled, how many hours (great for logs) etc.. The other negative look at a map first it...
  20. B

    Load Bars

    Had a load of computers 60 boxes @ 20K a box. Shipped four high I wanted to go three as the load bars would have prevented any movement three high. They wanted them shipped 4 high. OK put straps accross the top row front and back. They still slid forward (my camera showed me) re positioned...