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  1. Slo-Ride

    air line freeze up

    tknight I almost forgot bout this..I talked with 2 guys at a freightliner dealer, 1 being a wrench and the other a parts guy. None of them heard of any possible side affects from using Alcohol in your truck..:D
  2. Slo-Ride

    air line freeze up

    They are easy to plump in. It seems to me they need to be mounted several feet away from air dyer.Like 6 to 8 ft??? The more I think about these evaporators,It seems we had a discussion here or somewhere else about Airline Alcohol and possible damage to modern plastic valves that have wiring...
  3. Slo-Ride

    air line freeze up

    Sounds like it was a stuck valve for 1 reason or another,,dirt,,sludge,,or it may have been a slug of ice?? I doubt draining your tank on this day would have stopped this from happening especially if was already below freezing. I'm not sure but I think some of the airline antifreeze has a...
  4. Slo-Ride

    air line freeze up

    Dave is correct,,In a perfect world and properly maintained air dryer nothing else should be needed where most of us operate. But just in case you have one of those days when the planets don't align for you this is a real good thing to have..They works great and very easy to fill.Just make...
  5. Slo-Ride

    Weekend Weather

    Pretty much the standard in the Industry..Priority is to get the freight on the truck,,Worry about the tow truck later. This snow event shouldn't be enough to shut anyone down unless the 4wheels or a few super truckers that feel they can do anything get involved with ya. I check weather on...
  6. Slo-Ride

    Weekend Weather

    Well lets hope that don't happen again anytime soon..Maybe its time for some Hi-tech lighting or at least another layer of Ref. Tape. :D I personally hope you get to burn up those new drive tires on dry roads..LOL
  7. Slo-Ride

    Waterfowl Opinion Survey

    The DNR says its time to rethink our seasons..Every five years I guess?? I dont remeber getting this in past years but that dont mean I didnt miss it. I get a survey most years,,just dont remeber this one. As close as I can see they are asking if we want to split up our zones and change...
  8. Slo-Ride

    Weekend Weather

    I'm afraid of ppl that aint scared.. Your correct in saying it may or could change..Im just saying think before ya head out especially the way roads are being maintained lately,,Not telling anyone to turn down a job, just think about it..(the weather )
  9. Slo-Ride

    Weekend Weather

    Nothing we shouldn't be use to but careful not all of the idiot's have been weeded out yet with the mild weather we have had so far this winter.. As slow as it has been for some it still might be a good time to think before ya go.. Storm watch, Tornadoes, Thunderstorms, Weather News -...
  10. Slo-Ride

    when does freight pickup?

    Any day now,,Sit tight. They know right where you are at.
  11. Slo-Ride

    Anybody got a time machine?

    Don't ask em anything..Just get the freight on the truck.. They got pd the big money to put this load together. Run with it for 11 hours and let them worry about Xdocking it or not. As far as the time machine,,Maybe leg 2 is just going to the airport and you just dont know it yet..:D
  12. Slo-Ride

    Alabama Blitzing phones and drivers I-65

    Nope we didnt whine untill hall passes went into effect. We could allways smoke in school..We had a area set up for student smokers..Teachers smoked inside their break room.
  13. Slo-Ride

    A Moose visit OOIDA

    Maybe thats a never mind,,while waiting on coffee pot I grabbed the lil green book and found,, Center line of tape is to be 15 inches to 60 inches from road.. But no pictures so maybe I read it wrong. :D
  14. Slo-Ride

    A Moose visit OOIDA

    Speaking of Sparkle... John is that Reflective tape mounted properly? Seems low to me to be effective. I really don't know the law about it and am asking a serious Q..60inches above road bed is sticking in my head for some reason.Really ain't trying to be smart with a dumb Q. I dont know...
  15. Slo-Ride

    Alabama Blitzing phones and drivers I-65

    Jayson,,I aint trying to get anyone in trouble anymore then I wanna see a driver burned for talking to his family. But if ya do follow thru with your buds down there,,remind him it was the driver that tryed to get a free DOT Insp out of them sitting in the McDonald's parking lot..That should...
  16. Slo-Ride

    The Price of Going is Up

    To funny,,like someone said, Dont do that again.I cant remember how many times the checked book has been tossed my way and I heard the same thing. The food bill is one of the easiest thing to trim..Our problem is we are buying all package food instead of making it our selfs. Only a guess but...
  17. Slo-Ride

    Would you pay $20.00 a week for Ez Pass and Pre Pass.

    I dont think I want it from the carrier..Sounds like it could be 1 more deduction on settlement day even when ya don't run the toll roads.. And would this not increase p/work on the carriers end?? Sometimes I have gone better then a week (if not more)without getting stopped at a open scalehouse...
  18. Slo-Ride

    A Moose visit OOIDA

    Looks Great Moose. I remember ya talking about it at Talladega but had know idea it would look this good..I think ya where waiting to take delivery of it at that time?? I too like the pass on right sign and just may steal that from ya if I ever have any vinyl made up..
  19. Slo-Ride

    A Slow Start This Year

    I say maybe a slow start or maybe it is to much d/head this early just to keep working but 1 load like this can make up for yesterday without putting on many miles :D
  20. Slo-Ride

    Alabama Blitzing phones and drivers I-65

    Yes Both these officers where coming in off a public street into the parking lot..The one I really wanted a pic of,,By his facial expressions it was obvious he wasn't working but laughing and carrying on. Danny: Of course it wont impact the budget..taxes haven't even done that but the ppl...