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  1. Slo-Ride

    Another change coming to you....

    This little peice of paper has never been a burden to the truck that I can see..In fact it could be my only agurement/proof during a roadside inspection that my stuff was in order before starting the trip. Without it how do I tell or prove/agrue my lights where working when I left. Now granted...
  2. Slo-Ride

    Short haul defined....HOS

    Im thinking the Unions lost on this one..They lost a chance at a paid 30 min break resulting in possible 30 min overtime..I would think if there was money behind this decision it came from big bussiness and not the unions???
  3. Slo-Ride

    Short haul defined....HOS

    You didnt think big union trucking companys where going to allow this did you? Most local drivers would end up with a paid 30 min break resulting in huge payroll increases across the country. I seen this coming as soon as I seen the video from the hearing posted a few weeks ago. If there is...
  4. Slo-Ride

    Thanks for NOTHING!

    Layout after reading this its more then obvious you need more rest..No wonder these rules where put in place. You know darn well its not possible to be rested after sitting so long so more time will be needed..Go back to bed before they instill more rules on us. :(
  5. Slo-Ride

    Garden 2013 Time line

    Just talked with my partner in crime when we did this last and she states as long as your close to end of your recipe,, Its up to you now..Do a taste test by taking a fork down into the mix (center) and not off the top..If you like the flavor your done..From this point on the fermation process...
  6. Slo-Ride

    Garden 2013 Time line

    Yep...Give it the time needed in the receipe ya used..If you got the armoa now your on track..Get your jars ready..
  7. Slo-Ride

    New starter installed today

    I can see a wiring harness running up there possibly,,Something inline with the ign system and someone trying to troubleshoot the system didnt wrap and secure the harness. When we think Starter motor cables, Just doesnt seem right that they would be routed up there. But I dont know that for sure.
  8. Slo-Ride


    Picky picky ppl...:D
  9. Slo-Ride

    VERY Loud Ringtones

    Layout..get the app off the DU site..It comes from a vendor..I think I paid 1.99 for the waterfowl ringtones..Mallard ringtone is great..Only draw back is, I cant set up a different bird to different ppl. If its possible I havnt figured it out yet. Check out the other apps also..Most of the DU...
  10. Slo-Ride

    Garden 2013 Time line

    Am I to early?
  11. Slo-Ride


    Esp from a saftey point of veiw. For sure if the truck was idling I would knock first before entering the under carriage. Not a smart idea to go under there..
  12. Slo-Ride


    Thats a Good thing.. Just trying to give Ragman more to work with..LOL
  13. Slo-Ride


    Did you leave Jan at home? LOL Im thinking she can hold her own under most conditions..I know she will protect you. :D
  14. Slo-Ride

    A list of reputable shops... good & bad

    Lets find out.. Jackson Mich: Home Page Good spot for dead work..Running repairs maybe hit and miss depending on how busy they are. Great spot for parts inventory..Also has a store in Lansing mich not sure if there is a shop there or not. No driver facility's..If broke down you will need local...
  15. Slo-Ride


    He was propely just coming off his 30 min break when you saw him..No worrys, Fuel Island was propely full up that day. Or...He was picking up the money falling out of your truck..:D
  16. Slo-Ride

    TST Expediting

    Well...Its a new millennium now. :D
  17. Slo-Ride

    TST Expediting

    Not knowing what they told ya ppl can only assume what they told you and its a fair guess they didnt tell you the whole story maybe?? It is correct your in a good area for freight..A very good area. What they may have not let you know is: Sharronville is one of the few steady jobs they have...
  18. Slo-Ride

    TST Expediting

    Your refering to Transforce correct? And not TsT owning Dynamex... I think I have seen a Dynamex or 2 with the Transforce ribbon but no TsT logos.
  19. Slo-Ride

    2014 Michigan Waterfowl Seasons

    Oh Good. More time away from work. Weather has to break soon for that early goose season. I hate spraying bug spray on my hunting clothes. Still need alot water out in our area the Ponds and rivers are still way down.
  20. Slo-Ride


    Next,,,Some high end Electronics? Ya got it, May as well Spend it..:cool: