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  1. greg334

    Anyone run super singles?

    Well Phil, the answer is NO. The super single chains add weight but not enough for the time they will be used (You won't got cross country with chains on) to actually effect the advantages of the overall weight reduction with super singles and your fuel mileage will take the hit anyway because...
  2. greg334

    Ron Paul Wins Iowa GOP Debate; Is Right On Iran

    Um ... seems to me that this is one of the ways things change. Ever read like Rules for Radicals or other similar writings?
  3. greg334

    Michigan cuts 30,000 college students from foodstamps

    Which part? It seems that both are intertwined, schools under public charter with public funding are the cause of students problems. Tuition is a problem for many, public schools are there to serve the public and if a student needs to take a loan, have food stamps and so on, the school is...
  4. greg334

    4 years of kicking the can thanks democrats

    That is true, I didn't remember if it was 74 or 78 but Ronnie Reagan, the definer of conservatism and what people think as the small government guy seems to continued it without any effort to end it, and the same with the departments of ed and energy.
  5. greg334

    Rick Perry will reportedly ‘make clear’ he’s running for president on Saturday

    I clarified my thoughts on this, beside what's wrong with a conservative democrat with a conservative republican? The same reason that everyone seems to be blaming Obama for some of the issues that have to do with congress. Bush allowed some of this to happen through the departments, like HUD...
  6. greg334

    Age of Van

    F450, they will make you log.
  7. greg334

    Vans chaining up...

    You know and I know vans don't have to do pretrips so many don't.
  8. greg334

    Having a beer

    I think many forget - your carrier may not allow any consumable spirits on board that truck or van. Don't matter what the DOT, FMCSA, States or howdy dudy says. FedEx and LS both have stressed that fact and I think E-1 has too. Panther from what I heard has the same policy and leads up to...
  9. greg334

    Vans chaining up...

    BUT Leo, if one actually gets out and chains up, they are doing two things, checking their tires and van and chaining up. Many times those push button solutions don't always get people out and moving about to find possible problems.
  10. greg334

    Economy must be picking up

    OK It must be really really slow - two loads in two days?
  11. greg334

    Landstar Orientation

    If you look at any FedEx contractor, you will not see them holding pom poms, wearing a cheerleader outfit, standing in a purple haze or wearing rose colored glasses. It takes an act of imagination to produce such an image. An imagination that does so is as capable of skewing one's...
  12. greg334

    Vans chaining up...

    As easy as it is to chain up a van, it would be a waste of money to get it.
  13. greg334

    Why Illinois Can't Afford its Poor Dead

    OK it does make a lot of sense because those who don't serve in combat are not the ones who need to be honored if we as a society make asinine statements about people who died and can't or are not afforded a proper/respectful burial. Those who served are two different types of people, one is...
  14. greg334

    4 years of kicking the can thanks democrats

    I think the republicans were the ones who started this rural flight thing in the first place.
  15. greg334

    Rick Perry will reportedly ‘make clear’ he’s running for president on Saturday

    Did it solve the problem? No, we have more problems internal, too much of a big system to deal with and leaks all over the place and on top of that the arrogance of organizations to be the one to do the job has increased. I know it is here and will be for a bit but I also think we can get...
  16. greg334

    Rick Perry will reportedly ‘make clear’ he’s running for president on Saturday

    Wow, I'm a liberal? I thought I was a classic liberal which means I do believe in some libertarian values but also believe that the role of government has to limited allowing the people to chart their own course while at the same time has a constructive purpose in limiting harmful things in...
  17. greg334

    Why Illinois Can't Afford its Poor Dead

    um... right ... let's see ... should yank some chains? (thinking to myself) ... yep... Look if you have the nerve not to respect any person in death, don't complain when people refuse to respect people in the military and their deaths. A person who was a citizen of this country deserves the...
  18. greg334

    Michigan cuts 30,000 college students from foodstamps

    Well this will sound liberal but it is needed for a rather larger percentage of those who are in those institutes of higher learning. If my state wanted to save money, they would have not cut the food stamps but rather force the five public chartered universities to lower tuition instead of...
  19. greg334

    Ron Paul Wins Iowa GOP Debate; Is Right On Iran

    I watched this for the hell of it and noticed that Santorum needs to get out of the race with his views. Bachmann should focus on doing something in congress which she has done little and Cain is ... well surprisingly more libertarian than conservative and many seem to support him with his 'like...
  20. greg334

    So you have a gun in your truck?

    Sue, I think this is one reason why we don't have riots in Detroit, we have a bunch of armed citizens who will not put up with rioting unless they are part of it. IT is amazing that as liberal and as dangerous this city is, we have demonstrations/protests that don't turn violent even through...