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  1. B

    Very NEGATIVE posts on the site right now

    OK why am I so happy right now? Maybee how I look at this business. I do not see the long time Posters complaining here. Why? They understand this business and are good managers of their money, and cycles of this business. Things could be better, but they always could be better. Wake up...
  2. B

    pros and cons of leasing,renting commercial vehicl

    RE: pros and cons of leasing,renting commercial ve Is this a Joke? 350000 miles could this make any sense? Glad it does not, think of all of the immidiate competition, plus what it would do to all of us who made the down deposite and purchased a truck when all of these vehicles get repossed...
  3. B

    Fuel Tank Covers

    I was just saying there are three places I can never get a load to it seems. Home, X-home (MI) and buy a great chrome shop with time to spare..... So since I got a great load to 8 miles of my house today maybee Iowa is next... Thanks for the tips...
  4. B

    waiting for loads

    Simple answer. Find a carrier that respects your time and investment. Hmmm best solution I have found, also check the attitude of the POSTS here. NOT VERY POSITIVE, think that might have something to add to it? Sure I have sat, not saying I have a perfect answer but the question sure does...
  5. B


    I wonder if he would let you see his actual Income Tax Return. 10K month take home, that would be impressive, but home on weekends that would be IMPOSSIBLE. Don't get to excited you need to see actual #s. How does a person get by without any expenses?????? I can only escape by stealing...
  6. B

    Wondering if this will here

    Their you go, congrats!!! Dont count on it being steady unless you make it steady, (dedication to building a base). Charge up the wazoo for these fragil items and SELL YOURSELF, I will take care of it as if I own it etc.... Your not gona build this up until you get the proper MC etc.. and...
  7. B

    Same or similar pains

    Already here, I heard an expierenced driver came across a 06 T-300 Bentz nicely equiped or loaded 38K miles for under $60. Whats that say? Ones loss another ones gain? Hate to see people jump into this without understanding the risk vs reward.
  8. B

    Fuel Tank Covers

    Where can one purchase those covers for Alum Tanks that go over the front, many stone chips and sand blasting. I have seen them in many colors to match some trucks paint, black would be fine with me. Thanks
  9. B

    Tri State's No Forced Dispatch Rule

    Where have I heard that from T-Hawk?
  10. B


    There is nothing nicer in a truck than a good quality seat, with arm rests. I love mine, cannot remember the name but its a German Mfg. KW dealers will have them or be able to get them.
  11. B

    Computer Problem

    Ok Phil you are correct, I owe you an apology. One must understand all of the frustration that I have gone thru with this being down and taking it around not like this is what I had in mind for my week at home. Second thing is these were the actual owners of both stores I went to, second one...
  12. B

    Computer Problem

    Yeah well Phil I am sure the day will come when it screws you to. As others have posted to back up my claim. I went to two Professional Computer Stores, the first one in Muskegon, at least got me to where I could at least browse the internet. His suggestion get rid of Norton, second one here...
  13. B

    Computer Problem

    I had Norton Security Protection on my computer. It has completely dissabled my brand new Dell. Just a warning to anyone who has or is considering this program from protecting your computer. DONT this is why I have not been on for the last month. NO COMPUTER on the road THANKS TO NORTON...
  14. B

    Ohio wanna be driver looking for help

    FYI you had better plan on staying longer than 2-3 weeks this business has a history of 3 weeks min and 4 more likely to really be profitable. Your killing the golden goose comming home to early, or staying home to long. The truck is just not generating $ if the wheels are not rolling or...
  15. B

    What would you do?

    I completely dissagree, I once read wear a stoned pot smoker exited his car and forgot to put in Park. Ran over a 40 year man killing him and everyone in his family was also run over. It also has a way to make one sleepy while driving, mind wonders from concentration.
  16. B

    Nickle and Dimed

    Bryan, my saving grace and I have not had to touch it yet as I have been paying for all repairs basically out of pocket, is try this every load that I put on the truck I automaticaly take $100 and write myself I check, these total up after a month or few months than I have enough to make it into...
  17. B

    Well now Denver, CO!

    I was pre dispatched two weeks ago out of Denver, load picked up Saturday PM. Good Luck let us know if its now turning into a freight zone...... Long run 2,200 miles delivered Tuesday.
  18. B

    Tri State's No Forced Dispatch Rule

    Your post will get there attention but thats about all. Start Looking thats what this Site is all about. No need to argue, vent, etc.. business is business and yours needs to be working for you. A team for a 100 mile run come on now, why do companies even bother with such small loads unless...
  19. B

    SAY WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    No matter where it happens its aggrivating if you do not want to be disturbed. Things like this have now probably happened to me 5-6 times, I can longer be a nice person as they take advantage of your carring heart. You need to shoot out of that sleeper ##### OFF as hardly anyone is gona...
  20. B

    A special thanks to Doc and Marda

    Before I even started in this Doc and Marda became two of my Mentors, and here they have posted on Weight Distribution again. With the knowledge I aquired from him I have put almost 200 loads on my truck, in all that time I have never had a single claim for damaged freight. I am still...