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  1. greg334

    Bachmann wins Straw Vote

    I agreed with everything but we had it since 1965.
  2. greg334

    More economics 101

    Hum ... the biggest problem we have with the free stuff is the 'free' stuff that costs us the most money - Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
  3. greg334

    How Long Before This Happens Here.....

    OK I guess it is simple. For those who want to keep saying we have poor and the government needs to help them, I want them to answer this question; How come a person can come from Bosnia with absolutely nothing and in less than 5 years have a business and a house and little debt WITHOUT...
  4. greg334

    Protest march in Mexico City against drug war

    We already have a real war going on in Mexico, and we may see a repeat of one of their civil wars soon enough, I can't understand why we are concern with Libya and Syria while Mexico is going to be a real and serious problem for us if all hell breaks loose there.
  5. greg334

    Obama, the lying sack of blank

    Who is he? OH yes the president is the one who created the bill, who passed the bill to become law and he is the one who allocated funding for it ... He lied because? what exactly? Maybe you might have missed this but it is one of those things that everyone knew would happen and one of...
  6. greg334

    Help with finding the wight truck

    I understand, maybe I should have said that it is a better durable trans.
  7. greg334

    How do most companies figure mileage?

    I did not see Moot's post, I think he said it better.
  8. greg334

    canadian trip

    Sorry can't seem to get a grip on this. I do a lot of border work and ... well let me say that I am not disputing your experiences Misskat but ... I don't have these problems. I do a lot of cross broder work and find that if I act professional, not argue with the guy/gal asking the question...
  9. greg334

    Age of Van

    Just saying what the OP used ... :D
  10. greg334

    winter weather

    The link below is a good start to know the chaining laws. Take a good look at Michigan's Updated Chain Laws AND don't buy cheap chains.
  11. greg334

    Having a beer

    That's great Phil ... :p
  12. greg334

    Michigan cuts 30,000 college students from foodstamps

    My point is ---- education has become expensive because the universities and colleges are supported by public funds, student loans and so on which in turn allows them to be too diversified with little competition to work toward either fulfilling their obligation of their charter or care about...
  13. greg334

    How Long Before This Happens Here.....

    Cheri, I think you would get this - you pay $560 a month with that interest rate for 36 months. At the end of 36 months, you will see an increase to $700 a month UNLESS the interest rate increases above 6.5% than you pay what the chart says you pay - if it increases to 7% then you pay $780...
  14. greg334

    Michigan cuts 30,000 college students from foodstamps

    The taxpayers are paying for foreign students (foreign or out of state) to go to schools like U of M, Michigan State, and other state chartered public schools - so if we are paying for them to attend, the charter is clear, they are there to benefit the population of the state, not a foreign...
  15. greg334

    Rick Perry will reportedly ‘make clear’ he’s running for president on Saturday

    Actually that is not compromise. One form of compromise is when you stand for something and then forsake it to get something else later on. The republicans have and still continue to do this instead of standing united behind anything and not caving. Actually I call that BS because Bush knew...
  16. greg334

    Rick Perry will reportedly ‘make clear’ he’s running for president on Saturday

    Didn't we get that when Clinton was impeached, the VP was standing by his man? Didn't serve the country, did it? Really? How many coups have we had?
  17. greg334

    Ron Paul Wins Iowa GOP Debate; Is Right On Iran

    No matter how you want to look at it, we had 31 people die this past week or so and the country seems to be a upset with that number - our social fabric seems to be ripped at this point because if we are to expect to defend or aid another country without any real justification like being...
  18. greg334

    Ron Paul Wins Iowa GOP Debate; Is Right On Iran

    So if any of those others in the republican group trying to become a candidate show their true colors, they would never get elected too, right? Actually it did in an acceptable form, the tea party is not a conservative movement although it is under the conservative banner because of the...
  19. greg334

    So you have a gun in your truck?

    OK a rare typo, God, I can't be perfect - I meant haven't.
  20. greg334

    CAFE Standards For Big Rigs....

    Well it is a long time coming and glad it finally got here. If you guys are getting in an uproar about this, think about how the manufacturers are going to do this and how the improvement can be achieved. They didn't say every truck nor did they say every configuration but they will baseline...