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  1. B

    Where are some of the old Posters

    Have not seen anything from Raceman lately or some of the other long time posters they are great part of this Forum...
  2. B

    Legal Issues

    This was probably 12 years ago. I had my cleaning service and was doing another contractor a favor doing a strip and wax on a Saturday. A driver pulled up to unload asked the person (I was their and over heard him ask if he could use a bathroom) I was in the middle of stripping the floors...
  3. B

    B-load Blues...

    Your all right about the company you choose that is totaly the secret of success or failure in this business... But a Van is gona utlimatley fail in my opinion ask the experienced drivers here (would you hop in one now starting over?) I know the answer and glad I asked before getting into...
  4. B

    Commercial Activity Tax {CAT}

    Serious question, is that 150K gross revenue in Ohio or all 50 states and Canada??? If it is the later than I do not see how it can be inforceable since they (Ohio) did not collect in the boundries of their juristiction.... If your a resident of that state than possibly yes if your an out of...
  5. B

    Lions got buts kicked what about

    Seahawks????? Panthers are on a roll tore up Bucs when they were only 1 point favorites,,, PLAYOFFS here we come wana bet a coke Tennessee Hawk... Are the Seahawks gona make it to the playoffs, if they do and we should meet in SB your gona come down here and watch it on my itty bitty tiny Big...
  6. B

    Bird Flu; Panic or Prudence?

    >you know i eat at a lot of asian places, im just wondering >.i really >dont feel to well, i hope it aint like that old movie i >think called airplane where they start spitting up eggs and >doing the chicken dance. Better start building a nest, chicks are ready to start hatching...
  7. B

    The cost of Credit

    According to the last post.....Now is that not a bunch of crap if I drive an RV and am a seldom useage customer you get a discount but if your a truck driver bend over, would you like KY or Vaseline.... No wonder I hate using this crapola company, fast food and get the *&^% out of here we...
  8. B

    The cost of Credit

    I have been noticing the price of using credit cards is increasing out there. TAs I believe is now .05 at some stations I know its at least .04. Pilots are the same. Wilco/Hess does not charge and if you have a Flying J Tab account is the same as cash. I did recieve a Pilot Visa and they do...
  9. B

    Information on Expedite rates

    If I could discover a nitch I would pick my salary say 70K a year (might be difficult since its more local) Use your point of salary that the customer can bear maybee I am wrong and its $80K. Divide by twelve, add in all of your expenses for a month thus multiply by twelve, divide by 52 and...
  10. B

    New Web Site

    One item I miss is who last posted on a topic.
  11. B

    What do you do?

    Very Educational thank you all I was correct in my thinking, they must tell me what they are looking for and if they should come accross something else than to bad. I have had a very bad incodent in the past with a person who should be hospitalized DA took the complaint had a warrant issued and...
  12. B

    Dissipearing Fleet

    Yeah right even with my little expierence I will call that bluff. For all miles BS.
  13. B

    Getting a break from the sleeper

    Truck stops or gas stations? Right off of the freeway I presume, and what brands of gas station. These are to valuable not to use when you want a room.
  14. B

    I-10 contruction...

    Stay on ten until it hits 12 take 12 and when 10 comes back up your fine. Going into New Orleans on 10 you will be detoured and can see up front the damage that was caused. It takes you over a two lane jam packed bridge at 5 AM on a Saturday. This is real mess stay North, my expierence was...
  15. B

    One more issue is APPOINTMENT TIMES

    Reads like s Story from WALLYWORLD=Walmart. The simple answer is say NO. I personally will not accept a load going to a Walmart warehouse to many rules just unload the darn freight sign for it and let me go. We are expediters for crying out loud not LTL or full truck load and the...
  16. B

    wieght problems

    It is not so much the total weight as much as it is per axle. You must scale at a truck stop IMM. when you are with in two thousand lbs of the limit. Their is a better than guarnateed chance you will be over on your steers or drives. Go through VA weighing over on your drives and under on...
  17. B

    What is our legal obligation

    Say a customer does not agree with the load count, and refuses to sign? My answer would be re-load it, call dispatch, than the Police if they refused to load it back. Came very close to this last summer any suggestions.
  18. B

    Dissipearing Fleet

    Last year I saw one of the large carriers trucks at almost every layover. This year I am not seeing very many at all. I see more Tri-State, Allstate and especially Panther. Other drivers with the mentioned companies have also commented to me that they are noticing the same thing. Did that...
  19. B

    Getting a break from the sleeper

    After two weeks I am ready to get out of the truck and treat myself, hotel, preferabily with a restaurant and lounge, washing machine and internet hook up. What is your favorite brand and could anyone comment on Motel 8s I see they always advertise free internet are they clean and do they have...
  20. B

    What do you do?

    Lets say you get pulled into a Weigh Station, they red light you and you show all documents and it is all in order. Than they want to search your truck? The cab and sleeper. Can they? I do not think so and I will object until a court order was issued. Why if I would not give a police...